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Chemical Physics Letters 436 (2007) 258–262

Triplet–singlet spin communication between DNA nucleotides

serves the basis for quantum computing
a,* b
Alexander A. Tulub , Vassily E. Stefanov
Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Computational Modeling Group, Saint-Petersburg State University, Universitetskaya
Embankment 7/9, 199034 Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation
Department of Biology, Saint-Petersburg State University, Universitetskaya Embankment 7/9, 199034 Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation

Received 9 November 2006

Available online 23 January 2007


The nature of spin communication between DNA nucleotide pairs is discussed. The results are based on CIU (2 · 106 configurations,
6-311G** basis set) quantum chemistry computations at a constant temperature T = 310 K of complementary nucleotide pairs, guano-
sine–cytidine (G–C) and adenosine–thymidine (A–T) monophosphates, assembled into DNA fragments of different length. Calculations
reveal alternation of low energy triplet–singlet (T–S) potential energy surfaces (PESs), assigned to individual nucleotides. In a narrow
energy interval these PESs approach, showing repulsion and uncommon crossings. Complementary nucleotide pairing, a result of Wat-
son–Crick hydrogen bonding, produces a global minimum in total energy, coming from the unique crossing between two singlet by nat-
ure PESs strictly around 310 K. Interaction between non-complementary nucleotides reveals no minima and points rather to system
destabilization. Computations show that regularly organized DNA is a structure of similarly oriented spins along each of its two chains,
so that the resultant spin of the whole structure is equal to zero. Disordering in spin structure produces coherent effects, appearing in spin
flipping, which serves the basis for constructing DNA-based quantum computing.
 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction biological systems [9], operating in femtosecond-nanosec-

ond time intervals [10]. A switch between classical and
Initially, DNA computations are based on DNA and quantum DNA computing is in finding appropriate carri-
molecular biology technologies [1,2]. Despite some advan- ers, providing signal communication between its nano-size
tages [mostly thanks to highly developed parallelism, oper- parts [11]. Classical DNA computing is based on Watson–
ating with a great number of four occurring in nature Crick (W–C) pairing/breaking rule [1], associated with
nucleotides: adenosine (A), guanosine (G), cytidine (C), hydrogen bond making/rupturing between nucleotides, or
and thymidine (T) monophosphates] over silicon-based changing distance between stacked nucleotides of oppo-
computing [1,3,4], conventional DNA computing repro- sitely oriented DNA chains [1]. Both processes are rather
duces the main features of classical Turing and von Neu- slow and do not provide desirable rate of signal processing.
mann machines and faces similar computational Quantum computing uses fast operating signal carriers like
problems currently existing in ‘computational complexity nuclear or electron spins, which are allowed to have two or
theory’ and ‘exspace problem’. Most problems, associated more different energy levels [5,7] commonly associated with
with classical computing, are eliminated in quantum com- ‘up’ and ‘down’ states [5,7].
puting [5–8], which seems to be an integral part of most Present Letter, aims at elucidating the nature of spin
communication in DNA W–C pairs and oppositely ori-
ented DNA chains. This communication – a result of mul-
Corresponding author. tiple repulsions and crossings between singlet (S) and
E-mail address: (A.A. Tulub). triplet (T) potential energy surfaces, PESs – could serve

0009-2614/$ - see front matter  2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A.A. Tulub, V.E. Stefanov / Chemical Physics Letters 436 (2007) 258–262 259

the basis for constructing DNA quantum computing, at the are carried out with NWCHEM 3.05 plus software on a
heart of which is coherent electron spin flipping in DNA Compaq Alpha Workstation cluster [14]. To obtain reliable
nucleotides, occurring at W–C distances in a narrow tem- statistics, computations included 25 independent runs
perature interval around 310 K. (T = 310 K), started from different randomly initiated
points within 7.5 ‚ 2.4 Å distance intervals between C
2. Model and methods of computations and G planes. The data were subsequently processed with
the root-mean-square technique of the Statistica-7-Release
Initially, W–C pairing was modeled with oppositely ori- software. The initial geometry of C and G was obtained
ented in space G and C nucleotides, 3 0 –5 0 and 5 0 –3 0 direc- from the Protein Data Bank of the University of Califor-
tions [12], Fig. 1. One of phosphate oxygens of each nia. At every computational step the G–C geometry was
nucleotide is blocked with methyl, mimicking the core of optimized over bond lengths, valence and torsion angles
other possibly joined intrachain nucleotides. The total to reach the minimum of total energy Etot.
charge on each nucleotide is 1. G and C bases, guanine Further, computations much similar in their routine,
and cytosine, respectively, lie practically in the same plane dealt with other complementary/non-complementary
(the deviation from plane symmetry does not exceed 0.15 Å nucleotide pairs and their ensembles mimicking a real
[12]) and initially are separated by 7.5 Å, the distance at DNA fragment, see Section 3.
which no hydrogen bonding occurs. Additionally, at W–C point (T = 310 K) we have carried
In every computation run G and C were allowed to out quantum MD computations with the same basis set by
approach at a step of 0.05 Å over a distance of 7.5 ‚ including only four lowest, preliminary obtained for this
2.4 Å between nucleotide planes in a bath of 38 water mol- point, S and T levels. The aim was to reveal spin density
ecules, surrounding both nucleotides on the periphery of redistribution between nucleotides over the time interval
hydrophilic backbones, a region between C and G planes of Dt = 3 ps.
excluded. On reaching the W–C distance, three hydrogen
bonds between G and C planes occur, Fig. 1 (dashed lines), 3. Results
corresponding to conventional bond lengths r[HNH(C)–
O(G)] = 2.91 Å, r[N(C)–N(G)] = 2.95 Å, and r[O(C)– Fig. 2 shows the change of Etot on approaching C and G
HNH(G)] = 2.86 Å [13]. planes in the distance interval 7.5 ‚ 2.4 Å. As a reference
Computations use conventional configuration interac- (zero) point, Dr = 0.0, is taken the distance, corresponding
tion (unrestricted) CIU method (2 · 106 configurations, 6- to W–C pairing at hydrogen bond distances, indicated in
311G** basis set) at a constant human body temperature, Section 2. In a distance interval Dr = 3.5 ‚ 2.60 Å we
T = 310 K. The heating to this final temperature (the initial observe a slow increase in DEtot, then, in a distance interval
temperature is 0 K) suggested a step-by-step procedure, Dr = 2.60 ‚ 0.00 Å, a decrease in DEtot, the value reaches
each step of 10 K per 1 ps. Subsequent cooling to 0 K its minimum at Dr = 0.0. Both intervals are marked by
occurred in the reverse sequence with the same step. Such energy oscillations, most pronounced (11.8 ‚ 12.9 kcal/
a procedure at each step provides reaching thermodynamic mol) in 3.0 ‚ 1.50 Å region. Below W–C, Dr < 0, we have
equilibrium between G and C subsystems and the water a dramatic increase in DEtot, caused by repulsion between
bath. The distances and angles between the water mole- approaching C and G planes. Fig. 3 displays the lowest
cules meet the following limits: ROO 6 3.60 Å;
ROH 6 2.45 Å; /OHO 6 450 (ROO is the distance between
oxygens, ROHis that between the oxygen and hydrogen,
and /OHO the angle between two bonds, formed by a
hydrogen atom and two oxygen atoms). Computations

Fig. 1. Structure of C (left) and G (right) molecules, oriented in opposite

3 0 –5 0 and 5 0 –3 0 directions. W–C pairing occurs through three hydrogen
bonds (dashed lines) between N and O atoms. Oxygens are in red,
nitrogens in blue, carbons in grey, phosphorus in violet; small-size atoms Fig. 2. Change of Etot (kcal/mol) on approaching C and G nucleotides,
are hydrogens. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure according to W–C pairing rule. The distance between C and G (Dr, Å) is
legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) referred to that of a conventional W–C pair, assumed as a zero point [13].
260 A.A. Tulub, V.E. Stefanov / Chemical Physics Letters 436 (2007) 258–262

Fig. 3. The lowest in energy triplet (T) and singlet (S) states, correspond- Fig. 4. The lowest in energy triplet (T) and singlet (S) states, correspond-
ing to G and C nucleotides on approaching each other with the formation ing to non-complementary guanosine (G) and thymidine (T) nucleotides
of G–C Watson–Crick (W–C) pair. on approaching each other in the same distance interval, see Fig. 3.

in energy PES projections on the DEtot  Dr plot. These gives a local minimum, metastable by nature and broken
projections (curves) correspond, respectively to T and S down by small perturbations of different origin, chemical
energy surfaces of G and C. Assignment to G or C is quite modifications of a remote site, e.g.
natural because overlapping between nucleotide molecular With no hydrogen bonding, as in the case of G–T non-
orbitals is weak and each nucleotide holds its individuality complementary pair, we observe a rather different picture,
in G–C pairing. The energies of T and S curves show the Fig. 4. TG, ST, TT, and SG PESs appear to be turned in
following, descending in energy, order: E(TG) > E(SC) > E space in such a way that their mutual repulsion does not
(TC) > E(SG). produce a desirable for stabilization minimum. SG–SC
Trapped in a narrow energy interval 7.2 ‚ 30.5 kcal/mol crossing at a distance Dr = 0.44 Å from the imaginary
(Dr = 4.0 ‚ 0.90 Å), Fig. 3, these curves reveal dramatic W–C point (for clarity it is reproduced from Fig. 3) gener-
repulsion between TG and SC, TC and SG. The repulsion ates a metastable state. TG–TT crossing at Dr = 1.32 Å has
is the evidence of ‘no crossing rule’ [15] between closely no effect on stability, and G–T pair appears to be unstable,
approached PESs - the case of adiabatic treatment [15– the experimentally known fact [12]. A–T complementary
17], a conventional approach used in multiple quantum pairing reveals a picture almost identical to that of G–C
chemistry computations of large systems, like ours. Diabat- pairing. A–T complex is stable at W–C point; its stability
ically, the crossings are allowed in a very narrow space- is due to appearance of a global minimum, a result of
energy region, so-called conical intersections[18] between SA–ST crossing. As anticipated, A–C complex is unstable,
different PESs. Adiabatically or diabatically treated, T the reasons for that are identical to those encountered in
and S energy surfaces show tendency to be separated in G–T complex, Fig. 4.
space due to difference in their symmetry, except for
pseudocrossings [18]. The effect results in diverging T and 4. Discussion
S PESs in space and crossing appearance with other PESs,
often allowed by symmetry, in other space regions. This Though G–C pair around Dr = 0.00 has an overall S
picture is observed in our case, when, after being repulsed state, its nature is rather intriguing. Being very close, SG
from TG and TC, SC and SG curves begin to meet jDEtot and SC states exchange their spin orientation from ‘up’ to
(SG)  DEtot (SC)j „ de 6 1.6 kcal/mol in Dr = 0.86 ‚ ‘down’ and vice versa. This uniquely comes from spin den-
0.00 region, Fig. 3. At Dr = 0.00 we have the minimum in sity maps on each nucleotide, indicating rapid spin density
de = 0.62 kcal/mol; in Dr < 0 SG and SC go practically redistribution upon thermal nuclear movements,
together, jDEtot (SG)  DEtot (SC)j 6 0.5 kcal/mol, reveal- s = 2 · 1013 s, around W–C point (MD computations,
ing an increase in Etot, see above. When combined, SG T = 310 K). Time-dependent redistribution of spin density
and SC curves of two regions, Dr > 0 and Dr < 0, form reveals oscillatory nature, suggesting coherent in time
the global minimum, corresponding to formation of a sta- inversion of two spins, localized, respectively, on two com-
ble, W–C pair (Dr = 0.00), Fig. 3. TG and SC, TC and SG plementary nucleotides. The same is valid for other W–C
repulsions result in appearing a crossing point between pairs and absolutely nontypical for non-W–C pairs.
TG and TC PESs at Dr = 0.24 Å, DEtot = 41.2 kcal/mol. The enlargement of the initial G–C system by consecu-
Unlike SG–SC crossing at r = 0.00, TG–TC crossing has tive adding of A–T, and then C–G and T–A complemen-
no minimum around Dr = 0.24 Å and thus is unstable. tary nucleotide pairs, reveals no less intriguing picture,
The pseudocrossing between TC and SC at Dr = 1.81 Å Fig. 5. Computations show that oppositely oriented chains
A.A. Tulub, V.E. Stefanov / Chemical Physics Letters 436 (2007) 258–262 261

(3 0 –5 0 , 5 0 –3 0 directions) forming a small DNA fragment, Fig. 3. Below and above this temperature (±5 K) S curves
G-A-C-T reveal significant energy gap of 5 kcal/mol and more, and,
| | | |, produce the state of oppositely oriented electron
C-T- G-A what is most intriguing, these curves begin to separate, thus
spins. Totally, the state is singlet and comes from very spe- manifesting decoherence in spin behavior in the vicinity of
cific fact that electrons within each chain have identical W–C point. Spin operation in a very narrow temperature
spin orientation, Fig. 5. When paired, the resultant spin interval around 310 K seems to be highly specific for bio-
on one chain is fully compensated by that on the other, logical molecules [22].
so the total spin equals to zero. Such an arrangement of
spins suggests that each spin is surrounded by oppositely 5. Conclusion
oriented ones. MD computations (four S and T lowest lev-
els from each complementary pair) of this fragment at For computational purposes we need two spin-depen-
W–C point show some stabilization of spin flipping in time. dent oscillators. They come from oppositely oriented nucle-
Specifically, we do not observe, as with a single W–C pair, otides, which show weak tendency to spin density
rapid spin exchange at s @ 2 · 1013 s caused by thermal overlapping. In single pairs there is a rapid exchange of
nuclear movements. Thus for G–C pair the energy of spin spins, maintaining the total wave function, WF, in S state
flipping corresponds to @0.62 kcal/mol, for | | and | | in the vicinity of W–C point. This exchange, which serves
C-T G-A the basis for constructing a spin-dependent computational
G-A-C-T device, initially suggests diabatic behavior of the system,
fragment it equals to @1.64 kcal/mol, and for | | | | frag-
C-T- G-A composed of two parts – nucleotides, m and n. The time-
ment it is 4.22 kcal/mol. The results come from compulsory dependent WF of m (the same is valid for n) near W–C
inversion of spin orientation within nucleotide strings of point can be expressed in the form of (1).
spin ‘up’ and spin ‘down’ states in spin density matrice at     X    
d d ðdÞ ðdÞ d
W–C point (T = 310 K), Fig. 5. One could anticipate that  
W m ¼  m  m W m  e ½ið/n /m 
m n Wn
dt dt dt
alternate external field of appropriate value, depending m6¼n

on the string length, applied, spins can change their direc- ð1Þ
tions thus producing coherent in time inversions. Specifi- where /ðdÞ is the dynamic phase
cally, in natural environment this field is produced by Z t
Mg2+(H2O)2 water complex bound to a free oxygen of a /ðdÞ ðtÞ ¼ ð
h Þ 1
dt0 Em ½Rðt0 Þ ð2Þ
monophosphate bridge, which links riboses of a single 0
nucleotide string [19]. The case is that, when bound, Mg and hm j dtd j niB Im,n is the matrix element, linking m and n
complex can easily change its oxidation state,[19,20] parts
becoming a singly charged radical Mg+(H2O)2. Near this
oxidation state it shows small but very rapid fluctuations d
I m;n ¼ hm½RðtÞjrR jn½RðtÞi RðtÞ ð3Þ
in charge [20,21], cohered with opposite in sign charge fluc- dt
tuations on the bound nucleotide string. Such a device, R(t) is the configuration parameter, showing the depen-
composed of Mg complex and nucleotide string, produce dence of W on the vector of nuclear coordinates. Diabati-
cohered changes in energy, necessary for spin exchange. cally treated, Im,n is knowingly not equal to zero, thus
It should be stressed separately that coherence in spin providing spin exchange between m and n parts, /ðdÞ m and
flipping in single W–C pairs and oppositely oriented nucle- /ðdÞ
n are basically not equal, thus generating a dynamic
otides is reached exactly around 310 K, when S curves angular momentum between m and n spinors [23,24]. This
from oppositely oriented nucleotides come together, altering in time momentum, a result of coherent spin ex-
change between nucleotides, could be uniquely used in
quantum computations. We are a bit away from giving ex-
act engineer solution for such a device, but operating with
phase coherence is still a very promising idea for modulat-
ing entangled signal transfer [5].
In multinucleotide DNA fragments, Section 3, to pre-
serve their spin individuality, Fig. 5, nucleotides break
down their dynamic phase by replacing it with a topology
phase [16,25] – a result of twisting nucleotide strings into a
spiral at a step of 360, B-form of DNA [12]. According to
our computations [26], this twist comes from leveling
dynamic angular rotations, corresponding to S and T fre-
quencies, xS and xT, evolving in opposite directions on
Fig. 5. Spin arrangement in a DNA fragment, composed of four the Bloch sphere at a ratio of 8/5. To initiate spin entangle-
complementary paired nucleotides. Dashed and solid lines indicate ment we need to break (at least slightly) DNA spiral sym-
intrachain spin coupling between oppositely directed chains. metry by applying external field, a Mg-device (Section 3),
262 A.A. Tulub, V.E. Stefanov / Chemical Physics Letters 436 (2007) 258–262

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