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Nama :Dwi Evryl Sambolangi

Nim : K021221076

1. Exercise 2

1. What is the cheapest car in this ad?

2. Which cars have air conditioning?
3. How many crown Victorias are available?
4. Does the Escort Eagon have power windows?
5. Can college graduates get a rebate for all the cars in this ad?
6. For which car can you get a “Daniel discount?”
7. Which car has the least discount?
8. Which car has an original list price of $13,499?
9. How many cars have cassette players?
10. In what town is Daniel Ford Located?

1. 1996 escort wagon cheapest car
2. Explorer, chariot escort, victoria crown, tempo and taurus
3. Tuesday, $50 victoria crown in stock
4. No
5. No,can't
6. 1996 taurus shos
7. Kabin super ranger XLT
8. 1996 temppo
9. Three Car
10. The end town of branford is the location of daniel ford

Exercise 3 (A)
1. How many different beverages are advertised?
2. What is the price of a 9” Pie?
3. How many ounces (oz.) of vegetables can you buy for .79?
4. How many Eggo Waffles are in a package (pkg.)?
5. What is the name of the company which sells frozen carrots?
6. Which juice is 100% natural?
7. How many pieces of pizza can you buy for $2.39?
8. Which pizza is cheaper?
9. What is the weight of the frozen bread dough?
10. Is pink lemonade on sale?

1. Three
2. $1.99
3. Nine
4. Eleven
5. Shop & go carrots
6. Seneca juice
7. 6 slice double cheese
8. Totino’s pizza
9. Five
10. Lemonade

Exercise 3 (B)
1. Which ad has a lower price for orange juice (OJ)?
2. Do both ads incluse chicken?
3. Which ad has lower price for Totino’s Pizza?
4. Which is cheaper, Ellio’s or Tony’s Pizza?
5. How many different kinds of bagel bites can you buy?
6. Do both ads include fish?
7. How many different brands of pizza are found in ad number 2?
8. Is cool whip less axpensive in ad 1 or ad 2
9. What is the name of the company that make garlic bread?
10. Which ad offers more different kinds of foods?

1. Both ad have the same price.
2. Yes
3. Advertisement 2
4. Tony’s Pizza
5. Two
6. Yes
7. Six
8. Advertisement 2
9. Cole’s
10. Advertisement 1

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