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Virtue is defined as a particular moral excellence; virtuously excellent people have a

personality manufactured up of quality virtues. For the Greeks, virtue is synonymous

with excellence. In which, Aristotle describes moral virtue as a demeanor to interact
correctly and as a middle ground between both the extreme levels of insufficiency and
abundance, which are both addictions. Instead of rationale and guidance, we learn
moral virtue mainly through habit and practice. Hence, virtue is defined as moral
excellence. A virtue is a character trait or reliability that is considered morally good and
thus appreciated and valued as an establishment of fundamental and virtuous being. In
other words, it is a morally slightly elevated behavior: to do what is right and attempting
to avoid what is wrong. Excellence in doing good is defined as virtue since one can be
for the good for the wrong reasons, virtue necessitates excellence in doing good.
Additionally, being good at something is a sign of excellence. It implies that you keep
striving to be and do your best. Excellence reflects moral virtue and thus strives for what
is encouraging, vital, and commendable.

According to my own understanding, it means that if one thing you do fails, you would
then eventually get the capability and ability to strive and attempt and accomplish at
something else. This expression is frequently used to start encouraging someone to
persevere after a disappointment or failure. Which is, once one door closes, the other
one means opening; however, we often focus so intently and regretfully on the closed
door that we fail to notice the one and that access for us. In which, in reality this
paraphrase is about squandered opportunities and chances, many people dislike and,
as a result, resist change. However, not all change is negative, the uncertainty of
transformation can make it very difficult to see outside of it at times and to a certain, a
closed door may represent loss as well as failure. Those who concentrate on what could
be rather than what may well have been can see the open door in front of them. For me,
many seemingly negative situations can lead towards something incredibly positive if
we learn to view them positively and advantage from the circumstance. Many bad things
happening in our lives are actually 'Blessings in disguise.' We could always turn our
challenges into opportunities if we had never given up so easily, no matter how terrible
they appear to be.

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