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In my opinion, all strategies are adequate when I have a problem, before made a decisión I take

deep breaths, inhaling and exhaling ten times to get calm, then I try to go out to walk alone and
think about the situation, I take time to think about what I could have done better. During a stressful
situation I am never disrespectful to people, even if I want to do, I try to control my emotions,
thinking about not saying an incorrect word and hurting other people, now I am like that because I
learned from past experiences. It is better to take some time before making a decision, than then to
have to repent for some bad word or action.
Using all possible strategies to manage stress or bad emotions is a good idea.

In my opinion, the development of intelligence should be given more importance, and it should be
developed from an early age to ensure that from a very young age that ability to properly manage
emotions is developed.
Emotional Intelligence is important, it is the gateway to living a more fulfilled and happy life,
People with well-developed emotional skills are more likely to be content and effective in their
lives, mastering the habits of the mind that foster their own productivity; people who cannot
marshal some control over their emotional life fight battles that sabotage their ability for focused
work and clear thought.
In schools you should not only develop disciplinary or mathematical skills, but also learn to make
assertive decisions, to have good relations with the environment, and understand that in life you
must face feelings of happiness, sadness and frustration.

For my personal growth, it is more important to work on empathy since it is important to know our
feelings and emotions, but also to recognize the needs of colleagues, to make both their lives and
ours the best possible, sometimes I am a selfish person because I do not think about what others
may feel, that’s why I think I must work on that aspect, to be a better human being.

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