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I think we can agree with the author of the article that the new leader of thoughts in Europe
will be Poland or the Baltic States. While the leaders of Germany, France and Italy doubt
and cannot find a suitable option for themselves and for Ukraine, Poland openly expresses
its point of view to them, and sometimes without waiting for permits takes and does what it
should. Macron is a very controversial person, he wants to do his best, but some of his
actions are very ambiguous and question whether he definitely supports Ukraine in war, or
his goal is not to anger Putin. In my subjective opinion, Scholz is afraid to become the one
they don't like to talk about it in Germany. As stated in the article, he decided to increase the
budget of the German army, and probably he is afraid to become the leader of European
decisions, as because of one careless statement he may begin to be compared to Hitler.
What about the decision "what is victory" for Ukraine? Every Ukrainian, whether military,
politician or ordinary person, will answer you that the victory will be when all the lands of
Ukraine return to its possessions, including Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk regions. But no
politician can guarantee this outcome, as the decision will be based on what weapons and
equipment will be transferred to our military.

Joe Biden's signing of the Lend-Lease law is very symbolic for Ukraine. If we delve into the
history of World War II, Lend-Lease was signed for those who are on the right side and
confidently going to victory. The decision itself suggests that Western countries, in particular
the United States, see that Ukraine will definitely win this war. Before the signing of this law,
Ukraine was supplied with weapons, equipment and other assistance, thanks to which we
can last so long. It is also impossible not to mention the words of U.S. Secretary of Defense
L. Austin "We believe that Ukrainians can win if they have the right equipment and support."
These words show confidence in our country and our government more than ever. Joe Biden
signed the Lend-Lease law on May 9, 2022, just on Victory Day over fascism in Russia,
which also serves as a huge symbolism. Once the same law was signed by the victory over
fascist Germany, and now the same law is signed in the name of victory over rashism, which
flourishes in Russia. Thanks to the support and trust of Western countries, every Ukrainian
believes that one day he will wake up not from sirens or bomb explosions, but from a joyful
cry "We won! The war is over!"

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