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dam enhance mejorar

boosted boost impulsar

concerned expand expandir
cleared thrive prosperar
thrives benefit beneficio
hunting improve mejorar
When I was 12 years old, was the first time I went to the beach of Ilo, my first impression is that it was a really beautiful place, I fell in love with this place,
but not only the attraction of the place but the food was really good, the negative thing was that when I went back again to this beach, is that they are
falling apart. The food was not as fresh, it fell through in every aspect. I’ve fallen behind and missed the opportunity to come back again, before this place
looked so changed. Maybe the only thing that remained was the people, my attitudes haven't changed at all over the years, but I think the best thing about
growing up was becoming independent. so my best stage of life was my childhood.

I believe that people living in big cities can try and feel a lot of cultures they live with.

So I think it's a great experience, but I also think it can be a big problem for the economy and the sustainability of the families and it can also resort to the
pollution that would be caused by the big population

In the 70's, horror and action films were very popular. Moreover, films like "The Exorcist", "The Prophecy" were very well known. As a result of watching
horror films, they act as a stimulus to the brain and evoke activity in the brain, which releases neurotransmitters that, in turn, enhance our ability to think. In
addition, some horror movies show scenes of people acting as murderers or kidnappers or violence itself, and consequently the scenes could be copied in
real life.

As long as the population does not imitate actors from this genre of movies it is ok, we can see the positive side as analysing situations that can happen to us
in real life and we can foresee them.


I was born in the last years of the 90's generation and about to enter another new one /As a result of this, I had a beautiful childhood, /I could say that this
was my best stage of life because I experienced things that are remembered as the best compared to the present /. For example, games were more
interactive and dynamic and we didn't use a lot of technology. / I fell for the good music back then/ it made more sense than it does nowadays. /
Consequently, later in my adolescence, things were changing, / I didn't like this stage so much /because at that time I had to move to the city centre, / it
was next to a residential area and a shopping centre, so it was a stressful period. /

and things changed suddenly, / new friends, new things to do and more responsibilities, / even though I was a good daughter. In addition I think that this
stage was complicated and /I didn't know how to deal with it.

Now in my Young adulthood I can take advantage of all those experiences, / I guess I speak for everyone that we all think that at some point in our lives we
want to go back in time and recreate a moment of our past years. / but in the end my best stage was my childhood. /

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