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Prefix “me” verbs

Prefix me-is used in official conversations. Verbs with the prefix “me” commonly
changed into “mem”, “men”, “meng”, “meny”, and “me” based on the initial
sound of root words.

a. Use prefix “mem” if the initial letters/sounds are b and p but the letter/sound
p is omitted:

bahwa - membawa - to bring, carry

buka - membuka - to open

beli - membeli - to buy

pakai - memakai - to wear, use

potong - memotong - to cut

pinjam - meminjam - to borrow

b. Use prefix “me” if the initial sounds are I, m, n, r, ny:

lihat - melihat - to see, to look at

lompat - melompat - to jump

masak - memasak - to cook

minta - meminta - to ask for something

nikah - menikah - to marry

nyanyi - menyanyi - to sing

rusak - merusak - to break

rasa - merasa - to feel

c. Use prefix “men” if the initial sounds are c, d, j, and t, but the sound “t” is

cuci - mencucui - to wash

coba - mencoba - to try

dorong - mendorong - to push

dengar - mendengar - to hear

jadi - menjadi - to become

jawab - menjawab - to answer

tulis - menulis - to write

tunggu - menunggu - to wait

d. Use the prefix “meng” if the initial sounds are vowels: a, g, h and k but sound “k” is

ambil - mengambil - to take

impor - mengimpor - to import

goreng - menggoreng - to fry

ganggu - mengganggu - to disturb

harap - mengharap - to hope

hitung - menghitung - to count

ketik - mengetik - to type

kunci - mengunci - to lock

e. Use the prefix “meny” if the initial sound is S, but the sound “s” is omitted:

sopir - menyopir - to drive

simpan - menyimpan - to keep

suruh - menyuruh - to command

f. use the prefix “menge” for all words with one syllable

Pel - mengepel - to mop up

Bom - mengebom - to bomb

Cek - mengecek - to check

Rem - mengerem - to brake the brakes


A. Tambahkanlah awalan me pada kata kerja berikut ini!

(Put the prefixes “me” into the following verbs!)

to dance - tari - Metari

to sweep - sapu -menyapu

to value/judge - nilai -menilai

to entertain - hibur -menghibur

to guard - jaga -menjaga

to throw - lempar -melempar

to feel - rasa - merasa

to type - ketik -mengetik

to scratch - garuk -menggaruk

to form - bentuk -membentuk

to hit - pukul -memukul

to invite - undang -meundang

to approach - dekat -memdekat

to lift - angkat -mengangkat

to push - dorong -mendorong

to take notes - catat -mencatat

to process - olah -mengeolah

to paint - lukis -melukis

B. Tambahkan awalan “me” pada kata-kata dalam kurung. (pur prefixes “me” into the words in
brackets and rewrite them on the lines)

1. sekretaris itu (ketik) surat setiap hari.

2. Dia (buang) kertas kotor di tempat sampah.

3. apakah anda (dorong) anak itu ke sungai?

4. saya tidak (rasa) sedih (lihat) film itu.

5. Cina (ekspor) pakaian ke Eropa.

6. kapan dokter itu (suntik) pasiennya?

7. wanita itu (jadi) senang sesudah (dengar) kabar dari suaminya.

8. “Jangan (curi) ! itu tidak baik”, kata guru.

9. Ayah (pasang) lampu di ruang tamu.

10. Adik (rusak) majalah itu.

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