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UCSP - Facultad de Ingeniera Ing.

Telecomunicaciones Comunicaciones Digitales


PRIMERA UNIDAD 2 Gua de Prcticas Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM) Grupo: ___________Fecha:________________Horario:____________ Alumno(s): ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Nota:

1. Objetivos Entender la formacin de pulso utilizando filtros formadores. Delimitacin del ancho de banda. Eliminacin de ruido utilizando filtros formadores.

2. Contenido terico Un sistema de comunicaciones digitales est compuesto bsicamente por los elementos mostrados en la Fig. 1.

UCSP - Facultad de Ingeniera Ing. Telecomunicaciones Comunicaciones Digitales


Figura 1. Esquema de bloques un sistema transmisor digital. Como se muestra, el canal es un elemento infaltable que sirve para poder enviar las formas de onda hacia desde el receptor hacia el transmisor. Sin embargo, este introduce distorsiones a la seal y as producen cambios que se traducen en el receptor como errores (bits que cambian de valor). 1. Waveform simulation a. Draw a plot of BER vs. Eb/N0 EbNodB = 0:8 Compare with ideal Plot using semilogy NumErr =10, blocks of data bits of length 1e4 Suggested structure: Define variables for number of EbNo define variables count errors and trx. bits while ne<NumErr transmit and receive a block of bits count errors and num of bits (save or accumulate) end 2. Generate 20 symbols BPSK Define a raised cosine pulse with 4 samples per symbol and 0.5 of roll off: rcosine. Use function upsample to fill with 3 zeros between symbols. Use functions filter and conv to obtain the waveform (check the differences) Obtain the symbols using downsample 2

UCSP - Facultad de Ingeniera Ing. Telecomunicaciones Comunicaciones Digitales


Use plot(symbols,'o') to see the symbols Where are the symbols? Have they suffered any delay? La Convolucion atrasa la seal

3. Generate 20 symbols using the square root raised cosine Use eyediagram and see the ISI in transmission Extract the symbols with downsample and use plot(symbols,'o') to see the ISI Pass this signal with its adapted filter ??????? Use eyediagram and see now there is no ISI Obtain the symbols using downsample Use plot(symbols,'o') to see the symbols Calculate the delay, how many trailing zeros are needed to avoid losing any symbol when filter is used? 4. Why adapted filters are used? Generate 1000 BPSK symbols with raised cosine and with square root raised cosine. Generate noise with a SNR = 3 dB for each Both signals have different powers??????? Obtain symbols from the raised cosine plus noise signal, ??????? Discard transient symbols at beginning and end Obtain bits and calculate the number of errors Pass the root raised cosine signal plus noise through the adapted filter, obtain symbols, ??????? Discard transient symbols at beginning and end. Obtain bits and calculate the number of errors 5. Spectrum of signals Represent the spectrum of the raised cosine pulse shaped signal generated before. hs=spectrum.welch; psd(hs,signal) Check if the signal is bandlimited as expected Draw a BER plot for BPSK with pulse shaping and adapted filter EbNodB = 0:8; Ms = 4 (samples per symbol)

IV. Equipos y materiales Laboratorio: Seales y Datos 3

UCSP - Facultad de Ingeniera Ing. Telecomunicaciones Comunicaciones Digitales


Equipos y dispositivos: PC.

Software: MATLAB

Materiales y fungibles:

V. Actividades Desarrollar en MATLAB los cdigos necesarios para llevar a cabo esta prctica. Resultados: Mostrar los resultados obtenidos

clear all close all clc for i=0:8; b=randint(1,10^2); M=b*2-1; Eb_N0(i+1)=10^(i/10); VarN=(1*4)/(2*Eb_N0(i+1)*1); N=sqrt(VarN)*randn(1,10^2); R=b+N; dmap=(R>=0); s=sum(abs(dmap-b)); BER(i+1)=s/(10^2); end n=0:8; stem(n,BER)

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