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1. Photosynthesis: quang hợp

2. Business analysis: phân tích kinh doanh
3. Those folks are no longer the rule, but the exception: Những chuyện (làm đúng ngành)
như vậy đã không còn là quy luật, mà là ngoại lệ
4. Do something from scratch: bắt đầu từ con số không
5. Miss out on people with incredible potentials: bỏ lỡ những người có tiềm năng ấn tượng
6. Augmenting and amplifying human labor in others: tăng cường và mở rộng nhân công ở
các ngành nghề khác
7. No one of type person holds a monopoly on talent: không một ai nắm độc quyền về tài
8. Traditionally valued metrics: những chuẩn mực truyền thống
9. Run batted in: chạy nước rút
10. Pedigree: dòng dõi
11. A job-hopper: người hay nhảy việc
12. Impulsive: bốc đồng
13. Holistic view: cái nhìn toàn diện
14. Credential: bằng cấp
15. Cultivate talent: nuôi dưỡng tài năng
Jason Shen, who graduated with two degrees in biology, decided to develop his career in
technology. He had to teach himself everything from sales, marketing, strategy, even a little
programming.  I had already been turned down by Google and several other firms and
was getting frustrated. The company had recently gone public, so as part of my job
application, I read the IPO filings from cover to cover and built a website from scratch
which included my analysis of the business and four ideas for new features. It turned out
the team was actively working on two of those ideas and had seriously considered a
third. I got the job

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