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1 Cat A small domestic animal. I love the cat.

2 Can Be able to. I can swim.

3 Dad One´s father. My father is tall.

4 That Used to identify That is a pencil.

5 Bag Container used to carry things. This is a bag.

6 Map A diagrammatic representation of an area. This I a map

7 Hand Part of person´s arm. This is an hand.

8 Bed Furniture for sleep This is my furniture

9 Red It is a color That is a color-

10 Pet Domestic animal. Dogs, and cats are

domestic animals.

11 Pen A tool for writing or drawing The pen has black ink in it.
12 Head The part of the body containing the brain, eyes, She turned her head and
ears, nose, and mouth. kissed him on the cheek.

13 Face The front part of the head His face is round

14 Frog An animal that is amphibians My son wants a

pet frog for Christmas

15 Dog Domestic mammal of the family Canidae and the My dog is a French
order Carnivora poodle.

16 Shoe Article of clothing I love using white shoes.

17 Blue Primary color The sky is blue.

18 Book A set of sheets of paper bound together. I read a book every week.

19 Open Something not locked or closed. Carl, open the door please!

20 Park an area of land, usually in a largely natural I love playing in the park
state, for the enjoyment of the public. with my friends.

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