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I: 45 W: 3(5)

An invasive species of galactic strays, the Venusian Opossum infests ships, stations and
colonies across the rim. The mangy marsupial’s lidless eyestalks search constantly for
anything edible to scoop up with its prehensile tongue.

Every Venusian Opossum knows that humans are the

best source of leftover scraps and discarded waste, and
they follow their chosen master incessantly, imprinting on
them near birth. Some naïve travelers see them as cute
companions, but most veteran spacers see an
opossum's presence as a curse, a punishment for
shipboard improprieties.

A WELCOME REPRIEVE: More often pest than pet,

seeing your opossum finally breathe its last often induces a
sigh of relief. When your opossum dies, reduce your Stress by 1.

THE CAT CAME BACK: Being rid of an opossum is often quite temporary. At the start of
every session, roll 1d10. On 1-5, a previously dead or removed opossum somehow
appears, alive and well again, on your ship. At first sight, gain 2 Stress.

GIZZARD GOODIES: An opossum's gut is always digesting some inedible piece of

garbage plucked from a trash pile or engine room. Once per session, roll 1d10 to see what
your opossum yaks up. 1 baby possum pupa - imprints on first person it 6 single mag-boot
sees, grows to maturity in 8 hours
2 lump of glowing mineral (level 3 radiation) 7 O2 canister (1 minute of air)

3 something or someone's feces, possibly its own 8 MRE

4 random crew patch 9 loaded flare gun

5 handful of rusty nails 10 stun grenade (stun baton effect - 15m radius)

Writing/Art by Kurt Larson, Editing/Layout by Christian Sorrell

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