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ROGUE /FICHTER | MONSTRUOUS SPIDER and its 3 OFFSPRING Hitt on a 5 or 6 Stons on a T 11 Dwarven throwing Warhammer (requires Fighter) Any number of 6 can be used against the Giant. A stun means an adventurer, picked by you, cannot fight ‘the rest ofthe encounter. A stunned adventurer can still take damage. all adventurers are stunned, yu ose. (12 Black Arrow (requires Rogue) Three 1's rolled in one round wil kil the Dragon, (3 Ancient Stat The wizard needs one less de to perform abilities (ie, Feebal is 3 ofa kind) (14 Holy Symbol (requires Cleric) The Skeletons only require one damage to kil — ‘TREASURE CHEST. Roll a die 5 Divine Blessing You can roll up to 4 times instead of ust 3 for your attack each round. (6 Blast iyph = Kill one adventurer. DRAGON. Hilts on a 5 or 6 6 SKELETONS Hit on a 5 or 6 Ittakes 2 damage Infcted in a single round to kill a skeleton, Fighter: 6 - Basle attack — Can only count upto two 6 er round as this atack and each 6 does one damage. + Roll only 6 dice fr the Dragon, but rll them all while it fave, insta single opponent. ‘strike The 6th dice isthe damage inflicted against a single opponent. (ne damage to each opponent o four damage to single opponent. 5 ining ~The th dice iste amount of damage applied to each opponent. Got akind “Demise All of your opponents inthe current battle are destroyed ic: Straight of 4- Minor Heal - Heal two damage Straight of Heal the amount onthe 6th dice. IF tsa. 2, heal ll ving party members. Btralght of 6 Miracle = Resurrect dead adventures and restore all pary members ta fll health.

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