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Түсінік хат

2021-2022 оқу жылында 11 сыныптар жаңартылған білім беру мазмұнының келесі Үлгілік оқу бағдарламалары бойынша оқиды:
Оқу бағдарламасы, бөлімдері оқу жылында меңгерілетін және мұғалім тоқсанда өтетін тақырыптардың реті мен сағатын еркін бөліп қоя алатын, ұзақ
мерзімді жоспарға сәйкес іске асырылады.
Шетел тілі бойынша оқу жүктемесінің көлемі:
11-сыныптарда – аптасына 3 сағат, оқу жылында 102 сағатты құрайды.
Қосымша оқу уақыты:
- шет тілді коммуникативтік іс-әрекет тәжірибесін кеңейтуге және тереңдетуге мүмкіндік беретін күрделі коммуникативтік тапсырмаларды шешу арқылы
білім алушылардың ауызша сөйлеу дағдыларын дамытуға және қабілеттерін жетілдіруге;
- шетел тілін меңгеру бойынша білім алушылардың өздігінен білім алу қызметіне дайындық деңгейін арттыруға;
- сөйлеу әрекетінің барлық түрлерінде компенсаторлық қабілеттерді жетілдіруге;
- оқу-танымдық қабілеттерді дамытуға арналуы тиіс.
«Шетел тілі/Ағылшын тілі» пәні бойынша жиынтық бағалау
рәсімдерінің саны
Оқу пәнінен әр тоқсан сайын нақты саны бекітілген бөлім бойынша жиынтық бағалау (БЖБ) және 1 рет тоқсандық жиынтық бағалау (ТЖБ) өткізу қарастырылған.
Төменде оқу пәнінен бөлім бойынша жиынтық бағалаудың (БЖБ) нақты саны көрсетілген.
Бөлім бойынша жиынтық бағалаурәсімдерінің саны

Сынып Бөлім бойыншажиынтық бағалау рәсімдерінің саны

1-тоқсан 2-тоқсан 3-тоқсан 4-тоқсан
11-сынып 2 2 2 2

Шетел тілі бойынша білім беру процесін ұйымдастыру коммуникативтік технологияларды (жобалар, сұхбаттар, рөлдік ойындар, пікірталастар, дебаттар,
конференциялар, байқаулар, қойылымдар және т.б.) жан-жақты пайдалануды көздейді. Сонымен қатар, ақпараттық-коммуникациялық технологияларды және
сабақтан тыс іс-әрекет мүмкіндіктерін белсенді пайдаланған жөн, бұл білім алушылардың шетел тілін үйренуге ынтасын арттыру үшін, танымдық қызметін, өзара
тілдік қарым-қатынасын жандандыру, шығармашылық әлеуетін дамыту үшін жағдай жасауға ықпал етеді.
Пәндік бақылау және бағалау бойынша ұсынымдар
Шетел тілі сабағында сөйлеу қызметінің барлық түрлері (айтылым, оқылым, тыңдалым, жазылым / жазбаша сөйлеу) және коммуникативтік құзыреттілікті
құрайтындар (сөйлеу, тілдік, әлеуметтік-мәдени, компенсаторлық, оқу-танымдық) болуы тиіс.
Сабақта оқу уақыты негізінен ауызша сөйлеу дағдылары мен қабілеттерін дамыту және жетілдіру үшін қолданылады. Жаңа лексикалық және
грамматикалық материалды коммуникативтік жағдайларда енгізу және бекіту ұсынылады; сабақта жұппен, топтармен жұмысты ұйымдастыру есебінен әрбір білім
алушының сөйлеу белсенділігі уақытын ұлғайту; міндетті түрде мәтін алдындағы, мәтіндік және мәтіннен кейінгі жұмыс кезеңдерін сақтай отырып, оқылым мен
тыңдалымға үйрету.
Жазбаша жұмыстардың түрлері көрсетілген оқу бағдарламасының талаптарын сақтауға ерекше назар аудару керек. Жазбаша тапсырмаларды орындау
барысында сабақтың коммуникативтік сипаты бұзылады, негізгі оқу тапсырмаларын орындау сапасы нашарлайды. Білім алушылардың оқу жетістіктерінің
нәтижелерін тексеру кезінде басымдылық бақылаудың ауызша түрлеріне берілуі тиіс.
11 сыныптарға арналған күнтізбелік-тақырыптық жоспар
Жаратылыстану- математикалық бағыт
Календарно-тематический план для 11 класса
Естественно-математическое направление
Calendar Thematic Plan for grade 11
Science and Maths strand
2022-2023 оқу жылы/учебный год/academic year

№ Units/ Theme Learning objectives Hours Date Notes

ng theme
Term 1 (26 hours)

1 1 Making Starter p.5-6 11.1.6 - organise and present information clearly to others; 1 06.09
connection 11.1.8 - develop intercultural awareness through reading and
s in discussion;
2 Timeline of Biology p.7 11.3.5 - interact with peers to make hypotheses and evaluate 1 07.09
alternative proposals on a range of familiar and some unfamiliar
general and curricular topics;
11.4.3-skim a range of lengthy texts with speed to identify content
meriting closer reading on a range of more complex and abstract,
general and curricular topics;
11.5.2.use a wide range of vocabulary, which is appropriate to topic
and genre, and which is spelt accurately;
3 Modern Genetics pp.8-9 11.2.5 -recognise the attitude or opinion of the speaker(s) in 1 08.09
unsupported extended talk on a wide range of general and
curricular topics, including talk on a growing range of unfamiliar
11.3.2 - ask and respond with appropriate syntax and vocabulary to
open-ended higher-order thinking questions on a range of general
and curricular topics, including some unfamiliar topics;
10.6.12-use a variety of comparative degree adverb structures
with regular and irregular adverb
4 Taxonomy pp.10-11 11.5.5-develop with minimal support coherent arguments supported 1 13.09
when necessary by examples and reasons for a wide range of
written genres in familiar general and curricular topics;
11.6.3 - use a variety of adjectives complemented by that, infinitive
and wh- clauses on a wide range of general and curricular topics;
5 Blood Types pp.12-13 11.1.2 - use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive 1 14.09
feedback to peers;
11.1.4 - evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from
11.2.1 - understand the main points in unsupported extended talk
on a wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a
growing range of unfamiliar topics;
6 Formal/ Informal Writing 11.6.1 - use a variety of pre- and post- modifying noun structures 1 15.09
p.14-15 on a wide range of general and curricular topics;
11.6.2 - use a variety of determiners relating to nouns for generic
uses, some appositional uses and textual reference on a wide range
of general and curricular topics;
11.6.3 - use a variety of dependent prepositions with less common
nouns, adjectives and verbs on a wide range of general and
curricular topics;
7 Formal/ Informal Writing 11.2.2 - understand specific information in unsupported extended 1 20.09
p.15 talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk
on a growing range of unfamiliar topics;
11.3.2 - ask and respond with appropriate syntax and vocabulary to
open-ended higher-order thinking questions on a range of general
and curricular topics, including some unfamiliar topics

8 The Scientist behind a 11.3.4 - evaluate and comment on the views of others in a growing 1 21.09
New Domain of Life p.16 variety of talk contexts on a wide range of general and curricular
topics, including some unfamiliar topics;
11.4.1 - understand complex and abstract main points in extended
texts on a wide range of familiar and unfamiliar general and
curricular topics;
11.4.5 - deduce meaning from context in extended texts on a wide
range of familiar and unfamiliar general and curricular topics;
9 Cloning p.17 11.5.1 - plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level 1 22.09
independently on a wide range of general and curricular topics
11.5.3.- write with grammatical accuracy on a wide range of
general and curricular topics;
11.5.4 - use style and register to achieve an appropriate degree of
formality in a wide variety of written genres on general and
curricular topics;
10 Language in Use p.18 11.1.1- use speaking and listening skills to solve problems 1 27.09
creatively and cooperatively in groups;
11.1.3- respect differing points of view;
11.3.1- use formal and informal language registers in talk on a
range of general and curricular topics, including some unfamiliar
11 Kazakhstan in Action 11.4.3 - skim a range of lengthy texts with speed to identify content 1 28.09
p.18 meriting closer reading on a range of more complex and abstract,
Nature VS Nurture p.19 general and curricular topics;
11.4.5 - deduce meaning from context in extended texts on a wide
range of familiar and unfamiliar general and curricular topics;
12 Progress Check pp.19-20 11.4.8 - select and evaluate paper and digital reference resources to 1 29.09
check meaning and extend understanding;
11.6.6 - use a growing variety of impersonal and cleft structures on
a wide range of general and curricular topics
13 Unit 2 Our Natural World p.21 11.1.3 - respect differing points of view; 1 04.10
“The 11.1.7 - develop and sustain a consistent argument when
Animal speaking or writing;
World” 11.2.3 - understand the detail of an argument in unsupported
extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics,
including talk on a growing range of unfamiliar topics;
14 Golden Eagles pp.22-23 11.3.4 - evaluate and comment on the views of others in a 1 05.10
growing variety of talk contexts on a wide range of general and
curricular topics, including some unfamiliar topics;
11.3.5 - interact with peers to make hypotheses and evaluate
alternative proposals on a range of familiar and some unfamiliar
general and curricular topics;

10.5.6-write coherently at text level using a variety of

connectors on a range ogf familiar general and coriccular
15/16  Bats pp.24-25 11.5.1 - plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level 2 06.10
independently on a wide range of general and curricular topics
11.5.4 - use style and register to achieve an appropriate degree of
formality in a wide variety of written genres on general and
curricular topics;
17/18  Dolphins pp.26-27 11.6.7 - use a wide variety of simple perfect active and passive 2 11.10
forms and a variety of perfect continuous forms on a wide range
of general and curricular topics;
11.6.9 - use a wide variety of present and past forms, including a
growing number of more nuanced contrasts [past and perfective
aspect/simple and progressive aspect] on a wide range of general
and curricular topics
19  An Opinion Essay p.28 11.1.4 - evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from 1 12.10
11.1.5 - use feedback to set personal learning objectives;
20 An Opinion Essay p.29 11.1.7 - develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking 1 13.10
or writing;
11.2.3 understand the detail of an argument in unsupported
extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics,
including talk on a growing range of unfamiliar topics;
21 Olympic National Park 11.2.8 - recognise inconsistencies in argument in extended talk on 1 18.10
p.30 a range of general and curricular subjects, including some
unfamiliar topics;
11.6.10 - use a wide variety of reported statement, command and
question forms on a wide range of general and curricular topics
22 Summative Assessment 11.3.1 - use formal and informal language registers in talk on a 1 19.10
for Unit 2 “The Animal range of general and curricular topics, including some unfamiliar
World” topics;
Bees and Their World 11.3.4 - evaluate and comment on the views of others in a
p.31 growing variety of talk contexts on a wide range of general and
curricular topics, including some unfamiliar topics;

23 Language in Use p.32 11.3.6 - navigate talk and modify language through paraphrase 1 20.10
and correction in talk on a wide range of familiar and some
unfamiliar general and curricular topics;
24 Shark Whisper p.33 11.2.1- understand the main points in unsupported extended talk on 1 25.10
a wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a
growing range of unfamiliar topics;
11.2.6 - deduce meaning from context in unsupported extended talk
on a wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a
growing range of unfamiliar topics;
11.3.2 - ask and respond with appropriate syntax and vocabulary to
open-ended higher-order thinking questions on a range of general
and curricular topics, including some unfamiliar topics;
25 Summative Assessment 11.5.7 -use independently appropriate layout at text level on a wide 26.10
for term 1 range of general and curricular topics;
11.6.4 - use a range of affixes with appropriate meaning and correct
spelling on a wide range of general and curricular topics;
26 Progress Check pp.34 11.1.2 - use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive 27.10
feedback to peers
11.1.4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others;
II term
Unit 3 “The Human Brain” 22 hours
27 Parts of the Brain p.35 11.6.13 - use a variety of dependent prepositions with less common 1 08.11
nouns, adjectives and verbs on a wide range of general and
curricular topics;
11.6.14 - use a growing variety of more complex prepositional
phrases including those relating to concession and respect use a
variety of multi-word verbs of different syntactic types on a wide
range of general and curricular topics
28 Brain Technology pp.36- 11.4.3 - skim a range of lengthy texts with speed to identify content 1 09.11
37 meriting closer reading on a range of more complex and abstract,
general and curricular topics;
11.4.7 - recognise patterns of development in lengthy texts [inter-
paragraph level] on a range of more complex and abstract general
and curricular topics;
10.6.8-use a variety of future active and passive and continuous
forms forms on a wide range of familiar general and coriccular
29 Neurones pp. 38-39 11.3.3 - explain and justify own and others’ point of view on a 1 10.11
range of general and curricular topics, including some unfamiliar
11.4.1 - understand complex and abstract main points in extended
texts on a wide range of familiar and unfamiliar general and
curricular topics;
30 Memory p.40-41 11.1.10 - use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and 1 15.11
exploring a range of perspectives on the world;
11.2.2- understand specific information in unsupported extended
talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk
on a growing range of unfamiliar topics;
11.3.2 - ask and respond with appropriate syntax and vocabulary to
open-ended higher-order thinking questions on a range of general
and curricular topics, including some unfamiliar topics;
31 Giving and Following 11.5.4-use style and register to achieve an appropriate degree of 1 16.11
Instructions p.42 formality in a wide variety of written genres on general and
curricular topics;
11.6.4 - use a range of affixes with appropriate meaning and
correct spelling on a wide range of general and curricular topics
32 Giving and Following 11.3.4 - evaluate and comment on the views of others in a growing 1 17.11
Instructions p.43 variety of talk contexts on a wide range of general and curricular
topics, including some unfamiliar topics;
11.4.2 - understand specific information and detail in extended
texts on a wide range of familiar and unfamiliar general and
curricular topics;
33 The Method of Loci p.44 11.1.7 - develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking 1 22.11
or writing;
11.1.9 - use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and
11.2.4 - understand implied meaning in unsupported extended talk
on a wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a
growing range of unfamiliar topics;
34 How Memories Are 11.6.4 -use a range of affixes with appropriate meaning and 1 23.11
Formed p.45 correct spelling on a wide range of general and curricular topics
11.6.12 - use a wide variety of past modal forms to express
appropriate functions use a variety of near modal structures
including supposed to, bound to, due, willing to on a wide range of
general and curricular topics
35 Language in Use 11.4.4 - read a wide range of extended fiction and non-fiction texts 1 24.11
Kazakhstan in Action on a variety of more complex and abstract general and curricular
p.46 topics;
11.5.8 - communicate and respond to news and feelings in
correspondence through a variety of functions on a wide range of
general and curricular topics;
36 Mind over Memory p.47 11.2.7 - understand speaker viewpoints and extent of explicit 1 29.11
agreement between speakers on a range of general and curricular
topics, including some unfamiliar topics
11.3.7 -use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to
talk about a range of familiar and some unfamiliar general and
curricular topics;
37 Progress Check pp.47-48 11.1.1 - use speaking and listening skills to solve problems 1 30.11
creatively and cooperatively in groups;
11.2.3 - understand the detail of an argument in unsupported
extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics,
including talk on a growing range of unfamiliar topics;
38 Unit 4 The History of 11.3.5 - interact with peers to make hypotheses and evaluate 1
“Timekeep Timekeeping Devices alternative proposals on a range of familiar and some unfamiliar
ing p.49 general and curricular topics;
Devices” 11.4.2 -understand specific information and detail in extended texts
on a wide range of familiar and unfamiliar general and curricular
39 Timekeeping in Ancient 11.3.3 - explain and justify own and others’ point of view on a 1
Egypt pp.50-51 range of general and curricular topics, including some unfamiliar
11.2.3 - understand the detail of an argument in unsupported
extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics,
including talk on a growing range of unfamiliar topics;
40 The Calendar p.52-53 11.1.1- use speaking and listening skills to solve problems 1
creatively and cooperatively in groups;
11.1.3 - respect differing points of view;
10.5.4-use style and register ti achive appropriate degree of
formality in a growing variety of written genres on a range of
general and curricular topics
41 Effective Slideshow 11.5.1 - plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level 1
Presentation pp.54-55 independently on a wide range of general and curricular topics;
11.6.7 - use a wide variety of simple perfect active and passive
forms and a variety of perfect continuous forms on a wide range of
general and curricular topics
42 A for-and-against Essay 11.4.7 - recognise patterns of development in lengthy texts [inter- 1
p.56 paragraph level] on a range of more complex and abstract general
and curricular topics;
11.4.8 - select and evaluate paper and digital reference resources to
check meaning and extend understanding;
43 A for-and-against Essay 11.3.5 - interact with peers to make hypotheses and evaluate 1
p.57 alternative proposals on a range of familiar and some unfamiliar
general and curricular topics;
11.4.2 - understand specific information and detail in extended
texts on a wide range of familiar and unfamiliar general and
curricular topics;
44 The Royal Observatory 11.2.4 - understand implied meaning in unsupported extended talk 1
p.58 on a wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a
growing range of unfamiliar topics;
11.3.3 - explain and justify own and others’ point of view on a
range of general and curricular topics, including some unfamiliar
45 Time Zones p.59 11. 1.6 - organise and present information clearly to others; 1
Summative Assessment 11.1.10 - use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and
for the Unit 4 exploring a range of perspectives on the world;
“Timekeeping Devices”
46 Language in Use p.60 11.1.2 - use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive
feedback to peers;
11.1.4 - evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from
47 Summative Assessment 11.3.6 - navigate talk and modify language through paraphrase and
for term 2 correction in talk on a wide range of familiar and some unfamiliar
general and curricular topics;
11.3.7 - use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to
talk about a range of familiar and some unfamiliar general and
curricular topics ;
48 Progress Check pp.61-62 11.6.6 - use a growing variety of impersonal and cleft structures on
a wide range of general and curricular topics;
11.6.7 - use a wide variety of simple perfect active and passive
forms and a variety of perfect continuous forms on a wide range of
general and curricular topics

Ауыспалы Сабақтың III Term (30 hours) Сағат саны/ Мерзімі/ Ескерту/
тақырыптар/ тақырыбы/ Оқудың мақсаттары/Learning objectives Hours Date Notes

Variable Theme
49 Unit 5 “Work 11.1.7 - develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or 1
and Investigating in the writing;
Inventions” World of Work 11.2.3 - understand the detail of an argument in unsupported
p.63 extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics,
including talk on a growing range of unfamiliar topics;
50 Considering 11.1.6 - organise and present information clearly to others; 1
Success in 11.1.8 - develop intercultural awareness through reading and
Business pp.64-65 discussion;
range of unfamiliar topics ;
51 Special Talents & 11.6.1 - use a variety of pre- and post- modifying noun structures on 1
Inventions pp.66- a wide range of general and curricular topics;
67 11.6.5 - use a range of transitive and intransitive verb
complementation patterns on a wide range of general and curricular
52 11.5.3 - write with grammatical accuracy on a wide range of general 1
Ideas p.68-69 and curricular topics;
11.5.6 - write coherently at text level using a variety of connectors
on a wide range of familiar general and curricular topics
53 Letters to the 11.3.7 - use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to 1
Editor p.70-71 talk about a range of familiar and some unfamiliar general and
curricular topics;
11.4.1 - understand complex and abstract main points in extended
texts on a wide range of familiar and unfamiliar general and
curricular topics;
10.6.5-use a wide variety of question types on a wide range of
familiar general and cuccicular topics
54 Made in the U.K. 11.3.3 - explain and justify own and others’ point of view on a range 1
p.72 of general and curricular topics, including some unfamiliar topics;
11.3.6 - navigate talk and modify language through paraphrase and
correction in talk on a wide range of familiar and some unfamiliar
general and curricular topics;
55 How to Stand Out 11.1.9 - use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and 1
from the Crowd feelings;
p.73 11.2.4 - understand implied meaning in unsupported extended talk
on a wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a
growing range of unfamiliar topics ;
56 Language in Use 11.3.6 - navigate talk and modify language through paraphrase and 1
p.74 correction in talk on a wide range of familiar and some unfamiliar
general and curricular topics ;
11.1.1 - use speaking and listening skills to solve problems
creatively and cooperatively in groups;
57 Into the Unknown 11.2.7 Understand speaker viewpoints and extend of explicit 1
p.75 agreement between speakers on a range of general and curricular
Summative topics, including talk on a growing range of unfamiliar topics
Assessment for 11.5.2 Use a wide range of vocabulary, which is appropriate to topic
the Unit 5 “Work and genre, and which is spelt accurately
and Inventions” 11.5.3 Write with grammatical accuracy on a wide range of general
and curricular topics
58 Progress Check 11.5.8 - communicate and respond to news and feelings in 1
pp.75-76 correspondence through a variety of functions on a wide range of
general and curricular topics;
11.6.5 - use a range of transitive and intransitive verb
complementation patterns on a wide range of general and curricular
59 Unit 6 STEM is Part of 11.1.7 - develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or 1
“STEM” Modern World writing;
(10 hours) p.77 11.1.9 - use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and
11.1.10 - use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and
exploring a range of perspectives on the world;
60 Intelligent Energy 11.6.5 - use a range of transitive and intransitive verb 1
Storage pp.78-79 complementation patterns on a wide range of general and curricular
11.6.14 -use a growing variety of more complex prepositional
phrases including those relating to concession and respect use a
variety of multi-word verbs of different syntactic types on a wide
range of general and curricular topics
61 Energy Storage 11.5.4 - use style and register to achieve an appropriate degree of 1
Solutions pp.80-81 formality in a wide variety of written genres on general and
curricular topics;
11.6.3 - use a variety of adjectives complemented by that, infinitive
and wh- clauses on a wide range of general and curricular topics;
10.2.2-understand specific information on unsupported extended talk
on a wide range of general and curricular topics,including talk on a
limited rang of unfamiliar topics
62 Analysing 11.3.7 - use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to 1
Academic talk about a range of familiar and some unfamiliar general and
Language p.82 curricular topics;
11.4.8 - select and evaluate paper and digital reference resources to
c1heck meaning and extend understanding;
63 Analysing 11.3.4 - evaluate and comment on the views of others in a growing 1
Academic/ variety of talk contexts on a wide range of general and curricular
Language p.83 topics, including some unfamiliar topics;
11.3.5 -interact with peers to make hypotheses and evaluate
alternative proposals on a range of familiar
and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics;
64 Public Speaking 11.1.2 - use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive 1
p.84-85 feedback to peers;
11.1.9 - use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and
11.2.1- understand the main points in unsupported extended talk on
a wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a
growing range of unfamiliar topics;
65 MIT p.86 11.5.1 - plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level 1
independently on a wide range of general and curricular topics
11.5.6 - write coherently at text level using a variety of connectors
on a wide range of familiar general and curricular topics ;
66 Types of Energy 11.4.3 - skim a range of lengthy texts with speed to identify content 1
p.87 meriting closer reading on a range of more complex and abstract,
general and curricular topics;
11.4.7 - recognise patterns of development in lengthy texts [inter-
paragraph level] on a range of more complex and abstract general
and curricular topics;
67 Language in Use 11.3.4 - evaluate and comment on the views of others in a growing 1
p.88/ variety of talk contexts on a wide range of general and curricular
Thermal Energy topics, including some unfamiliar topics;
Storage p.89 11.3.5 - interact with peers to make hypotheses and evaluate
alternative proposals on a range of familiar and some unfamiliar
general and curricular topics;
68 Progress Check 11.3.2 - ask and respond with appropriate syntax and vocabulary to 1
pp.89-90 open-ended higher-order thinking questions on a range of general
Summative and curricular topics, including some unfamiliar topics;
Assessment for 11.3.3 - explain and justify own and others’ point of view on a range
the Unit 6 of general and curricular topics, including some unfamiliar topics;
“STEM” and 11.6.8 - use a wide variety of future forms, including future perfect
“Reading for forms on a wide range of general and curricular topics;
69/70 Genres of 11.1.10 - use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and 1
Unit 7 Literature p.91 exploring a range of perspectives on the world;
“Reading for 11.2.1.-. understand the main points in unsupported extended talk on
Pleasure” a wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a
(10 hours) growing range of unfamiliar topics
71/72 Non – fiction in 11.1.1 - use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and 2
Kazakhstan cooperatively in groups;
11.1.8 - develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion;
11.1.9 - use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and
73/74 Mary Shelley p. 92 11.2.2 - understand specific information in unsupported extended 2
talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk
on a growing range of unfamiliar topics;
11.3.1 - use formal and informal language registers in talk on a
range of general and curricular topics, including some unfamiliar
75 Travelling’ online 11.4.6 - recognise the attitude, opinion or tone of the writer in 1
texts on a range of more complex and abstract general and
curricular topics;
11.4.6 Recognise the attitude, opinion and tone of the writer in
extended texts on a range of more complex and abstract general and
curricular topics
11.3.4 Evaluate and comment on the views of others in a growing
variety of talk contexts on a wide range of general and curricular
topics, including some unfamiliar topics
11.3.6 Navigate talk and modify language through paraphrase and
correction in talk on a wide range of familiar and some unfamiliar
general and curricular topics
76 Summative 1
Assessment for
term 3
77 Unit revision 1

78 Work with errors 1

IV Term (30 hours)

79/80 “ Prometheus pp.94-95/ 11.6.4 - use a range of affixes with appropriate meaning and correct 2
Frankenstein.Promethe spelling on a wide range of general and curricular topics;
us pp.94-95” 11.6.5 - use a range of transitive and intransitive verb complementation
patterns on a wide range of general and curricular topics
81/82 “Frankenstein 11.1.9 - use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and 2
p“Technological feelings;
Advances p.97/.96 11.1.10 - use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a
Unite revision/” range of perspectives on the worl dopics, including talk on a growing
range of unfamiliar topics;
83/ IV-term Apps in Education 11.2.4 - understand implied meaning in unsupported extended talk on a 2
84 Unit 8 pp.98-99 wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a growing
“Recent range of unfamiliar topics;
Advances 11.3. 3 - explain and justify own and others’ point of view on a range of
in general and curricular topics, including some unfamiliar topics;
Technolog 10.6.17-use if if only in third conditional structures use of relative
y” clauses including with which on a wide rang of familiar general and
curricular topics
85 Apps for Personal and 11.4.1 - understand complex and abstract main points in extended texts 1
Professional Use on a wide range of familiar and unfamiliar general and curricular
pp.100-101 topics;
11.4.2 - understand specific information and detail in extended texts on
a wide range of familiar and unfamiliar general and curricular topics;
86 Digital Natives & 11.4.4 - read a wide range of extended fiction and non-fiction texts on a 1
Future Careers p.102- variety of more complex and abstract general and curricular topics;
103 11.4.5 - deduce meaning from context in extended texts on a wide
range of familiar and unfamiliar general and curricular topics;
87 Digital Natives & 11.4.6 - recognise the attitude, opinion or tone of the writer in extended 1
Future Careers p.103 texts on a range of more complex and abstract general and curricular
11.4.7 - recognise patterns of development in lengthy texts [inter-
paragraph level] on a range of more complex and abstract general and
curricular topics;
88/ An Informal Leaflet 11.4. 8 - select and evaluate paper and digital reference resources to 2
89 p.104-105./ An check meaning and extend understanding;
Informal Leaflet p.105 11.4.9 - recognise inconsistencies in argument in extended texts on a
range of more complex and abstract general and curricular topics;
11.5.1 - plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level independently
on a wide range of general and curricular topics
90 Android OS p.106 11.5.5 - develop with minimal support coherent arguments supported 1
when necessary by examples and reasons for a wide range of written
genres in familiar general and curricular topics;
11.6.9 - use a wide variety of present and past forms, including a
growing number of more nuanced contrasts [past and perfective
aspect/simple and progressive aspect] on a wide range of general and
curricular topics
91/ Design & Technology 11.1.10 - use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a 2
92 p. 107/ Language in range of perspectives on the world;
Use p.108 11.2.2 - understand specific information in unsupported extended talk
on a wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a
growing range of unfamiliar topics;

93 The Tech of Tomorrow 11.2.2 Understand specific information in unsupported extended talk 1
p.109 on a wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a
Summative growing range of unfamiliar topics
Assessment for the 11.5.7 Use independently appropriate layout at text level on a wide
Unit 8 “Recent range of general and curricular topics
Advances in
94 Progress Check pp.109- 11.5.7 - use independently appropriate layout at text level on a wide 1
110 range of general and curricular topics;
11.6.5 - use a range of transitive and intransitive verb complementation
patterns on a wide range of general and curricular topics;
95/ Unit 9 Synthetic Materials 11.6.10 -use a wide variety of reported statement, command and
96 “The p.111/ Apps in question forms on a wide range of general and curricular topics;
Chemistr Education pp.98-99 11.6.13 - use a variety of dependent prepositions with less common 2
y of nouns, adjectives and verbs on a wide range of general and curricular
Clothes” topics
97/ Psychotextiles pp.114- 11.2.2 - understand specific information in unsupported extended talk 2
98 115/Adverbs phrases on a wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a
growing range of unfamiliar topics;
11.3.2 - ask and respond with appropriate syntax and vocabulary to
open-ended higher-order thinking questions on a range of general and
curricular topics, including some unfamiliar topics,
99/ Clothing in Kazakhstan 11.3.3 - explain and justify own and others’ point of view on a range of 2
100 pp.116-117/ general and curricular topics, including some unfamiliar topics;
A Report p.118- 119 11.4.3 - skim a range of lengthy texts with speed to identify content
meriting closer reading on a range of more complex and abstract,
general and curricular topics;
11.4.4 - read a wide range of extended fiction and non-fiction texts on a
variety of more complex and abstract general and curricular topics
101 A Report p.119 11.5.3 - write with grammatical accuracy on a wide range of general 1
and curricular topics;
11.5.5 - develop with minimal support coherent arguments supported
when necessary by examples and reasons for a wide range of written
genres in familiar general and curricular topics,
102 The Welsh National 11.5.7 - use independently appropriate layout at text level on a wide 1
Costume p.120 range of general and curricular topics;
11.6.14 - use a growing variety of more complex prepositional phrases
including those relating to concession and respect use a variety of
multi-word verbs of different syntactic types on a wide range of general
and curricular topics
103 The Journey of Cotton 11.1.10 - use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a 1
Clothes p.121 range of perspectives on the world;
Summative 11.2.5 - recognise the attitude or opinion of the speaker(s) in
Assessment for the unsupported extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular
Unit 9 “The topics, including talk on a growing range of unfamiliar topics;
Chemistry of Clothes”
104 Language in Use p.122 11.4.3 - skim a range of lengthy texts with speed to identify content 1
meriting closer reading on a range of more complex and abstract,
general and curricular topics;
11.4.4 - read a wide range of extended fiction and non-fiction texts on a
variety of more complex and abstract general and curricular topics
105 Summative 11.2.2 Understand specific information in unsupported extended talk on 1
Assessment for term 4 a wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a
growing range of unfamiliar topic
11.4.6 Recognize the attitude, opinion or tone of the writer in extended
texts on a range of more complex and abstract general and curricular
11.5.3 Write with grammatical accuracy on a wide range of general and
curricular topics
11.3.3 Explain and justify own and others’ point of view on a range of
general and curricular topics, including some unfamiliar topics
106/10 Polyester p.123rogress 11.5.6 - write coherently at text level using a variety of connectors on a 2
7 Check pp.123-124 wide range of familiar general and curricular topics;
11.5.9 - punctuate written work at text level on a wide range of general
and curricular topics with a good degree of accuracy;
108 Unit revision 1

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