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In the future, all cars, buses and trucks will be driverless.

The only people traveling

inside these vehicles will be passengers.
Do you think the advantages of driverless vehicles outweigh the disadvantages?

Thanks to the revolution of technology, humanity has changed their lives forever as they
have now succeeded in inventing self-driving vehicles, which are capable of commuting
on the streets without any human involvement. This essay will provide in-depth
discussion on the benefits and barriers of using driverless automobiles. 

On the one hand, it is clear that autonomous vehicles have a number of positive
influences on the living standards of human beings. First and foremost, self-driving cars
provide people with greater mobility options. More importantly, elderly and disabled
individuals will be given more opportunities to take control of a car on their own to travel
around a city, for example. Another massive upside of driverless cars is that they are
more capable of ensuring passengers’ safety on the road. By using a range of advanced
technology and types of equipment in the manufacturing of an autonomous car, the rate
of accidents caused by human errors will be eliminated or even eradicated. 

On the other hand, it is true that self-driving vehicles can pose a variety of potential risks
to most users. To begin with, driverless means of transportations can be extremely costly.
Due to their requirements of high-tech infrastructure and expensive advanced systems,
authorities have to build suitable infrastructure, such as bridges or highways, which are
compatible with those vehicles. This can take up a large amount of the budget from the
governments. Furthermore, unemployment and crime rate can rise significantly as many
people lose their jobs for the development of autonomous cars. For instance, when
driving-related jobs are no longer needed, people have no other options but to commit
crimes to manage to take care of themselves as well as their family. 

To sum up, autonomous vehicles not only give humans more opportunities to travel but
also improve the safety on streets; however, they can cost people a fortune as well as
result in the growth of unemployment and crime rate. After the final analysis, my own
view is that the upsides of self-driving means of transport may outnumber their

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