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Table of Content

I. Introduction

II. Primary source

iii. secondary source

iv. conclusion
People now a day utilize texts most of the time to deliver their
messages to present our ideas and express what we feel. This is no
surprise since we can find texts anywhere, from social media, e-books/
books, television shows, websites, billboards, newspapers, t-shirts or
even in the sand if someone decides to write something on the beach.
This is the way in which we represent the reality.
The process of creation and production of text re-present reality
through the decisions and perspectives of its creators. This concern
with how certain groups, ideas, faith system and topics are presented
form a particular perspectives or value system. Primary and Secondary
Source provides us the records and identify the origin of the
Primary source are original records created at the time historical
event occurred or well after events in the form of memories and oral
histories. While the Secondary Source provides us the second hand
information that has been digested analyzed, recorded or interpreted,
and often combines information taken from primary source and even
the other secondary source is written well after the events they reports
on, and can put pats information into its historical context.
Diaries and journals

Historical documents


photographs and videos Recordings and interviews

In this lesson, we learned about the source
of the Information, and take the advantage or
disadvantages to its potential source information
for relaying and understanding messages by
identifying the types of sources information.

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