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1. How does the third person of the Blessed Trinity affect the life of a believer? Cite an example.

(Explain in 3-5 sentences.)

The third person of the Blessed Trinity which is the “Holy Spirit” affects the life of a believer to
the way that when I pray and study the Bible, not only when reading it but in my everyday life,
every second that passes I can feel the essence of the Holy Spirit that strengthens me to work
up my courage in facing my challenges by fueling me with wisdom, understanding, and
fortitude. When you devote time to studying God's words, you demonstrate to Him that you
genuinely desire to know and learn from Him. This is also not only for the believers but also to
those who doesn’t intent to believe, we know that the majority of us have witnessed the results
of that promise being fulfilled in your life. You had a gentle assurance in your heart and head
that something was correct. And you knew it was divine inspiration. When something appeals
to your heart and mind, you experience calm, hope, and joy.

2. In what way does the Holy Spirit becomes our Advocate, Helper, Counselor, Encourager, and
(Explain in 3-5 sentences.)

The way that Holy Spirit becomes our Advocate to the fact that, though we’re nothing but
sinners, if we put our trust in Jesus, he defends us. The Holy Spirit becomes our Helper to the
way that no matter how sinners we are in the eyes of the Lord, he is always there to help us
change and turn mistake into a lesson. The Holy Spirit as Counselor to the way that it never
got tired in always staying by our side through our ups and downs. The Holy as Encourager to
the way that it builds up our courage to fight back any hindrances and problems in our life that
we can do all things through him, who strengthens us. The Holy Spirit as our Comforter to the
way that when we are massively wounded, the Holy Spirit is always their to fill it up by healing
it through giving us the righteous lesson that we ever need to in our life.

3. In relation to your course, how can the gift of the Holy Spirit be used to live out the faith you
have? Cite an example. (Explain in 5-7 sentence)

In relation to my BSIT course, the gift of the Holy Spirit be used to live out the faith that I have
in terms of the wisdom that the Holy Spirit offers me always that makes me recognize the
importance of others and the importance of keeping God central in our lives. The gift of the
Holy Spirit made me say that I am now finally a human being who knows how to be
understanding through out their reasons behind their wrong doings and to the fact that I am be
able to help mentally that everything we does in this world, God has always prepared a reason
that will make us a better person. His gift of freedom helped me to avoid the things that could
lead me away from God knowing that God wants us to make our decisions within the broader
context of his plan because we love him and desire to obey him. Even if we have the ability to
choose, it is the Holy Spirit who can lead us. In fact, the Holy Spirit helps us to bring closer to
God as we proclaim things that nothing is impossible with Him.

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