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An Introduction to NFTs :

Knowing what it means doesn't make any difference to whether you can enjoy or
purchase an NFT. I have no idea how a car engine works but I still buy a car...but I will
explain it anyway. (P.S. I barely know how the radio in the car works!)

NFT stands for Non-fungible token. Non-fungible means unique, in that no two digital
assets are the same.
Token : It's like a certificate of authenticity for digital assets, be it a video, music file or a
simple JPEG. refers to the smart contract written to a blockchain (most likely the
Ethereum blockchain), which keeps track of the transactions and ownership of that
digital asset.
Non-fungible token (NFT) is a term used to describe a unique digital asset whose
ownership is tracked on a blockchain, such as Ethereum.
NFTs can be nearly anything. And that’s what is so beautiful about them. Through NFTs,
any digital file can become a 1/1 creation with an appreciating value. Anything from a
Word document to an artwork made on your iPad to photos in your camera roll.
Granted, not all digital files deserve a monetary value placed on them, simply because
they may not have any value to other people. However, the fact that the technology
enables any digital file to become a unique digital asset that can be bought and sold is

I’m partial to OpenSea because I think it’s the most user-friendly NFT marketplace out
there. Their homepage has many tutorials to bring beginners up to speed on how to
create, buy, and sell NFTs. It’s easy to browse their listings. And it integrates the NFT
listings from other marketplaces on their site.

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