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English VII- ‘Solemne 2’ Guidelines

Planning a Roleplay based on ‘Dubliners’ themes and Incorporating

contents into practice

Presentations: Friday June 24, 2022

In the same groups established once we started to work with collocations,
you will write a script and enact a roleplay incorporating the contents
studied in unit 2.

 Verb-noun collocations
 Noun-preposition collocations
 Verb patterns -ing & infinitive
 Modal verbs
 Themes from ‘Dubliners’

Any of the social topics in the ‘Dubliners’ stories:
 Araby
 A painful case
 The dead

Goal: To incorporate the contents from unit 2 into your roleplay and to
get inspiration from the social issues, topics and underlying themes,
symbols, and motifs of the chosen story from James Joyce’s ‘Dubliners’.

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