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Quimbo, Yzahmae M.

August 16, 2022

12 GAS – 2A Sir Francis John

Assignment #1
What is Quantitative Research?

Practical Research is a challenging but also interesting subject for me. Last school year I’ve
learned a lot even if most of the lessons are needed to do in a self-study process. But I didn’t struggle
because I already have an experienced since I was only on 10 th Grade. Our subject teacher in
Mathematics made us do a Quantitative research. But beforehand we studied first the different types of
research and its design before we conducted it. We also had a research defense, in order for us to be
ready in Senior high school and College. It was group research since we’re only beginners.

Moving forward to the question, what is Quantitative Research? Based on what I can remember on what
I’ve learned, Quantitative research is a structured way of analyzing data collected using multiple sources.
It mainly uses statistical and mathematical tools along with computational theory to derive results.
Quantitative research is typically used to measure the extent of statistical results which are objectively
interpreted and shown almost similar result by all researchers. Furthermore, I can still remember my
10th grade teacher said that the data collection is the most important aspects in a quantitative research
process and requires critical thinking to prepare and obtain the required information. Over and above
that, the most widely used approach in this type of research includes a survey or a questionnaire. In a
survey different types of interviews are carried out using several methodologies like face-to-face, phone
call or online interviews. Lastly, this type of research is designed to be inferential, i.e. to be applicable, at
a level of confidence, to larger populations than the one in the actual study.

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