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Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.

Bismillahirrohmanirrohim, alhamdulillahirobbil‘alamin. Wassholatuwassalamu‘ala asrofil

ambiyaiwal mursalin. Waala alihi wasohbihi ajma’in.. amma ba’duh…..
Who I respect, the principal and the board of Asatidz and Asatidzah Miftahul Ulum 1. And
what I'm proud of, all my friends, Miftahul Ulum 1 students who are blessed by Allah SWT..
First of all, let us praise and thank Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala for His blessings and grace, we
can take part in the Khitobah activity with the theme of commemorating the 77th Indonesian
Independence Day in good health. amen amen amen ya rabbal alamin.
and greetings, let us give to our great prophet Muhammad SAW. Which has brought us
from the realm of ignorance to the light of faith..
Friends who are blessed by Allah SWT, today is a very important moment for us. Indonesia
succeeded in becoming independent thanks to the services of the heroes who were not afraid to
fight against the invaders from our beloved motherland.
Therefore, we should thank, remember, and pray for the heroes of independence at the moment
of the 77th Indonesian Independence Day.
We must not forget the history of the Indonesian nation and the services of the heroes.
Remember President Soekarno's message, namely "Jas Merah" or "Never forget history".
Dear friends, who are blessed by Allah SWT, if we remember the struggles of the young heroes
while seizing the independence of this nation, it is clear in our minds that their spirit of unity is
like a burning fire, so powerful it unites in body and soul.
We must instill and imitate the nationalism and patriotism of the heroes of independence,
by preserving Indonesia's wealth so that it does not drown in the current developments.
Especially for young people who are the successors of the Indonesian nation, they must be able
to defend the basis of the state in order to prosper the nation's people and maintain its integrity as
evidence of devotion to the motherland.
Friends who are blessed by Allah SWT, it is necessary to remember at all times that Bhinneka
Tunggal Ika is the motto of our country which will always be a role model for the next
generation of the nation.
I hope that's enough of my speech, if there are any wrong words, I apologize profusely.

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