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1 | Epidemiology Student’s Tutorial – M1.U1: Surveillance and Disease Outbreak Ver.

No – M1.U1

Surveillance and Disease Outbreak

Student’s Tutorial

In this chapter, you will learn about public health surveillance, which describes the
information systems and infrastructure used by public health agencies to monitor the
health of their communities. Most countries, for example, have systems in place to monitor
communicable diseases and to allow the investigation of disease outbreaks. Data collected
routinely through surveillance can also be used in epidemiological research, and we will
explore some of the uses of these data and its limitation.

Learning objectives
After working through this session, students were expected to be able to
 Describe the purposes and methods of public health surveillance
 Describe some types of routinely collected data
 Discuss the advantages and limitations of data obtained from these routine sources
 Identify the use of epidemiology in outbreak investigation

2 | Epidemiology Student’s Tutorial – M1.U1: Surveillance and Disease Outbreak Ver.2022/KMK

Surveillance requires the systematic collection, analysis, interpretation, and
dissemination of health data and is essential to the planning, implementation, and
evaluation of public health policies and practices. Surveillance systems can detect
and verify emerging disease threats and initiate the appropriate public health
response in order to minimize the impact of a disease on the health of a population.
Most countries have systems in place to monitor certain diseases (e.g., meningitis,
anthrax, and tuberculosis) through mandatory reporting by health care providers,
including physicians, laboratories, health centers and hospitals (notifiable diseases).
Risk factors for disease, such as smoking and alcohol consumption, are also
monitored to review population behaviors over time. The development of a
surveillance system requires clear objectives and the use of strict criteria with
which to identify and classify disease.

The clear definition of a case of disease is vitally important to ensure accurate data
are collected and is usually based on three criteria: clinical findings, laboratory
results to confirm a diagnosis, and epidemiological data describing the time, place
and type of individuals affected.

A standardized way of reporting disease is very important if authorities are to have

confidence in the data collected. Surveillance systems are sometimes described as
either active or passive. In passive surveillance, the reporting of certain diseases is
automatic and routine, with an obligation on health providers, laboratories, and
hospitals to notify a central public health agency of all cases of a notifiable disease.
Active surveillance is rarely carried out routinely and makes use of periodic visits to
institutions to collect required data. Active surveillance may be used to monitor the
spread of a new disease threat but is costly and labor-intensive. While many
effective surveillance systems are in place around the world, we need to consider
the fact that the proportion of notifiable disease that is reported will vary, and
surveillance is unlikely to capture all disease. Estimates of disease incidence in a
population are therefore likely to be conservative.

3 | Epidemiology Student’s Tutorial – M1.U1: Surveillance and Disease Outbreak Ver.2022/KMK

Activity 1
Figure 1 shows the result of HIV surveillance in Indonesia since 2005.

Data Source: Ditjen P2P, Kemenkes RI, 2020

Figure 1. Incidence of HIV in Indonesia Year 2007 – 2017

1. What figure 1 shows us?

Gambar 1 menunjukkan jumlah kasus HIV di Indonesia tumbuh dengan cepat

dan selalu meningkat dari waktu ke waktu, dalam kurun waktu 10 tahun (2007-
2017) terdapat penambahan lebih dari 40.000 kasus. Jumlah Kumulatif
penderita HIV dari tahun 2007 sampai 2017 sebanyak 48.300 kasus.

2. What might this suggest?

Menunjukkan kecenderungan peningkatan kasus HIV dari tahun ke tahun.

Insiden HIV selama 2 tahun terakhir meningkat signifikan dimana antara periode
waktu 2015-2017 terdapat peningkatan lebih dari 20.000 kasus, dimana hal ini
mungkin terjadi peningkatan perilaku beresiko, upaya penanganan dan
pencegahan yang tidak optimal dan bisa juga disebabkan upaya testing yang
masif serta meningkatnya kesadaran dan akses populasi kunci untuk melakukan
testing HIV.

4 | Epidemiology Student’s Tutorial – M1.U1: Surveillance and Disease Outbreak Ver.2022/KMK

Activity 2
The General City hospital compiles data on the rates of lower respiratory tract
infections in residents over the past five previous influenza seasons (Figure 2). They
also documented the percentage of the patient care staff receiving annual influenza
vaccination as documented in employee records (Figure 3).

Figure 2. Lower respiratory tract infection for influenza season in General

City Hospital 2000-2006.

Figure 3. The percentage of the patient care staff receiving annual influenza
5 | Epidemiology Student’s Tutorial – M1.U1: Surveillance and Disease Outbreak Ver.2022/KMK
vaccination in General City Hospital 2000-2006.

6 | Epidemiology Student’s Tutorial – M1.U1: Surveillance and Disease Outbreak Ver.2022/KMK

1. Describe what these figures (Fig. 2 & 3) tell us about influenza and the
vaccine in General City Hospital!
Gambar 2 menunjukkan tingkat infeksi saluran pernapasan bawah pada
penduduk selama lima musim influenza yang terjadi antara bulan April-
November dalam periode waktu antara tahun 2000 hingga tahun 2006. Data
menunjukkan terdapat penurunan tingkat infeksi yang signifikan pada
musim influenza di tahun 2004.
Gambar 3 menunjukkan Persentase staf perawatan pasien yang menerima
vaksinasi influenza tahunan di Rumah Sakit Umum Kota pada tahun 2000-
2006. Data menunjukkan terdapat peningkatan yang signifikan pada
presentasa perawat yang mendapatkan vaksin influenza pada tahun 2004.

2. What is the limitation of these data?

Data tidak menunjukkan hubungan sebab-akibat efektivitas vaksinasi
influenza terhadap jumlah penurunan jumlah tingkat infeksi influenza karena
subjek data berbeda.
3. What is these data contribution to the hospital policy?
Upaya vaksinasi Influenza dilakukan sejalan dengan penurunan tingkat infeksi
di masyarakat. Selanjutnya perlu dilakukan upaya preventif dan dilakukan
vaksinasi tenaga medis secara berkala dan rutin.

Activity 3
Table 1. Data for prioritization of health care-associated infection (HAI)
surveillance in General City Hospital.
Type of Percent of Percent extra Percent extra Percent of
infection all HAIs days cost due to preventable
hospitalized infection infections
due to infection
Surgical site 24 57 42 35
Pneumonia 10 11 39 22
Urinary tract 42 4 13 33

1. Describe what table 1 tell us about prioritization of HAI surveillance!

2. As a hospital manager, please choose the most and the less priority type of
infection for routine comprehensive surveillance as the table 1 data to
allocate the resources!

7 | Epidemiology Student’s Tutorial – M1.U1: Surveillance and Disease Outbreak Ver.2022/KMK

Activity 4
John Snow (1813–58) was a distinguished physician. As an epidemiologist, he is best
known for his studies of cholera, in particular of two outbreaks that occurred in
London in 1848–9 and 1854.

During the nineteenth century, drinking water in London was supplied by private
companies, which obtained water directly from the Thames. Each company had its
own network of pipes and in some areas these networks overlapped to such an
extent that the houses along a single street might be supplied by more than one
company. The Southwark and Vauxhall (S & V) Company and the Lambeth Company
were the two major companies that supplied water to cholera epidemic areas
during these periods. London was free of cholera from 1849 until 1853, and during
this period the Lambeth Company moved its source of water upstream to an area
outside London, while the S & V Company continued to draw water from a
downstream source within London. When cholera reappeared in London in July
1853, Snow visited households where a cholera death had been recorded and
collected information on the routine sources of water. The water sources for the
households of the first 334 deaths are shown in Table 1.

Table 2. Water source of households of people who died of cholera in London 1853
Source of water Number of deaths Number of deaths
S & V Company 286
Lambeth Company 14
Direct from river 26
Pump wells 4
Unknown 4
Total 334

1. Do the data presented in this table support Snow’s hypothesis that cholera is
transmitted through water? Give reasons for your answer.
Ya. Data tabel 2 data mendukung hipotesis Snow dan menunjukkan bahwa KLB
kolera di London menyebar melalui air yang terkontaminasi bakteri. Dari hasil
penelitian yang dilakukan Snow menunjukkan bahwa dari 334 kematian pertama
akibat kolera yang dilaporkan terjadi di London, 286 diantaranya (85.6%)
berasal dari rumah tangga yang mendapatkan supply air dari perusahaan S&V
yang sumber airnya berasal dari air bawah tanah London. Kejadian kolera pada
rumah tangga dengan sumber pasokan air dari Sungai terdapat kematian akibat
kolera sebanyak 26 kasus (9%), pasokan air dari Perusahaan Lambeth yang
bersumber dari area hulu di luar London terdapat 14 kejadian (4%), dan rumah
tangga yang sumber air dari sumur pompa sebanyak 4 kejadian (1%) dan
sumber lain yang tidak diketahui sebanyak 4 kejadian (1%).
8 | Epidemiology Student’s Tutorial – M1.U1: Surveillance and Disease Outbreak Ver.2022/KMK
2. What further questions would you ask before reaching firm conclusions from
these data?
1. Bagaimana hasil pengujian sampel pada sumber air tanah perusahaan S&V ?
2. Apakah air mengalir langsung ke rumah tangga dari pusat penampungan air
perusahaan S&V atau melalui penampungan terlebih dahulu?
3. Bagaimana gambaran peta persebaran rumah tangga dengan kasus kematian akibat
4. Kapan dan pada lokasi rumah tangga yang mana kejadian kematian akaibat kolera
pertama kali di laporkan?
5. Kajian terhadap waktu, tempat dan orang apakah spesifik pada kondisi tertentu

Snow collected data on the number of houses supplied by the S & V Company and
the Lambeth Company. When the cholera epidemic recurred in London in 1854, he
again collected data on sources of water in the houses of those who died of cholera.
The number of cholera deaths per 10,000 houses during the first seven weeks of the
epidemic (8 July to 26 August) in houses using different water sources is shown in
Table 3.
Source of water Total number of Number of Deaths per
households cholera deaths 10000
S & V Company 40046 1263 315
Lambeth Company 26107 98 38
Other 256423 1422 55

Table 3. Sources of water and cholera mortality in London, 8 July-26 August 1854

3. Do you think these data are adequate to conclude that cholera mortality is higher
in houses supplied by the S & V Company than in houses supplied by the Lambeth
Company? Discuss your answer.
Ya, data adekuat menunjukkan kesimpulan bahwa kematian lebih tinggi pada
rumah tangga yang mendapatkan supply air dari perusahaan S&V 1263 dari
40.046 rumah tangga (3.1%) dibandingkan rumah tangga yang mendapatkan
supply air dari perusahaan Lambeth 98 dari 26.107 rumah tangga (0.3%).
Kejadian kematian akibat kolera 10 kali lebih tinggi pada rumah tangga yang
mendapatkan air dari perusahaan S&V.

9 | Epidemiology Student’s Tutorial – M1.U1: Surveillance and Disease Outbreak Ver.2022/KMK

Figure 4. Distribution of cholera cases around Golden Square, London, August-September 1854.
Snow collected the house addresses of all 616 recorded cholera deaths between 19 August and 30
September 1854. From these data he produced a spot map showing the distribution of cholera
deaths and the positions of the water pumps

4. Using Figure 4 describe the distribution of cholera deaths in relation to the

position of water pumps.
Distribusi kematian akibat kolera lebih banyak, padat dan terpusat pada area
disekitar pompa A.
5. What explanations can you think of for the differences in the distribution of
deaths around water pumps A, B and C?
Terlihat bahwa persebara kasus kolera merata di radius utara, barat, selatan,
timur dari pompa A jika kita tetapkan sebagai titik pusat dibandingkan dengan
area di sekitar pompa B dan pompa C
6. Can you conclude that water from pump A was the source of the cholera
Ya. bisa ditarik kesimpulan bahwa sumber air dari pompa A adalah sumber
penyebaran bakteri kolera
7. What further information do you need?
1. Bakteri Kolera berkembang biak dan menyebar melalui feaces (kotoran)
manusia bila kotoran yang mengandung bakteri ini mengkontaminasi air.
Masih diperlukan penyelidikan lebih lanjut apakah di area sekitar pompa A
terdapat area penampungan kotoran manusia yang mengkontaminasi
sumber air pada pompa A.
10 | Epidemiology Student’s Tutorial – M1.U1: Surveillance and Disease Outbreak Ver.2022/KMK
2. Bagaimana dengan kebiasaan penggunaan air masyarakat di area tersebut,
perlu diselidiki apakah ada kecenderungan masyarakat untuk menggunakan
air hanya bersumber dari pompa A (sumber utama, lebih digemari karena
akses) dibandingkan pompa B dan pompa C?
3. Bagaimana hasil pengujian sampel air di pompa B dan C, apakah memang
tidak terkontaminasi atau memang jarang digunakan masyarakat sekitar?

Snow discovered that a brewery was located in the two blocks with no deaths
from cholera, and a deep well on the premises. The brewery workers and the
people who lived close by collected water from the brewery well. In addition, the
brewery workers had a daily quota of malt liquor. Snow was now convinced that
pump A was the source of the cholera, and he persuaded the local authorities to
remove the pump. This was achieved on 8 September. The dates of onset of
symptoms of the 616 fatal cases of cholera recorded between 19 August and 30
September are shown in Figure 4.

Figure 5. Distribution of cases of cholera by date of onset

1. What does the graph in Figure 5 show?
Dapat diamati dari grafik diatas bahwa puncak kasus kolera terjadi pada tanggal 1
Agutus, peningkatan bertahap dimulai sejak tanggal 29 agustus. Terdapat
penurunan tajam kasus mulai tanggal 2 hingga 6 september tetapi meningkat
kembali walaupun tidak signifikan pada tanggal 7 september sebelum
akhirnya menurun kembali.
2. Why do you think the epidemic stopped?

Karena sumber penularan telah diketahui dan pompa A di tutup.

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