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In the morning there was critical issue in ELK-3 9/var/log)

2. This issue was on


3. So we will login to this by ssh,

ssh adminuser@

4. Then sudo –i

5. df –h ( to check the disk)

so /var/log was 100% in used, now we have to solve this,

6. we have to come in /var/log , cd /var/log

7. we will run the following for estimation,

#du –sh * | grep G

du - estimate file space usage

-s - display only a total for each argument
h - print size in human readable format (eg. 1KB, 120MB, 2GB)
* - show the all files
grep G - will show grep G file

output was,
6.4 G messages

8. we will clear messages by the following command,

# > messages

9. now check again whether /var/log space is reduce ,

# df –h

10. control d ( for logout )

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