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The Central Nervous System

Practice Quiz

1. Cerebrospinal fluid is derived from _____. It is produced by what structure?

2. What structure is the largest portion of the diencephalon?

3. List the functions of the hypothalamus.

4. What hormone is secreted from the pineal gland?

5. Identify the structure that separates the following structures:

a) right & left hemispheres
b) frontal & parietal lobes
c) parietal & occipital lobes
d) temporal & frontal/parietal lobes

6. What structure is the location of the primary motor cortex? Primary somatosensory cortex?
what is the function(s) of each area?

7. Describe the distribution of gray and white matter in the cerebrum. In the spinal cord.

8. What makes up gray matter? White matter?

9. Define ventricles. Name them and tell where each is located? What is found within them?

10. What is the function of the cerebellum? The thalamus?

11. What centers are located in the pons? The medulla oblongata?

12. What is the function of the frontal eye field? The Broca’s area? The Wernick’s area?

13. Name and describe the meninges of the brain.

14. What is the function of the limbic system.

15. In what lobe is the visual area located? The gustatory area? The olfactory area? The auditory

16. What portion of the brain stem is connected to the spinal cord?

17. What is the function of the hippocampus? The amygdala?

18. What is the function of the cerebral cortex?

19. Define conus medularis and cauda equina.

20. What are the basal nuclei? What is their function?

21. What is the function of the cerebellar peduncles?

22. What are the 3 types of cortical white matter? What is the function of each one?

23. Identify the following parts of the spinal cord.

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