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Ivy A. Ampeloquio.


Importance of the SDGs to Nursing Profession

Enclosed by the foundation of Agenda 2030, the 17 Sustainable Developments Goals

(SDGs) are defined by the United Nations in 2015 which aim to provide a clear plan for a
more peaceful, prosperous, and sustainable future for everyone.
The SDGs are important to nurses locally and globally because they represent
environmental, political and social determinants of health and well-being. Each SDGs
address the different issues that can be solve by the help of people in nursing profession,
as well as, it would be a great foundation of the young and expert nurses to improve more
their knowledge and skills by acquiring new ideas and researches to provide a better
solution to achieve each goal.
One of the most important SDGs to achieve is to end poverty, it is a very crucial
problem in every place that need to address immediately, to reduce the pain and suffering
of people specially the children who cannot even go to school, cannot eat three times a
day, barely living because their parents do not have enough resources to provide their
children’s basic needs. Eradicating poverty would help human being free from hunger,
wipe out disease, and give everyone in the world a chance to prosper and live a
productive and healthy life.
Second, is to reduced inequalities because it tends to threatens economic and
social development, destroys people’s sense of fulfilment and relationships, increase the
poverty, and be likely to create social injustice to people and country. Achieving this SDGs
gives a clear benefit in the future, it strengthens people's sense that society is fair/equal,
improves social relationship and mobility, and broadens support for growth initiatives.
Third important SDGs is to provide quality education, especially to the youth as the
hope of the nation. It is important to ensure inclusive and rightful quality education and
promote lifelong learning opportunities for people. To be able to produce competent
professionals that will support the growth of economy, health care, and advanced
environment for all.

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