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Tradition: Day
of the Dead

Teacher: Georgeta Nedelcu Sorina

S e b a s t i a n Diaz S o l a c h e 4 4 0 2 6 4 7 1 7
Why did you choose this tradition?

1. For the incredible altars.

2. Because it is magical.
3. Because their bread is delicious.
4. Reflect on the value and meaning of life.
5. Celebrate the irremediable.
6. Because life sweetens us ... and death.
7. Because we all have someone, we would like to hug one
more time.
8. Because it is Mexico.
Among what is one of the traditions that has the most
meaning in the lives of all of us and more than anything
Mexicans, And well, on the Day of the Dead, according to
tradition, loved ones who have died return to be with their
relatives. .
It should be remembered that the festival is considered by
Unesco as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity; In
addition, it is a symbol of national identity for Mexicans.

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