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Mock Test

1. Use Tinker cad to design the circuit diagram and write the source code based on the

a) Activate LCD with Potentiometer.

b) When LDR reading below 750, Display on the LCD in the first row LDR <
750 and second-row Red LED On.

In the meantime, display in the Serial Monitor that LDR Reading: xxx Red
LED as below. Turn on Red LED in the circuit.

Example 1

c) When LDR reading above 751, Display on the LCD in the first row LDR >
750 and second row Green LED On.

In the meantime, display in the Serial Monitor that LDR Reading: xxx Green
LED as below. Turn on Green LED in the circuit.

Example 2

2. Program Arduino UNO to play a music and to light up 2 LEDs that is activated by

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