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Article Review: Recommended Competency

 After reading the article carefully, I discovered that one of the required specialized

abilities is having a global viewpoint. I believe I can succeed if I work hard enough.

Leaders that have operated successfully on a global basis are in great demand. Despite

the difficulty, the financial rewards to the organization would make it desirable to attempt to see

things from this angle. According to their forecasts, C-suite executives who adopt Unruh and

Cabrera's method will rise to the ranks of the world's richest people. First, you'll learn to adopt a

more open and global mindset. The greatest way to learn is to have an open mind and heart as

you read, travel, experience other cultures, and meet new people. There is no time to rest after

you've achieved the pinnacle of your profession. Recognizing similarities and contrasts among

cultures, and building bridges between them, may give you and your business an edge. But a

feeling of belonging to the world should be valued more than material success. The capacity to

bring about dramatic alterations on a worldwide scale is what gives the elite of the world their

amazing influence.

Leaders with international experience are in high demand. Though gaining this

perspective may be challenging, the benefits in terms of value to the company make the effort

worthwhile. This, at least, is what the authors Unruh and Cabrera claim will happen if corporate

leaders follow their blueprint and eventually rank among the world's wealthiest individuals.

Learning to think and act on a global scale is the first step. Reading, travelling, learning about

various cultures, and engaging with people will need you to have an open mind and heart. Once

you've reached the top in your field, you can never relax. The ability to recognize cultural

differences and similarities and to build diverse networks is a valuable asset that may provide

your organization a competitive advantage. But more important than financial gain should be a

sense of global citizenship. That's why the world's elite are so unique and potent: they have the

ability to affect the globe in incalculable ways.

Once managers have the needed competencies, they need to look for places where they

can offer value by, on the one hand, seeing specific customer demands and market niches, and,

on the other, spotting pervasive commonalities across otherwise dissimilar regions. Fortunately,

with the help of global connections made early in one's career, it is possible to capitalize on such

shifts. The last step in becoming a global citizen and making a good difference on Earth is to

start making connections beyond geographic and economic boundaries. All sectors of society,

from government to business to philanthropy, will need to collaborate at this time of transition to

bring about permanent improvements in their neighborhoods.

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