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International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics (2021) 27:385–395

Isolation, Characterization and In‑Silico Study of Conotoxin Protein

from Conus loroisii and Its Anti‑cancer Activity
Anjali Kumari1 · Shijin Ameri2 · Najat Marraiki3 · Abdallah M. Elgorban3,4 · Vincent Aroulmoji5 ·
Kumar Ponnuchamy6 · Muthusamy Govarthanan7   · Thangaswamy Selvankumar1

Accepted: 16 June 2020 / Published online: 29 June 2020

© Springer Nature B.V. 2020

The conopeptides are the conotoxin of Conus loroisii have wide applications in drug development. This work emphasizes the
isolation and identification of conopeptides form Conus loroisii and the peptides were characterized using LC–MS/MS ESI
fragmentation technique and showing 50 protein sequences with disulfide linkages of the molecular mass of 352–1263 m/z.
The conotoxin peptide having O1, O2, M, S, I1, J, A and T-superfamily. The gel electrophoresis results also confirmed the
protein bands above 20 kDa. The Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectra reported the presence of halometabolites found
in marine-derived conopeptides. Moreover, the toxicity of conopeptide has been studied with brine shrimps, chorioallantoic
membrane, and breast cancer cell lines (MCF-7). The in-silico analysis of HPV protein databases reveals conotoxin protein
has strong interactions and the toxicity assay proved that the conotoxin of C. loroisii as a potential anti-cancer drug.

Keywords  Anticancer · Conotoxin · Conus loroisii · Human papillomavirus · Mass spectrometry


The cone snails of the genus Conus loroisii are the group of
gastropods with predatory properties with their venomous
compounds as “conotoxin” (Robinson and Norton 2014).
The conotoxin shows an important source in pharmaceutics
* Muthusamy Govarthanan for human health (Kalia et al. 2015). The conotoxins are
peptide molecules and identified through liquid chromatog-
* Thangaswamy Selvankumar raphy with electrospray ionization mass spectrometry tech-
nique (Davis et al. 2009; Asuma et al. 2015). Moreover, the
PG and Research Department of Biotechnology, Mahendra peptides have wide pharmacological properties such as neu-
Arts and Science College (Autonomous), Tamil Nadu, rotransmitter transporters (Morales-González et al. 2015),
Kalippatti, Namakkal 637501, India pain reliever and molecular probe in drug designing (Lewis
Biodiversity Division, Central Marine Fisheries Research et al. 2012). Convulsive disorders, stroke, neuromuscular
Institute (ICAR), Kochi 682018, Kerala, India block and cardioprotection (Thundimadathil 2012; Richard
Department of Botany and Microbiology, College of Science, and Michael 2006).
King Saud University, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia The earlier workers were reported on the conotoxin
Centre of Excellence in Biotechnology Research, King Saud “Conolysin-Mt” of Conus mustelinus showed therapeutic
University, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia mechanisms of membrane disruption (Biggs et al. 2007),
Center for Research & Development, Mahendra Engineering and conotoxin from Conus inscriptus having the anti-
College (Autonomous), Tamil Nadu, Mallasamudram West, cancer activity of cervical cancer cell lines (HeLa-HPV
Namakkal 637503, India
associated) (Anjali et al. 2019), HPV associated anogenital
Department of Animal Health and Management, Alagappa cancer (Barbara et al. 2019), anticancer activity (Kumari
University, Karaikudi 630003, Tamil Nadu, India
et al. 2020) and pharmaceutical target of specific peptides
Department of Environmental Engineering, Kyungpook from Conus loroisii (Kohn 2001). The inhibitory effect of
National University, Daegu, South Korea


386 International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics (2021) 27:385–395

alpha-conotoxin TxID on lung cancer (Qian et al. 2019) ducts were anatomized; blended in 2.0 ml of extraction
binding the membrane proteins channels and receptors (McI- buffer (0.1 M NaCl, 0.05 M Tris–HCl and pH 8.8). The
ntosh et al. 2000) and efficiently blocking the α3β4 nAChRs. extract was vortexed and centrifuged twice at 12,000×g for
The study of conotoxin characterization includes extrac- 10 min at 4 °C. The supernatant was collected and main-
tion, purification, identification and assembly of biological tained at − 20 °C for further studies.
activity for peptides. This owns the prospective of mak-
ing efficient and selective pharmaceutical drug (Vetter and Protein Estimation and Molecular Weight
Lewis 2012) from Conus venom. The latest classification of Determination
conotoxin was based on characteristics such as gene super-
family, cysteine framework and disulfide linkages (Duque The total protein content from the isolated venom superna-
et al. 2019). The simplicity of toxins from conus has placed tant was estimated by Lowry’s methods (Lowry et al. 1951).
them on a valuable position in the research of neuroscience The Molecular weight of the venom proteins was estimated
and cancer that leads to novel drug development (Yao et al. by SDS-PAGE (Laemmli 1951) and Gel enzymatic digestion
2008). Moreover, the peptide toxins display broadly, the of proteins was carried out according to Safavi et al. (2010).
chemical disparity which bears an excellent efficiency to The in-gel digestion was incubated overnight, and peptides
bind with the target receptor. The protein diversity of cono- were extracted, lyophilized and stored at − 80 °C for further
toxins studied through different computational perspective studies (Wang et al. 2015).
have been implemented for studying their structure, role and
their efficiency. Also, In-silico methods such as homology Liquid Chromatography ESI‑Mass Spectrometer
modelling, molecular dynamics simulations and docking are and FT‑IR Analysis
essentially used to understand the rapid screening, chemi-
cal configuration of conotoxins for applications (Lee et al. The proteomics data were procured using mass spectrom-
2012).Although, the pharmaceutical and therapeutic applica- eter fragmentation technique on instrument LC–ESI–MS
tions of the conotoxin from Conus loroisii have not reported (Brukner Daltonis, Germany). The 5  µl of chemically
the anticancer activity of this species. reduced and alkylated peptides were mixed with 2 µl of
Thus, the objectives of the current study were, Conus acetic anhydride and volume was made up to 20 µl with
loroisii (i) isolation and purification of conotoxin from water. After 1 h of incubation at room temperature, the mix-
Conus loroisii,(ii) characterization of the conotoxin liquid- ture was exposed to LC–ESI–MS to determine the disulfide
chromatography mass spectrometry (LC–MS) analysis (iii) linkages (Pundir et al. 2016). The peptides were separated
structural characterization and functional groups identifica- with analytical C18 column using Eksigent nano LC425 (AB
tion using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) Sciex, Singapore, 5 µm particle size, 100 mm × 0.5 mm. The
(iv) toxicity assay of Brine shrimp (Artemia salina) lethal- sample 1 µl was loaded with a flow rate of 20 µl/min. The
ity test (BSLT) and chorioallantoic membrane assay on a one-dimensional solution B gradient was acquired from 0 to
chicken embryo (v) The (vi) cytotoxicity assay of conotox- 100% in 90 min (TFA in ACN), solution A (TFA in water).
ins on MCF-7 cancer cell lines (vii) In silico analysis of The data was achieved by Analyst software version 1.6. The
GRAMM-X Protein–Protein Docking Web Server v.1.2.0 processing of data was with protein Pilot™ and Biopharma
for MCF-7 cell line. view software (AB Sciex, Singapore). The IR spectra were
carried out using Bruker/OPUS 7.5.18, (India) with the lyo-
philized sample of C. loroisii venom peptides.
Materials and Methods
Brine Shrimp Lethality Assay (BSLA)
Collection of Specimen and Identification
The toxicity test of the conopeptide involved brine-shrimp
Specimens of Conus loroisii were collected from the Bay of lethality assay was studied based on the method of Nookala
Bengal, Thoothukudi, (Lat. 8.81°N, Lon. 78.14°E) (Fig. 1a et al. (2018). Accordingly, brine shrimp eggs were placed
Tamil Nadu The Species identification was done by follow- in the artificially obtained seawater for hatching in a plastic
ing the standard keysets as reported earlier (Franklin et al. container for 2 days. After incubation, the mature nauplii
2009). were used for lethality assay. The purified venom protein was
mixed with 24.9 ml of artificial seawater in the test tubes fol-
Extraction of Venom lowed by addition of 10 living mature nauplii into the tubes.
The experimental tubes were then allowed to stay at labora-
The C. loroisii shell was cracked by hammer and the soft tory condition for 24 h. Next, the surviving nauplii were
body was dissected for achieving venom duct. The venom counted of each test tube using magnifiers and data recorded.

International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics (2021) 27:385–395 387

Fig. 1  a Conus loroisii samples

were collected from the sea-
shore of Thoothukudi district
of Tamil Nadu, which belongs
to Northeastern part of Indian
Ocean. b Image of Conus
loroisii and its venom gland, the
shell appears brownish black
and the venom glands were pale


388 International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics (2021) 27:385–395

air was aspirated to let the membrane down. The venom pep-
tide was mixed with dyes and injected into the embryonated
eggs at the linking of two blood vessels followed by closing
the hole by adhesion tape. The eggs were left at 37 °C for
incubation in BOD incubator for 72 h. After incubation, the
tape was opened and the development of blood vessels was
observed (Gupta et al. 2014).

Docking Studies

The structure of delta-Am2766 conotoxin from conus (PDB

ID:1YZ2) and the X-ray diffraction structure of E2 HPV
type 2 protein (PDB ID: 1A7G) were retrieved from protein
database RCSB protein data bank ( The
water molecules were removed from both conotoxin and E2
HPV type 2 proteins before docking and the structures were
minimized by using Schrodinger suite (https​://www.schro​
Fig. 2  SDS-PAGE, the electrophoretic observed bands of venom pro-
dinger​ .com/). The active site pockets were identified by using
teins extracted from the Conus loroisii  the eraser algorithm. The grid box (20 Å × 20 Å × 20 Å) was
generated around receptor and the docking was conducted
by GRAMM-X tool.
MTT Assay

Cytotoxicity and Apoptotic Staining Results and Discussion

The cytotoxic property of the conopeptides was tested against In the present study, the crude toxin was extracted from the
MCF-7 breast cancer cell lines. The MCF-7 breast cancer cell ducts of C. loroisii (Fig. 1a, b). The total protein concentra-
lines were procured from National Center for Cell Sciences, tion estimated was 1 mg/ml. The SDS-PAGE determined
Pune and cultured as per their requirements (Kumar et al. the molecular weight of the crude venom proteins, the gel
2014a). Further, the cytotoxicity of conotoxin peptides was image is depicted in Fig. 2. The SDS-PAGE displayed above
evaluated by MTT assay based on the methodology adopted 20KD with different molecular weights (20, 29, 36, 45, 55,
by Mosmann (1983). Further, the apoptotic features of cell 63, 66, 97 and 166 KDa) of C. loroisii. this study also antici-
death were recorded by dual (acridine orange (AO) and Eth- pated by Wang et. al. (2015) and showed the protein bands
idium bromide (EtBr) and nuclear (Hoechst 33,344) staining corresponds to 20KD isolated from C. textile, C. lividus,
as reported by (Kumar et al. 2014b). Furthermore, the stained C. caracteristicus. The results also imply the proteome pro-
cells were visualized under a fluorescence microscope (Accu- filing above 20KD showed the role in metabolism, folding
scope—EXI-310, USA) at × 20 magnification. and synthesis of a protein with post-translational modifi-
cation. The results of high and low scads of protein were
chemically modified and exposed to LC–MS/MS is shown
Chorio Allantoic Membrane Assay in Fig. 3 and the sequence results are reported in Table 1.
The result confirms the presence of 50 proteins was identi-
Freshly fertile nine-day-old chicken eggs were purchased fied and match with conoserver data for comparison (Kaas
from nearby Poultry Breeding Farm, Mallasumdram, Tamil et al. 2012). Earlier reports have shown their importance of
Nadu. With the use of driller, a small hole was made and the peptidomes analysis using LC–MS/MS (Franklin and Rajesh

Fig. 3  LC–MS: total ion chromatogram, a mass spectrum of injected venom protein, isolated from Conus loroisii 

International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics (2021) 27:385–395 389

Table 1  Conoprotein sequence determination

S. no Description m/z value Super family Cysteine frame work Peptide sequence

1 CnIIIG conotoxin (Conus consors) 410.35 M III QKCCGKGMTCPRYFRDNFICGCC​

2 CnVIIA conotoxin (Conus consors) 605.01 O1 VI/VII CKGKGAOCTRL(Mox)YDCCHGSC-
3 Ai6.1 conotoxin (Conus ammiralis) 437.01 O1 VI/VII WCKQSGEMCNLLDQNCCEGYCIV-
4 St6.3 conotoxin (Conus Striolatus) 437 O1 VI/VII STTKVSKSTSCMKAGSYCVATTRICCG​
5 Pn6.9 conotoxin (Conus pennaceus) 448.7 O2 VI/VII GCSGTCHRREDGKCRGTCDCSGYSY-
6 Ca8a Conotoxin (Conus caracteristicus) 448.25 S VIII GCSGTCHRREDGKCRGTCDCSGYSY-
7 R11.5 Conotoxin (Conus radiatus) 407.7 I1 XI GAVPCGKDGRQCRNHADCCNCC-
8 MiK41 conotoxin (Conus miles) 407.15 O1 VI/VII TCRSSGRYCRSPYDCCR​RYC​RRIT-
9 CcoSc conotoxin (Conus consors) 979.23 S VIII GCTLVNNCRKRNGACNGDCHCKG-
10 Ac1.2 conotoxin (Conus Achatinus) 875.01 A I NGRCCHPACGGKYVKC
11 Fla6.17 conotoxin (Conus flavidus) 1263.59 Q VI/VII CTPCGPDLCCEPGTTCDTVLRHTHF-
12 G5.4 conotoxin (Conus geographus) 558.18 T V DCCEERWCCF
13 CnIA conotoxin (Conus consors) 535.24 A I GRCCHPACGKYYSC(nh2)
14 G6.7 conotoxin (Conus geographus) 774.9 O1 VI/VII PCANLGRACDTVPCCLGVRCFESRT-
15 Vc6.14 conotoxin (Conus victoriae) 650.29 O2 VI/VII TNAESWWEGECLGWSNGCTQPSDC-
16 G6.3 conotoxin (Conus geographus) 435.2 O1 III ALRSTKVSKSPPCLVAGSSCRG​TTR​
17 BtIIIA conotoxin (Conus betulinus) 352.21 M III CCKQSCTTCMPCCW​
18 Con-BKA conantokin (Conus striolatus) 385.16 unknown NO cys GD(Gla)(Gla)YS(Gla)FI(Gla)RER(Gla)
19 SxIIIA conotoxin (Conus striolatus) 565.77 M III RCCTGKKGSCSGRACKNLKCCA(nh2)
20 Eb3-R02 conotoxin (Conus ebraeus) 423.22 M III EFILPAVGRTCCDLTWCDGNCRCCTP
21 GlB conotoxin (Conus geographus) 637.79 A I ECCNPACGRHYSCKG
22 TxMMSK-01 conotoxin (Conus textile) 380.21 M III CCRLLCLSCNPCC
23 FVIA conotoxin (Conus fulmen) 452.23 omega VI/VII CKGTGKSCSRIAYNCCTGSCRSGKC
24 Lv3-YH04 conotoxin (Conus lividus) 803.02 M III MKLMLSALRQQECCKPSTCDGGCY-
25 Im5.5 conotoxin (Conus imperialis) 466.24 T V CCIKFHPCCHN
26 TxMMSK-01conotoxin (Conus textile) 381.68 M III CCRLLCLSCNPCC
27 Gla-MrIII conotoxin (Conus marmoreus) 528.74 T V FCCRTQ(Gla)VCC(Gla)AIKN (nh2)
28 S8.1 conotoxin (Conus striatus) 448.68 S VIII GCSGTCHRREDGKCRGTCDCSGYSY-
29 Co3-S01 conotoxin (Conus coronatus) 415.73 M III TCCPPGICSSDKCSCC
30 ArXIA conotoxin (Conus arenatus) 466.2 I1 XI RTCSRRGHRCIRDSQCCGGMCCQGN-
31 Mr15.2 conotoxin (Conus marmoreus) 451.19 N XV CRSGKTCORVGODVCC(Gla)RSDCF-
32 Ca15a conotoxin (Conus caracteristicus) 401.72 O2 XV CRVENKCOHTVCCDRSRCSCKLIR-
33 Bu25 conotoxin (Conus bullatus) 1018.77 A IV YWTECCGRIGPHCSRCICPGVVCPK


390 International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics (2021) 27:385–395

Table 1  (continued)
S. no Description m/z value Super family Cysteine frame work Peptide sequence

34 Vc5.22Conotoxin (Conus victoriae) 610.27 T V GICCSKHPPCCSQFQ

35 Mr6.11 conotoxin (Conus marmoreus) 525.25 UNKNOWN VI/VII SCAQSGLSCDTRPCCDDKPCVPN-
36 Mr14.1 conotoxin (Conus marmoreus) 635.31 J XIV VPAEPILEIICPEMCDEGVGEEPF-
37 Mi025 conotoxin (Conus miles) 587.29 O1 VI/VII CTDSGQFCDPTDHDCCSGN-
38 Pu11.1 conotoxin (Conus pulicarius) 549.27 I1 XI ASICRG​TGG​RCTKDKHCCGWLCCG-
39 MiEr95 conotoxin (Conus miles) 407.73 O1 VI/VII ECREKGQGCTNTALCCP-
40 Vx3 conantokin (Conus vexillum) 515.7 B2 NO CYS FPQRRDGAPAENLKSFDPAG-
41 Conantokin-Pr2 conantokin (Conus 366.62 NA NO CYS DEP(Gla)YA(Gla)AIR(Gla)YQLKYGKI
42 GVIIIA conotoxin (Conus geographus) 436.23 S VIII GCT​RTC​GGOKCTG​TCT​
43 G33 conotoxin (Conus geographus) 847.29 O1 VI/VII CTQDFDPCMPVCHECCTRSHFV-
44 LiC121 conotoxin (Conus lividus) 948.42 T V ALCCY​GYR​FCCPNFR
45 Tx3f conotoxin (Conus textile) 501.75 M III RCCKFPCPDSCRYLCC(nh2)
46 Tx5.14 conotoxin (Conus textile) 571.31 T V GIFALAKSVCCTAAKLSFCC
47 Di6.9 conotoxin (Conus distans) 762.38 O1 VI/VII ATPECSRAGCKNVPCCSGLKCTG-
48 Mn1.1 conotoxin (Conus monachus) 409.6 A I NGHCCHPACGGKYVKC
49 G33 conotoxin (Conus geographus) 601.29 O1 VI/VII CTQDFDPCMPVCHECCTRSHFV-
50 Co6.5 conotoxin (Conus coronatus) 601.79 O1 VI/VII CTPAGKACDATA​TCC​VLFCNLVTNKC-

2015; Wang et al. 2015). The LC–MS data revealed proteins at 2095.41 cm−1 attributed to N=C=S stretch belonged to
with disulfide linkages of different molecular mass distrib- isothiocyanate. The band observed at 1634.94 cm−1 was
uted in the range of 352–1263 m/z. belonging mostly to O1, assigned to C=C stretching of alkene and the small peak
O2, T, M, J, S, I1, A and N superfamilies with cysteine at 1543.60  cm−1 was assigned to N–O stretching of the
framework pattern I, III, VI, VII, VIII, XIV, V, and IV. The nitro compound. The peak at 1402.84 cm−1 belongs to S=O
identified superfamilies and cysteine frameworks of the sulfonyl chloride. The peak at 1079.36 belongs to C-O for
venom proteins from C. loroisii were also observed in C. primary alcohol, and 561.61 belongs C-I halo compound.
miles, C. lividus, C. textile, C. vexillium, C. geographus. The Earlier FT-IR study on C. loroisii venom (Janeena and Lyla
cysteine frameworks are determined by the organization of 2015) showed amide, alkenes, sulfonic acid, hydrohalides,
C–C–CCC–CC in the conopeptides primary sequences(Kaas azides, and alkyl mercaptans. The spectral determination of
et al. 2008). specimens of the identical species permits to evaluate diver-
The identification of chemical characteristics of func- sity in their chemical contours. Consequently, FT-IR spec-
tional groups and chemical bonds present in the venom sam- troscopy can be used as a rapid, easy and confined method
ples were studied using FT-IR spectroscopy (Tarlai et al. in the determination of chemical compounds between spe-
2017). The results of FT-IR spectra are reported in Fig. 4. cies (Naseer et al. 2019). The Brine Shrimp lethality test
The observed peak at 3359.30 cm−1 was assigned to N–H examination of the venom peptide on Brine shrimp showed
stretching of aliphatic primary amine. The peak observed (Fig. 5) that half inhibitory concentration was at 30 µg/ml.

International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics (2021) 27:385–395 391

Fig. 4  Infrared absorption spectrum showing chemical profile of isolated venom protein

This is almost similar with earlier reported results on C.

amadis (Ramesh et al. 2014) the I­ C50 was seen at 25 µg/ml.
This test was considered as the preliminary evaluation of
toxicity (Primahana et al. 2015) which probably paved the
path for the anticancer potential of the biological extracts.
The chicken embryo chorioallantoic membrane assay with
venom peptide showed an increase in the thickness of the
blood vessels after the incubation period was over. The
chicken chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) system has been
wildly used to study human tumour growth and tissue regen-
eration research. However, in the present work, we have used
to study the angiogenic activity of the venom peptide from
C. loroisii toxin. The angiogenic activity of venom peptide
indicates that these peptides can be very beneficial in the
growth of new blood vessels, organ growth and repair. A
similar study was reported on marine mollusc invertebrates
extracts (Gupta et al. 2014), the CAM assay is applied to
study in vivo angiogenesis assay (Subauste et al. 2009). It
helps to study tumour angiogenic and anti-angiogenic activ-
ity of molecules (Fig. 6).
The conopeptide, derived from C. loroisii was ana-
lyzed for cytotoxic assay against MCF-7 breast cancer
Fig. 5  Brine-shrimp lethality assay cell lines: Based on the results, it is confirmed that the C.


392 International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics (2021) 27:385–395

Fig. 6  Chorio Allantoic Mem-

brane assay on chick embryo

Fig. 7  Cytotoxicity effect of
Conus loroisii venom peptides
against MCF-7 breast cancer
cell lines: a Control cells treated
with Acridine Orange/Etbr
Staining (AO/EB) appearing
green; b venom peptide (­ IC50)
treated cells inferring apoptotic
bodies inferring red due to
chromatin condensation; c con-
trol cells treated with Hoechst
33,344 staining with no signifi-
cant apoptotic morphology; d
venom peptide (­ IC50) treated
cells inferring pyknotic nucleus
inferring bright blue

International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics (2021) 27:385–395 393

Table 2  pyDockWEB results of protein–protein docking between (Am2766 conotoxin-E2 HPV type 2 protein) showing electrostatics and desol-
vation score values

loroisii showed a half-maximum inhibitory concentration a sequence length of 27 amino acid chain residues with E2
of 32 µg mL−1 upon incubation for 24 h. Further, the ­IC50 regulatory protein from HPV type 31 was analyzed load-
treated conotoxin from C. loroisii treated breast cancer cells ing receptor protein and ligand–protein in the GRAMM-
showed morphological evidence of apoptosis and nuclear X docking tool and AutoDock method was applied to see
beading. The dual staining by AO/EtBr revealed the for- the H-bond interactions. The results were depicted in and
mation of apoptotic bodies inferring red due to chromatin Table 2 and Fig. 8a–c analyzed by using Discovery studio
condensation. Meanwhile, the control cells display no sig- tool. Based on the interaction between the receptor protein
nificant red emission inferring healthy cells in green. In the and the ligand–protein interaction, The in silico analysis
same, Hoechst 33,344 staining was performed to evaluate concluded that the 1YZ2 is having low bond length as 2.529
the nuclear morphology upon treatment with conotoxin from with 1A7G. Based on this interaction we have concluded
C. loroisii Fig. 7 shows control cells with no blue emission that the protein 1A7G is considered as a protein to minimize
with healthy nuclear morphology, whereas, the conotoxin the inflammation caused by cervical cancer cells.
treated cells show pyknotic nucleus with blue emission
inferring the progression of apoptosis. Keeping this in mind,
we predict that conotoxin from C. loroisii inducing apoptosis Conclusion
by damaging the nucleus as a result cell occurs.
Earlier reported results revealed that α-conotoxin RgIA It was concluded that the conopeptide extracted from
prevents neuropathic pain from antagonist to α9α10 nico- cone snail C. loroisii species showed an excellent antican-
tinic receptors (Pacini et al. 2016). To the best of our knowl- cer activity and peptide showed low toxicity with normal
edge anticancer potential of the peptide from C. loroisii on cells remained biologically antagonist for the cancer cell.
MCF-7 cancer cell lines were reported for the first time The proteome characterization by LC–MS/MS could be
(Fig. 7). Hence, this study concludes these conopeptides described and followed as the easiest way for proteomics
could be used as a new drug for anticancer applications. research. Hence, these reports argue that the pharmaceutical
The toxicity test, angiogenic activity and anticancer poten- diversity of the conopeptides available in this conus species
tial from the conotoxin extracts of C. loroisii can provide have been used as a source for development of drug cancer
a better option in pharmaceutical research. The Insilico cells. Therefore, this novel conopeptide and their biomedical
studies were carried out to study the anticancer potential of impact would lead to the discovery of valuable drugs against
conotoxin. The binding of conotoxin delta-Am2766 having life-challenging diseases of cancer.


394 International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics (2021) 27:385–395

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