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A very important part of your career progression in UK/ Ireland would be Clinical audit,

Research or Publication. As FMGs particularly from Pakistan/ India we have very little
information/ knowledge about how to do these things and make them count. We consider
these as something really hard or fancy stuff however they are as simple to do as you can
imagine. In particular, for beginners’ Clinical audit is something you need to learn if you
want to compete in this system.
In simple words: It is just a comparison of your practice with some known
guideline. (e.g. How is acute asthma managed in you’re A &E as compared to nice guidance).
Keep things as simple as you can. There is no need to worry about sample size, writing etc
etc at this stage…!! People would do very small projects ( even in a day ) and get full
credits…!! Be smart and to the point, chose something you can complete / measure easily.
Once you know how to do it you can extend your projects and make them publishable.
If you can present your findings, make some posters or teach people what they are
not doing in accordance with guidance and finally measure it in a repeat audit to show
improvement you made, that would be called a QIP ( Quality improvement project) a posh
name for audits being used these days.
This website is a very good source of some easy projects people have done and even
published. You can just copy some ideas from here or think of your own..

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