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d) 2 9) she provides THE BANK, with full knowledge of the content of article 385 of the Panamanian Penal Code which typifies the crime of false testimony, by this means declare under the seriousness of oath that is completely truthful. Assume all the responsibilty civil, penal, administrative, tributary, and of any other nature, generated in or outside Panama, for reason of the information or documentation provided and/or that is reported by THE BANK, its subsidiaries and/or affiliates. Accept that THE BANK, its subsidiaries, and/or affiliates suspend or cancel definitely the financial facilities granted to THE CLIENT or to the association it represents, and that of its shareholders, partners, powers of attorneys, dignitaries, directors and final, or real beneficiaries Expressly exempts THE BANK, its subsidiaries, and/or affiliates of any lability derived from the exercise of its right to provide the information, in accordance with the authorization that through this mean THE CLIENT grants it. Accept that THE BANK, its subsidiaries, and/or affiliates may take the necessary ‘actions to comply with its obligations to report information of THE CLIENT or of his/ her operations. Accept that THE BANK, from the banking accounts that THE CLIENT maintains with THE BANK, retain or pay any sum of money that in compliance with the Law or ‘Agreement signed by THE BANK and previously known by THE CLIENT, is obliged to make, THE CLIENT declares that he agrees and accepts the terms and conditions of this Contract and that he has received, to his satisfaction a copy of the same, on this date. IN FAITH OF WHICH this Contract is signed on the____days of the moth of, of year THE BANK THE CLIENT Name: Name 28 Personal Identification Number Name of the Company (") “Note: In case of a legal person Version 8 - September 2010

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