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half-cell reaction
Ammonia Synthesis a t
Atmospheric Pressure takes place. Thus, reaction 1 IS again the
overall react~on.We have ver~fied experi-
George Marnellos and Michael Stoukides mentally the above model process and
present the results here.
Ammonia was synthesized from its elements at atmospheric pressure in a solid A scheinatic diagram of the cell-reactor
state proton (Ht)-conducting cell-reactor. Hydrogen was flowing over the we used IS shown in Fig. 1. It consisted of a
anode and was converted into protons that were transported through the solid nonporous cerainic tube (18 cm long, 1.25-
electrolyte and reached the cathode (palladium) over which nitrogen was cm inside diaineter and 1.55-cm outside di-
passing. At 570°C and atmospheric pressure, greater than 78 percent of the ameter) closed at the bottom end. The ceram-
electrochemically supplied hydrogen was converted into ammonia. The ther- ic material was a strontia-ceria-ytterbia
modynamic requirement for a high-pressure process is eliminated. (SCY) perovskite of the form SrCe,,,,Yb,,,,
0,. This solid has good mechanical strength
The development of a successful process for on an alternative route to aminonia synthesis and high protonic conductivity (9). The ce-
aminonia synthesis from its elements: at atmospl~ericpressure through the use of ramic tube was enclosed in a quartz tube (20
solid state proton (Ht) conductors by which cm long, 3.60-cin inside diameter, and 4.10-
Nz 3H2 * 2NH3
the requirement for operation at high pres- cm outside diameter). Two porous polyciys-
is considered a landmark in heterogeneous sures is eliminated. talline palladium filn~swere deposited on the
catalysis. The Haber process, which involves Solid electrolyte cells have been used so inside and outside walls of the SCY tube and
reaction of gaseous nitrogen and hydrogen on far in heterogeneous catalysis to (i) shldy the served as cathodic and anodic electrodes, re-
an Fe-based catalyst at high pressures (15 to mecl~ai~ism of catalytic reactions (2, 31, (ii) spectively (Fig. 1). The solid state device
30 MPa), was developed at the beginning of electrocl~e~nically alter reaction rates (4, 5), co~lstructedcan be represented by the cell H,,
the 20th centui-y after an extensive search for and (iii) cogenerate electricity and usefill Pd / SCY I Pd, N,, NH,, He.
an active catalyst (1). Even from early stud- chemicals ( 6 ) . The solid electrolytes used in The electrode preparation and character-
ies, it was realized that the conversion is nlost of the above applications were oxygen ization procedure has been described in detail
limited by them~odynainics.The gas volume ion conductors. In the last decade, however, elsewhere (10). The superficial surface area
decreases with reaction; hence, very high materials that exhibit protoilic coilductivity of each electrode was 1.3 cm2, and the true
pressures must be used to push equilibriuln to in the solid state have been introduced into
the right in reaction 1 according to the Le catalysis research ( 7 ) . These H t conduc-
Chatelier principle. The reaction is exother- tors are particularly useful because they can
inic (109 kJ/mol at 500°C), and therefore operate at teinperatures ill which many in-
conversioll increases with decreasing temper- dustrial hydro- and dehydrogenation reac-
ahire. However, to achieve industrially ac- tions take place. Furthermore, in contrast to
ceptable reaction rates, the reaction tempera- oxidation reactions, a number of industrial
ture must be high. The trade-off solution is to l~ydrogenations (ammonia and lnethanol
operate at temperatures in the range of 430" production) are equilibrium linlited at the
to 480°C, at which the equilibrium conver- operating conditions.
sion is on the order of 10 to 15% (1). A model process that uses solid state pro-
Despite the veiy high pressures used and ton conductors to obtain conversions higher
the the~modynamically liinited conversion, than those predicted by the reaction equilib-
the Haber process remains after almost a riunl has previously been proposed (8). The
ceiltuiy the dominant route to NH, synthesis, principle is as follows. Gaseous H,,passing
a key chemical produced at anlounts on the over the anode of the proton-conducting cell-
order of 108 metric tons per year. We repo~t reactor, will be coilvelted to H A :
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the cell-reactor: 1,
SCY ceramic tube (Ht conductor); 2, quartz
Cheniical Engineering Department and Chemical Pro- tube; 3, cathodic electrode (Pd); 4, anodic elec-
cess Engineering Research Institute, Aristotle Univer- The protons (Ht) are transpoited through the trode (Pd); 5, galvanostat-potentiostat; and 6,
sity o f Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki 54006, Greece. solid electrolyte to the cathode where the voltmeter.



catalytic surface area of the cathode was and F is Faraday's constant, is shown in Fig. In Fig. 2B, the percent conversion of H,
about 80 cm2. The cathode was exposed to a 2. According to previous studies (11, I Z ) , at (100 nlultiplied by the nloles of H, reacted
gaseous stream containing nitrogen diluted in the conditions we used ( I < 2 inAlcm2; tem- divided by the inoles of H, fed in) is plotted
heliuin and the anode was exposed to a hy- perature T = 570°C; 100% H, on one side, versus the rate of electrochemical supply of
drogen stream. The lower part of the cell- He-N, inixhlres on the other side) the proton hydrogen, I/2F, and shows that H, is alinost
reactor was placed in a fuluace where the transference nuinber must be very close to completely convei-ted into NH,. Again, the
temperature was controlled. The two elec- unity; therefore, the ratio I/2F is equal to the bottom dotted line corresponds to the maxi-
trodes were connected to a differential volt- electrocheinical nlolar flux of hydrogen inuin (equilibriuin) conversion that could be
ineter as well as to a galvanostat-potentiostat through the solid electrolyte. The cell was attained in a CCR.
by which the desired cusrent was applied kept at 570°C. A mixture of 1.8% N, in He The corresponding conversion of N, into
(Fig. 1). was passed OT er the cathode at a volumetric NH, was considerably lower. This difference
Analysis of the inlet and outlet gas was flow rate of 8.3 X l o p 8 m3/s and atnlospheric was not due, however, to lower reactivity of
performed by online gas chronlatography total pressure. A flow of 5.0 X l o p 7 m3is of N,. In these experiments, H, was the limiting
(GC) with a inolecular sieve 13X and a Po- 100% H, at atinospheric pressure was main- reactant and therefore the rates of NH, for-
rapak N column. In addition to ammonia tained over the anode. At I = 0, no products ination were very close to two-thirds the rates
measurements, we nleasured online the inlet were formed. Upon inlposing a current of H, supply, according to the stoichiometry
and outlet N, concentrations at the cathode. through the cell, NH, appeared at the cath- of reaction 1. This point is better shown in
From the imposed current, we could accu- ode, and after a transient period of 2 to 6 min, Fig. 3 where the rate of production of NH, is
rately determine the inoles of hydrogen a steady-state rate of NH, formation was plotted versus I/2F, for three different inlet
reaching the cathode per second. The nloles established (Fig. 2A). The two dotted lines of partial pressures of N,: 0.3, 1.0, and 1.8 kPa.
of reacted hydrogen were calculated to be Fig. 2A are based on theimodynamic calcu- The continuous straight line corresponds to
within i 3 to 5% of three times the moles of lations and compare the present results with 100% conversion of H, into NH,. The reac-
reacted nitrogen, that is, according to the those that would have been obtained in a tion rate is essentially independent of the
stoichionletiy of reaction 1. conventional catalytic reactor (CCR) in partial pressure of N,. Also, for all N, pres-
In addition to the GC measurements, the which gaseous H, rather than electrochemical sures we examined, at least 78% of H, was
gaseous outlet stream froin the cathode was HA was used. The CCR is a hypothetical converted into NH,.
bubbled for about 1 hour through a flask that catalytic reactor in which all the reactants are In addition to the difficulty of producing
contained 75 ml of HC1 with an initial pH of gases, the inlet molar flow rates of nitrogen NH, fronl its elements, the success of a pro-
about 4.00. An electronic pH meter was used and helium are the same as in our cell-reactor, cess also depends on the extent of the reverse
to measure the pH before and after the gas and the inlet n~olarflow rate of gaseous H, is reaction of NH, decomposition; ammonia
was passed through the flask. The difference equal to II2F. We further assuine that in the does decompose in the gas phase. To dimin-
in pH, converted into reacted HC1, was in CCR, the residence time is so long and the ish this effect, we designed the cell such that
very good agreement with the anlount of NH, catalyst so good that the exit nlolar flow rate only the bottoin of the SCY tube was at the
produced according to the GC measurements. of aminonia corresponds to thermodynainic temperature of operation whereas most of the
Also, we did "blank tests by bubbling the equilibriuin of reaction 1 at 570°C and atino- tube was outside the furnace. The degree of
exit gas from the cathode for 1 hour through spheric pressure. Hence, the CCR curve rep- NH, decomposition was quantitatively deter-
the flask with the cell operating under open- resents the maximum rate of NH, production inined froin experinlents in which gaseous
circuit conditions (cusrent I = 0). There was that can be obtained in a conventional reactor. NH, was introduced together with N, at flow
ao pH change in the blank tests. Finally, on The NH, production rates attained experi- rates equal to those used in the NH, synthesis
several occasions, samples froin the titration mentally exceed the CCR rates by at least experiments. Indeed, we found that NH, de-
flasks were checked for ammonia content by three orders of magnitude. Similarly, the conlposed into H, and N,. Nevertheless, the
using Nessler's reagent. The results were curve denoted as PCCR (pressure in a con- measured decoinposition was 20% or less.
positive for the "closed-circuit" samples and ventional catalytic reactor) represents the to- In the present experiments, the linliting
negative for the blank samples. tal pressure at which a CCR should operate in reactant was the electrochemically supplied
The dependence of the rate of NH, for- order for the NH, con\ ersion to be as high as hydrogen. A sixfold increase in N, partial
nlation and of hydrogen conversion, respec- that reported here. The pressure T alues are on pressure has essentially no effect on the rate
tively, on I/2F, where I is the imposed current the order of lo5 MPa (lo6 bar). of NH, formation (Fig. 3). To study intrinsic





___._I___________-_-------- CCR

0 2 4 6 8

U2 F (1 0-9 mol H2/s) 1/2F(10-9 mol H2/s)

Fig. 3. Dependence of the rate of NH, forma-
Fig. 2. Dependence of the rate of (A) NH, formation and of (B) the percent conversion of H, on tion on the rate of electrochemical hydrogen
the rate of electrochemical hydrogen supply, I I Z F , under the following conditions: temperature, supply I I Z F for three partial pressures of N,: 0.3
570°C, and inlet partial pressure of N,, 1.8 kPa. In (A), the CCR curve is the calculated NH, kPa (circles), 1.0 kPa (squares), and 1.8 kPa
formation rate in a CCR and the PCCR curve is the calculated total pressure of operation of a CCR. (triangles) at 570°C. The continuous line rep-
In (B), the CCR curve is the calculated percent conversion of H, in a CCR. resents complete conversion of H, into NH,. SCIENCE VOL 282 2 OCTOBER 1998 99


kinetics, we should increase considerably the sion. This result does not mean that the phytides, in Modern Aspects in elect roc he mist^, J.
O'.M. Bockris, B. E. Conway, W. R. E. White, Eds.
current density. Nevertheless, this was not present data violate thermodynamics in any (Plenum, New York, 1996), vol. 29, pp. 57-202.
possible at 570°C because of the ohmic re- aspect. Simply, the final state of high con- 4. T. M. Cur and R. A. Huggins, Science 219, 967 (1983).
sistance of the SCY. We could obtain higher version to NH, is achieved by the con- 5. Y. Jiang, I. V. Yentekakis, C. C. Vayenas, ibid. 264,
H- fluxes by increasing the temperature, but sumption of electrical work by the system. 1563 (1994).
6. C. C. Vayenas and R. D. Farr, ibid. 208, 593 (1980).
this would also increase the rate of NH, This situation is similar to the case of H 2 0 7. H. Iwahara, Solid State lonics 86-88, 9 (19961.
decomposition. Further work is needed to dissociation into H, and 0,: if this ieaction 8. E. Panagos, I. Voudouris, M. Stoukides, Chem. Eng.
determine the optiinuin operating tempera- is carried out at 25OC and atmospheric pres- Sci. 51, 31 75 (1996).
ture, so to propose a mechanism at this stage sure, the thermodynamically calculated inole 9. H. Iwahara, T. Esaka, H. Uchida, N. Maeda, Solid State
lonics 3-4, 359 (1981).
would be priillarily speculation. fractions of H, and 0, at equilibriuin are on 10. C. Athanasiou, C. Marnellos, P. Tsiakaras, M. Stoukides,
This process offers an alternative route the order of lo-,'. Nevertheless, water is ionics 2, 353 (1996).
that permits operation at desired pressures quantitatively dissociated if electrical work is 11. S. Hamakawa, T. Hibino, H. Iwahara, 1. Electrochem.
SOC.140, 459 (1993).
and temperatures without the thermody- offered (electrolysis). 12. P.-H. Chiang, D. Eng, M. Stoukides, Solid State lonics
namic restrictions imposed on conventional 61, 99 (1993).
catalytic reactors. The above experiinental References and Notes 13. We thank P. Bekiaroglou for useful comments and
1. C. N. Satterfield, Heterogeneous Cataiysis in Practice suggestions. Supported by the Chemical Process En-
observations show that H, is quantitatively
(McCraw-Hill, New York, 1980), pp. 301-308. gineering Research Institute.
converted into NH, regardless of the ther- 2. M. Stoukides, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 27, 1745 (1988).
modynainic restrictions for limited conver- 3. C. C. Vayenas, M. M. Jaksic, S. I. Bebelis, S. C. Neo- 11 June 1998: accepted 21 August 1998

An Arabidopsis Mutant The gene disrupted by the T-DNA inser-

tion (Fig. 2A) encodes a 33-kD protein that is
very siinilar to Toc34 fro111 Ai-abidopsis (6 1%
Defective in the PLastid General amino acid identity) and pea plants (59%
amino acid identit;) (Fig. i ~ ) ; ~ r a b i d o p s i s
Protein Import Apparatus Toc34 and pea Toc34 share 64% amino acid
identity (6-8). Toc34 is a guanosine triphos-
Paul Jarvis, Lih-Jen Chen, Hsou-min Li, Charles A. Peto, phate (GTP)-binding protein of the plastid
Christian Fankhauser, Joanne Chory* outer envelope membrane. Toc34, Toc75,
and Toc86 are components of the outer en-
Elaborate mechanisms have evolved for the translocation of nucleus-encoded velope segment of the general import appa-
proteins across the plastid envelope membrane. Although putative components ratus through which the majority of proteins
of the import apparatus have been identified biochemically, their role in import destined for the plastid are believed to pass
remains t o be proven in vivo. An Arabidopsis mutant lacking a new component (9). The involvement of Toc34 in protein
of the import machinery [translocon at the outer envelope membrane of import is inferred from its interaction with
chloroplasts (Toc33), a 33-kilodalton protein] has been isolated. The functional preproteins during import and from its asso-
similarity of Toc33 t o another translocon component (Toc34) implies that ciation with Toc75 and Toc86 (10). However,
multiple different translocon complexes are present in plastids. Processes that its precise role in the import process is not
are mediated by Toc33 operate during the early stages of plastid and leaf known. The 127-4 mutant was named ppil
development. The data demonstrate the in vivo role of a translocon component (for plastid protein import), but we will refer
in plastid protein import. to the protein encoded by the PPIl gene as
Toc33, in accordance with biochemical no-
The routing of newly synthesized proteins to brane is especially important early on in chlo- menclature (11). The size (an estimated 13
appropriate subcellular compartments is a roplast and leaf development, when the pho- kb) and location (in intron 2) of the T-DNA
fundamental process that is common to all tosynthetic apparatus is being assembled for insertion, combined with our failure to detect
organisms. In plants, chloroplasts (the photo- the establishment of photoautotrophic growth any mRNA in mutant plants (12), indicated
synthetic plastids of green tissues) are the (1). The capacity of plastids to impoi-t pro- that the ppil mutation was most likely null.
major target of such protein trafficking be- teins is regulated developmentally and is Given their strong sequence similarity, we
cause they account for >50% of the total maximal during these early stages of organ tested the hypothesis that Toc33 and Toc34
soluble protein in leaves and because >80% expansion (2). might coirespond to filnctionally equivalent
of the proteins required for their formation Genetic screens for loci affecting the ex- translocon components. In vitro transcribed and
are encoded in the nucleus (I). The translo- pression of nucleus-encoded photosynthetic translated Toc33 protein was found to inseit
cation of proteins across the envelope mem- proteins have identified several mutants with itself into the outer eilvelope membrane of iso-
defects in plastid biogenesis (3, 4). Here, we lated pea chloroplasts in a similar manner to
describe a new mutant, initially referred to by Arabidopsis Toc34 (12, 13), which suggests
P. jarvis and C. Fankhauser, Plant Biology Laboratory, the number 127-4, which belongs in this cat- that the two proteins are similarly localized in
Salk Institute, 10010 North Torrey Pines Road, La
jolla, CA 92037, USA. L.-j. Chen and H.-m. Li, Institute
egory. The 127-4 mutant was identified as vivo. We subsequently overexpressed Toc33
of Molecular Biology, Academia Sinica, Nankang, Tai- having a recessive, pale phenotype in a pop- and Toc34 cDNA clones in ppil plants and
pei 11529, Taiwan. C. A. Peto, Laboratory of Neuronal ulation of transfei~edDNA (T-DNA)-mu- found that either protein could complement the
Structure and Function, Salk Institute, 10010 North tagenized plants. Although the mutant ap- chlorophyll deficiency ofppil, which confim~s
Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, CA 92037, USA. j. Chory,
Plant Biology Laboratory and Howard Hughes Medical
peared uniformly pale during the first 2 the functional similarity of the two proteins
Institute, Salk Institute, 10010 North Torrey Pines weeks of its life cycle (Fig. 1, A and B), the (Fig. 2C) (14, 15). The existence of two func-
Road, La Jolla, CA 92037, USA. oldest leaves of mature plants frequently had tionally similar Toc proteins suggests that at
*TO whom correspondence should be addressed. E. an appearance closer to that of the wild type least two distinct translocon complexes exist in
mail: (Fig. 1C) (5). Arabidopsis. This observation is of particular

100 2 OCTOBER 1998 VOL 282 SCIENCE

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