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* ‘THE MANAGERIAL FUNCTIONS. The managerial function is carried through the leaders in the orga Managerial positions are created {o carty out its objectives and programs. Formally Appointed managers have acquired influence in the making of a good organization, The responsibility and authority impose a set of consideration on the scope of al functions and the style of leadership that will be used. Decision making a task of every manager. The method applied in decision making is ¢ of his maturity and expertise in handling organizational problems. zation, ‘The manager's functions are divided in three related groupings: 1. Interpersonal __ Itinvolves building and maintaining contacts and relationship with a variety of people within and outside his organizational unit. The Manager spreads his internal relationships with subordinates and those of the outside clientele. The three interpersonal functions are classified as: a. The Manager is a symbolic figure head that entails social, legal, inspirational and ceremonial duties which simply go with his position in the organization. The higher the position, the greater will be the time spent in symbolic figurehead functions. b. The Manager is performing a liaison function. He maintains contacts with various groups and looks forward to the development of effective organizational politics. He analyzes organizational demand for improvement in relations with other department to facilitate effective internal operations. The Manager is a supervisor. He is responsible for hiring, training and motivating people under his charge. He evaluates subordinates’ performance and makes recommendation for promotions and salary adjustments. He blends individual need and improved productivity with the organizational goals and objectives. In order to carry out the interpersonal activities, Managers must need public speaking skills, a sense of how to dress properly and the ability to talk with others. He must be able to build trusting relationship with others and the willingness to exert power to get cooperation. He must have sincere interest with others and the ability to listen. He must have the ability to inspire others and the knack for sizing up new situations. 2. Informational Functions The interpersonal functions then lead to informational functions. He channels information in and out of his unit. Under these are: The Manager is a monitor of information. He gathers data from sources within and outside his unit. He keeps an up-to-date feedback on what is happening. He observes operations and makes reports. b. Themanagerisa disseminator of information. He passes relevantinformation to his subordinates. Information are properly analyzed and digested as not all employees must have access to data. The information is processed through telephone call, memorandum and report. a. ¢. The Manager is a spoke: i iting ii Bienes Bae ee bhi transmitting information outside od 8, liaison contacts, lobbying, and making eae the Manager ° get the informational function effectively, he ee accel ormation from conversation, observations, and een e able to judge the source of information and to whom it must culated. He must be able to frame good questions, observant and attentive to what is happening around him. He must have the abilily to read between the li and digest information properly. . 3. Decision - Making Functions The manager makes the intricate job of making decision affecting his units. It calls for greater understanding of the information linkages. ‘The success of his unit and the test for his leadership rest upon, the kind of decision- making practices. Under this are: a. The Manager is an innovator. The function calls for initiating and designing changes in the way it should operate. He diagnosed current trends, envisions possibilities, making design improvements, and invents new programs that will give better results. b. The Manager is a disturbance handler. He makes decisions when subordinates cannot handle the activities. He solves interpersonal conflicts among, his subordinates before it goes out of proportions, He makes decisions on his subordinate’s inability to anticipate and handle difficult task as a result of innovations. He must be alert on this predominant function of decision making more so if he is at the lower level of the organizational hierarchy. esource allocator. ‘The Manager is ar He makes decisions on how subordinates will spend time, materials and other resources on legitimate activities of his unit. It involves deciding, on what activilies to undertake, controlling behavior and attitudes, setting priorities and authorizing, expenditures. d. ‘The Manager is a negotiator. He negotiates important decisions involving | ational unit. IL involves bargaining for et collaborating, and s people and those mployees avoiding outside his organi salary adjustments, trading, compromising, organizational conflict, ideas. He must uipped with ry, IIs for imagination and openness lo New under fire. He must be equiPP™ hen nec ‘The decisional role be able to take risk and t logical thinking and the analy lic: sense other positions and boundari 1 the courage abilily. He must be able to bluff _ with a sense of timing. is still the best rage ability. The Acquiring the above skills take time and training, Expe teacher, This could also be possible if the Manager has above a hearts of this skill are very human qualities involving relationships with many different people. With good human relation, the Manager can carry out many of te managerial task. the other functions that constitute the intri ‘There may sponsibility of the manage The above functions are not the sol ated some other functions. Managers must be some subordinates who can be del be able to allocate his time and resources to attend to more important activiti Success as a Manager depends in part on his ability to choose correctly the roles to perform and what roles to delegate. + THE CHALLENGES OF MODERN MANAGER is measured on his ability to initiate innovation Managers must play a central role in facilitating who have both Managerial effectiven for organizational succe organizational effectiveness. We need to develop new manage the insight to see and understand the comprehensive strategies for change. The challenge is not focus only on the organizational profitability. The quality of employce’s working life and the economic advancement of the nation is also a prime responsibility of management. This challenge is indeed important if we are to advance in the productive world of nations. The modern executive task is to respond to new external development and the demand of its internal environment. Along this line, modern Managers should have the following competenci 1. TECHNICAL COMPETENCE ‘The growth of increasing technological advancement in the work environment has created acute problems in management. Managerial technical competence has to be attuned to the growth of electronic devises in the production of goods and services. The growing sophistication of machinery led to new questions regarding, aspect of work not related to machines. ” ‘Technical competencies focus on the requirement of the task and are pre- requisite for a good manager in the technical floor. ‘The schools are producing graduates of management, accounting and various engineering courses yet their training, seems to be very inadequate to answer the need! for managerial jobs, A graduate of banking and finance is expected to know how to develop discounted cash flow analysis, Graduate of marketing must know how P conduct research projects and management graduates must be equip sed ith the competencies of planning, organizing, directing, and controllin, ; a i “« a , engineering, courses must be able to develop systems eee sophisticated computer aided machines, ‘The schools must be able to train the basic technical skills required of the modern managers today. We must upgrade the facilities and the educational institution in order answer the and procedures using the f aculties of our growing demand of the industry. 2 BEHAVIORAL COMPETENCIES Managers have todirectthe behavior of people order to get the desired productivity and develop h The workforces are not solely motivated by economic incentives. Performance ig indicated by effective organization of social group and the interaction of managers in the work environment. : in the organization effectively in ‘appy and committed employees. Motivation is the moving force that drives people to greater performance. It Tequires managerial leadership and effective communication linkages within the organizational setup. Behavioral competencies focus on the requirements of social relationship. A good manager is not only expert in the technical aspect of the job, but also effective in human engineering in dealing with his people. Human engineering is the handling of people in the work area that focus on their individual differences in motivation. It has to do with human culture and personal behavior that requires leadership. It requires training in social relations. 3. STRATEGIC COMPETENCIES, The modern executives must master the skill to diagnose the growing changing and complex environment of business. The economy is in turbulent condition and international competition is the name of the game in most industries. The work force is demanding higher wages and benefits to sustain their social and economic needs. The force of government intervention in business and industry is here to stay as they need new taxes to finance government projects. These prevailing conditions need strategic competencies in order to survive and manage organizational change. The strategic competences should be built-up along with the technical and behavioral competencies. We must focus ten steps ahead through careful planning and analysis ’of the environmental forces that shape the industrial landscape. We need managers that have the ability to think forward to the future of the business in terms of direction, growth and profitability. Forward thinking managers must be able to analyze their strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. These need critical thinking and foresight. The inter-relationships of the three requirements for effective management: TECHNICAL BEHAVIORAL : STRATEGIC Planning Motivational skills Manage strategic adaptation Organizing _ | Effective leadership _| Manage organizationally Directing Manage work groups Pro-active response to change Controlling — | Effective communication Receptiveness to social issues Manage conflict and power | International focus Human resource focus Government relations i ew ‘The function of management has evolved to meet the requirements of new external and internal events. The modern executive has to be responsi events that may have impact in the development of effective organization. * THE ENDURING MANAGERIAL CHARACTERISTICS Managers have certain enduring characteristics that influence how they thins feel, and behave both in and outside of the work environment. These chara are personality traits that can be used to describe the personalities of the Mana We need to understand the managerial personalities as it affects their behavior in the work situation. It is reflective of their approach in managing people and resources. Some Managers are demanding and difficult to deal with. Others are highl critical of other people. Still others may be concerned about effectiveness and efficiency, but they can be approachable and easy to deal with. They frequently praise the people around them. These styles of Managers may produce excellent results, but their effects on employees greatly differ. The following are the Big Five Managerial Traits: 1. EXTRAVERSION It is the tendency to experience positive emotions and moods and feel good about oneself and the rest of his cycle of environment. Managers who are extroverts tend to be sociable, affectionate, friendly and outgoing. Managers who are introverts tend to be less inclined towards social interaction and have le: positive outlook in life and at work. Being high on extraversion may be an asset for managers whose jobs entail especially high level of social interactions. Introvert managers may be highly effective and efficient when their jobs do not require excessive social interacti They may be assets in special studies and analysis that don’t require ming) with people but with paper works and analysis. Their quiet approach may enable them to accomplish more tasks in less time. We need managers who are extroverts in the area of sales and marketing as they are always in contact with people. Human Resources Managers must have the ability to deal with people to be effective in’the performance of his du Those in the accounting and actuarial research may be less in extraversion as deal more with figures and cost. The more contact with people the more traits of extroversion the manager must be. 2. NEGATIVE AFFECTIVITY Negative affectivity is the tendency to experience negative emotions and moods. It is the feeling of distressed and critical of oneself and other: who are high on this trait may often fecl angry and dissatisfied. They complaining about their own and others’ lack of progress. fanagers are more " Managers with low negative affectivity tend to be less pessimistic and critical of others in the organization. On the other hand’ Managers with high negative affectivity may sometimes be effective if they spur themselves and those of their subordinates to improve their performance. Managers with high affectivity tend to be more demanding and autocratic in their style of leadership. They are not easy to please and demand compliance with disregard for individual differences, They tend to scold people and can’t usually control their emotions. It is more pleasant to work with Manager of low negative affectivity, as it cultivates better working relationships. Managers’ motivational approach tends to be positive rather than negative. Decision making of managers with low negativity develops employce’s initiative and cooperation. 3. AGREABLENESS Agreeableness is the tendency to get along well with others. They are affectionate and like by others as they are outgoing and sociable. They care about their people and subordinates. They are easy to approach and give suggestions when necessary, It also refers to effective human relationship. They may agree to certain proposals but would not compromise results. The motivational level of people who work with managers with this kind of traits tends to be high as they are recognized and given due importance. Their style of management is participative and: democratic. Consensus is usually arrived at in making important decisions. Executives requiring a certain degree of compliance and immediate actions could be effective under low traits of agreeableness. Those in the military and other service of the police may be effective under these types of executives. 4, CONSCIENTIOUSNESS © Cohscientiousness is the tendency to be careful and persevering. Managers with high value on this traits tend to be well organized and posses self discipline. They see things with wider perspective, plan and organize the work activities ahead of schedule and see to it they are accomplished according to the set time table. They can handle multiple activities. They are persistent for results and look at people based on their capability to do the assign tasks. Managers with low level of conscientiousness lack directions. They are lagging in performance and will ust wait for things to happen. They give directives without careful analysis of the possible consequences of the action. They are not organize and difficult to deal with, When results go wrong, they find faults on other people and blame others for poor performance. Persistent managers deliver better results. Their attitude towards work is will do willingly their assigned task.. They deal with subordinates ions. They possess give attention positive and with utmost enthusiasm, radiant and vibrant in making decisit greater insight of how thing happened. They work long hours and to details. They can handle multiple activities in a well organized manner. 5. OPENNESS TO EXPERIENCE Openness to experience is the tendency respond and are open to wide range of stimuli experiment on new approaches. They make innov decision making. They push forward their innovati to be original and risk taker. TheY and they have broad interest f° ations and take calculated 5k in ve ideas until they getresul™ Mana i They ae ath low openness to experience may be less prone to take risk. ae instars = more conservative in their planning and decision making, In of control as re anagers with this trait may be successful in fiscal management Organization’ ney could not be put into risk without a definite policy guideline. ee on’s comptroller may have this trait as he has to be careful in making, Y decision. He has to manage effectively the fiscal policy according to budgets, spending accounts and reimbursement of expenses. UNDERSTANDING MANAGERIAL PERSONALITY The manager occupies a variety of positions in the organization. The manager must understand his behavior in order to be effective in dealing with his people. On the other hand the subordinates must understand the behavior of their manager in order for them to adjust to their leadership styles, moods and attiluces. Managers and subordinates must co-exist in the organization and ply the role of the performance game. It should be clear that successful manager occupies a variety of roles on the Big Five Personality Trait Continua. One highly effective manager may be high on extraversion and negative affectivity. Another manager mav be low on beth chese traits, and another may be somewhere in between. Men:ters of an organization must understand these differences across managers because ‘they can shed light on how managers behave. When subordinates realize for example that their manager is low on extraversion, they will not feel slighted when their managers are aloof because they will realize that by nature they are not simply outgoing. They must understand the way manager plan, organize, direct and control the management of the organization. From the point of managerial behavior, the managers also need to be aware of their own personality traits and traits of others, incluciing that of their subordinates and fellow managers. A manager who knows that he has the tendency to be highly critical must try to tone down his negative approach. Similarly, a manager who realizes that he is chronically complaining about subordinates may take it as a grain of salt and eventually realize that things are not really that bad at all. Finally, managers and subordinates must understand the individual characteristics and look at it with appreciation of some fundamental ways that people differ with one another. Living together in harmony is the name of the game in a diverse behavior and character of people. * OTHER PERSONALITY TRAITS THAT AFFECT MANAGERIAL BEHAVIOR We need to understand the managerial traits of those people running the organization as it affects productivity of the work force. Managers are holding position of influence and it is more of the understanding of the subordinates that will make them motivated in the performance of their assigned task. The following traits will help subordinate and the manager improves their relationship in dealing with one another. Locus of Control People dif vs about how much contro! they have ov people and the events around them. People with baer eee believe that they are responsible for their own fate. They see their actions and behavior as important and decisive determinants of important outcome in the level of job performance. They consider promotion as factor of their bein; good in the delivery of productive performance. They see that the success of their organization is a product of their good performance. : Managers with this traits help ensure ethical behavior and they feel that decision making is their accountability and responsibility. They believe that outside forces are responsible for what happens and solutions are a cooperative effort of all concern. Managers are vesponsible and they need this trait because they are accountable for the success of their organization. They need to believe that they can make a difference in solving organizational problems. They are responsible in developing, ethical standard of behavior for all their subordinates so that productivity and efficiency can be attained. Self Esteem It is the degree to which individual feel good about their individual talent and greatly believed that they have capacity to do the work. They believe on their competences and capable of handling the intricate managerial decisions that confront the organization. Managers with low self esteem have poor outlook of themselves. They are not sure about their capabilities to handle different work situations. They see things negatively and they have poor opinions about things around them. ‘They need to be pushed to keep things going. High esteem is desirable for managers because it facilitates setting high standard of performance. They try te choose activities and goals consistent with their level of self esteem. They have confidence that they can carry important decisions and push for results consistent with organizational goals and objectives. Need for Achievement, Affiliation and Power ‘The need for achievement is the extent to which and individual has a strong desire to perform challenging task well and to meet personal standard of excellence. Managers with high need for achievement sets clear goals and like to receive feedbacks on their performance. “The need for affiliation is the extent to which and individual is concerned about establishing and maintaining good interpersonal relations. Managort would like to be accepted by the people around them. They get along W! other people and treat them fairly and squarely. The need for power is the extent to which an individual desires to control and influence others. This has something to do with leadership role in the organization. He enjoys being on the lead and feel happy performing the role of leadership. He display high level of people behavior orientation and feel happy working with them. . The needs for achievements and for powers are assets for first line and middle level managers. Upper level managers have more power to control wider organization system of operation. A’ high need for power may not always be desirable as it might lead them to be liked by others at the expense for the desired organizational performance. Character and traits vary from managers to managers. It is dependent on their training and value system acquired in the industrial environment, their formal training and the experience that they acquired in the performance of their functions. + TERMINAL AND INSTRUMENTAL VALUES OF MANAGERS Managers and executives have values moods and emotions just like any idual in the organization. The extent of how they show this emotional feeling can be controlled according to their respective personality buildup. indi * TERMINAL VALUE A terminal value is a personal conviction about lifelong goals or desirable path towards success in life. It leads to the formation of norms or informal rules of conduct in the performance of his task as a manager of the organization. It also refers to his behavior of honesty or courteously in dealing with people in the system. ‘The manager who. thinks a sense of accomplishment is more focused on making a lasting contribution to more productivity in the organization. He thinks of new innovation in products or services that will make his organization in the forefront in the industry where it belong. A manager who places equity at the top of his terminal value supports efforts of his organization. He provides opportunities to all members of the team to contribute to their fullest potential. He explores the talents of his work force and recognized their efforts and contributions. ‘The relative importance that managers places on the terminal values helps explain that they are striving to achieve better organizational goals. They focus their talents and efforts toward group achievements. + INSTRUMENTAL VALUE . Instrumental value is a personal conviction about desire modes of conduct or ways of behaving in the organization and the work environment. The relative importance that the manager places his ambition, competence and responsiveness are significant behavior towards better performance. The manager who considers being creative and daring is more likely to be innovative and take risk a challenge greater performance. The creativity of the manager will enable him to analyze events and make positive reactions to experiment and make positive changes. The manager who is considered as honest and truthful is a driving force for all members of his department to behave ethically in all dealings with peers and stakeholders. He is needed in the field of finance and accounting and all other responsibilities where thrust and confidence is very essential. Another equally important terminal value of the manager is self-control and self-disciple. He can control his emotions and he can handle stress effectively. He can be more effective in the area of production and human resources which could handle intricate job of managing diversified employee behavior.

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