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Activity 6: Let the paper begin

RESEARCH TITLE: Discipline Your Children in A Right Way

This generation there’s a children who’s spoiled but this is not good if you
continue spoiling your child, most of children if they want a thing to buy and
you’re going to buy for them and you also aware that the thing is not good for
their health but you continue buying because you don’t want your child to cry or
too angry at you. The point is let them know that not all things they wanted
doesn’t mean they can have them, let them know what the most needed in their

If you’re good at parenting to your kinds, then your kids will listen to all
your words because they know that they have wrong doings that need to be
corrected by their parents so they know the right and wrong doings because you
teach them in a nice and respectable.

We consistent, logical consequences .Kids need to know to expect when

they don’t listen. Listen to your ‘child’s feelings and ask them kindly rather than in
anger what’ going on. Acknowledge their side, and you can still follow through
with a consequence.

Activity 6: Literature Back Up 101

The AAP recommends positive discipline strategies that effectively teach
children to manage their behaviour and keep them from harm while promoting
healthy development. These include: show and tell. Teach children right from
wrong with calm words and action.

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