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Quiz Handle

Quizzes List
 Function trigger: The list quiz will be displayed when the learner click sheet “List quiz” on the
lesson detail page.
 Function description:
o Actor: Learner.
o The system will allow the learner to see a list quiz on the lesson.
 Screen layout: 

1. Function Details: 
a. Learner can select quiz on the list quiz
b. After learner click on quiz, this page will display detail information about quiz
Quizzes Details
 Function trigger:
Will be displayed when the learner clicks the name quiz. 
 Function description:
 Actor: Learner.
 The system will allow the learner to see quiz detail
 Screen layout:

 Function Details: 
 This function displays details of the quiz.
 After learner clicks the button “Take quiz”, the system will navigate to “Take quiz” page
Quiz Handle
 Function trigger: 
 The system will display when the login account is successfully
 Learner is on the lesson details page
 When learner clicks the button “Take quiz”
 Function description:
 Actor: Learner.
 The system will display list question on the quiz
 Screen layout:

 Function Details: 
 This page displays information about the question and 4 the answer of each question
 Learner will be able to click on the radio button to choose an answer

 Learner will be able to click on the button “Finish” to finish the quiz

Quiz Review:
 Function trigger: 
 The system will display when the login account is successfully
 Learner is finish do the quiz
 When learner clicks the button “Check your answer”
 Function description:
 Actor: Learner.
 The system shows the learners to see the correct answer of the system and the answer
chosen by the learner 
 Screen layout

 Function Details: 
 The page display  the learners to see the correct answer of the system and the answer
chosen by the learner

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