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Master’s College of Theology

Submitted by: David Class: M.Div I

Submitted to: Deva Krupa Vara Kumar Subject: Study Methods

Collecting Material

Every researcher need to determine the best works that make benefit for him or her,
meant for there is no universally best method. And it is necessary for the researcher to follow a
systematic method in gathering their material to meet his or her needs in a permanent and usable
form, and not to forget what he or she has done before. In this article, we can find some of the
points or methods that how to find out the important material for the researcher.

A researcher should done in the early stage, a simple outline of the regarding topic that he
or she research for, and proceeding to next, if it is necessary for him or her to come out with
subheadings. Having on the idea or simple effective outline one should maintain same size of
free paper to note down the reference on each note page and record the full bibliographical
information on it or keep separate bibliography card file with alphabetical by author; along with
that it can add a new source or can be in appropriate location. So that the important material will
be permanent, usable form, can easily reorganize and arrange the notes in order, and it will be
not miss out.

It is important that researcher should summarize long passages in brief sentences to make
sure of understanding it. On other hand it can be done by short quotation. A researcher should
quote correctly. Incorrect quoting will lead to misinterpretation doing such as omission of words
or even entire lines, misspellings, and inappropriate reference and summarization. Another
reason for researcher should quote correctly is to safeguard himself or herself against mistakes
made by that writer or original source. While examining his or her sources, there will be some
observation and criticism may occur to researcher. And it will be useful for researcher’s analysis
and evaluation of his materials; therefore it is necessary to note it down without any delay.
Finally, the researcher is able to reorganize his or her notes with logical order in which he or she
will be using in the writing of research report. And the researcher will be able to finalize the
correct method of collecting material without any confusing.

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