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Role of enzymes in coffee processing (removing pectin layer, soluble solids content)

Pectinolytic microorganisms are also used in the fermentation of coffee to remove the
mucilaginous coat from the coffee beans

The mucilage in the coffee beans can also be removed by adding enzymes that can degrade the
polysaccharides that compose mucilage, for example, the pectinase enzyme

Wet processing, dry processing, semi-dry processing

Out line

1. The role of enzymes during the Drying process

2. The role of enzymes during the Wet process (Fermentation)
o The addition of the pectinase enzyme to the coffee beans can help remove the mucilage from
the surface of the coffee beans
3. The role of enzymes during coffee storage
4. Enzyme Activities and Protein solubility during the roasting process

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