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Examen Diseño

Feature-length documentary about
our complex relationship with
manufactured objects and, by
extension, the people who design
them. What can we learn about who
we are, and who we want to be,
from the objects with which we
surround ourselves?
• El minimalismo se refiere a todo
aquello que es reducido a lo esencial,
despojando elementos que no son de
gran utilidad. Esto no significa que se
deba vivir sin nada, tampoco tener o
hacer muchas cosas, sino lograr un
equilibrio en nuestras vidas y
concentrarnos en lo más importante.
10 principios del
buen diseño
Dieter Rams, German
industrial designer and retired
academic, closely associated
with the consumer products
company Braun, the furniture
company Vitsœ, and the
functionalist school of
industrial design.
Diagrama triangular del diseño

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