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The Most Common Challenge ESL Learners Face: Learning the Language without a Goal

This is the most important challenge to overcome. In order to be successful in learning English (or any
language), you have to have a personal goal for why you want to learn the language. The more
emotional the reason, the better. For example, if you want to learn English “because I’d like to meet
new people who speak it,” then that is going to be less motivating (long-term) than a reason like “so I
can give myself more opportunities in life.” If you are passionate about learning this language, then you
will stay committed to learning it. I would suggest sitting down and writing out a list of all of the reasons
why learning English is important to you. Then, choose the most important and meaningful one to guide
you throughout this journey. Trust me, it will make all the difference.

Clarissa Watson, Unsplash.

Ultimately, it’s important to be patient with yourself during the process of learning English. Rome wasn’t
built in a day, as the saying goes. But, if you recognize the challenges you might face and prepare for
them in advance, I have every confidence that you will be speaking English in no time.

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