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Nama : Ketut sudarmawan

Kls : X MIPA 3
No : 16


Ringkasan materi pronoun [kata ganti]

Personal pronoun ada beberapa jenis :
1. Sabject Pronoun : Letak kalimat yang melakukan aksi dan menerima keadaan dari
kata sifat /noun yang mengikuti. Contoh : I, you, They, We, She, He, It.
2. Object Pronoun : Letak di belakang subjeck, pronoun umumnya didahului dengan
verb/kata kerja, menjadi targetsasaran /penerima suatu aksi/tindakan yang dilakukan
subjek. Contoh : Me, You, Them, Us, Her, Him, It.
3. Possesive Adjective : Untuk menyatakan “kepemilikan”, ada noun/kata benda yang
4. Possesive Pronoun : Menyatakan kepemilikan tanpa diikuti noun/kata benda,
pembicaraan dan pendengaran sama-sama mengetahui suatu benda, umumnya suatu
benda sudah disebutkan pada kalimat sebelumnya.
5. Reflective Pronoun : Merefleksikan/mempertegas kepemilikan suatu tindakan ke diri
sendiri. Contoh Kalimat : finish my homework myself.

Contoh Kalimat Pronoun :

A. Sabject Pronoun
1. You are really talented
2. He can speak english fluentiy
3. We are going to the movie
B. Object Pronoun
1. I’m glad to see you
2. Please tell andi I really miss him
3. Listen to me
C. Posesive Adjective
1. Hey mita, I think that’s your mother
2. Welcome to our home
3. The sun is showing its beauty
D. Possesive Pronoun
1. The chicken noodle on the table is mine
2. Belive that this money is your
3. See these kittens are now our
E. Reflective Pronoun
1. Bought myself a new phone
2. We thaugt our selves a new lesson
3. Go find yourself a new pair of shoes

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