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P V Satyanarayana
Dr. GVC Memorial Homoeopathic Self Reliance Forum
DRDO Township, C V Raman Nagar, Bangalore - 560093.
E-mail: Mobile: 09343 09 4787

(I feel that all the members of our HSRF Group A & B should know why Arsenic Alb. has
been advised by our Forum and Central Council of Research in Homoeopathy recommended
to improve immunity for COVID 19)

1. Homoeo medicine Arsenic Alb is potentised from a highly poisonous material white oxide
of Arsenic and belongs to mineral kingdom. This demonstrates the Law of Similars –
The most powerful Poisons make the most effective medicines. This poison creates
Anxiety – Restlessness – Prostration – Burning pains.

Note: Homoeo medicine is highly diluted form, hence there is no material dose in it.
So, Homoeo medicine is not Poisionous like material form of Arsenic. Homoeo medicines
work at energy levels not as material doses.
2. It is a polychrest (multipurpose). A profoundly acting remedy on every organ and tissue
(blood, arteries/veins, serous membranes, glands, skin, muscles, nerves, periosteum,
Joints etc.). It is an excellent remedy for acute and chronic diseases.
3. The most important guiding symptoms to prescribe this are:
 Excessive thirst for small quantity (2 or 3 sips) of water at frequent intervals.
 Aggravation of all problems after mid-night (12 – 3 am).
 Complete exhaustion and weakness with great restlessness.
 Burning pains or burning sensation, relieved by heat or warm application.
 Body should be covered warmly up to neck while head should have cool breeze.
 Feels comfortable in warm room, warm drinks, warm applications or heat.
 Likes warm food, warm drinks and warm weather.
 All discharges from anywhere eyes, ears, nose, vagina are thin corrosive, offensive
and smell of decayed flesh (Cadaveric odour). The skin on which discharge flows
becomes raw and burning. Better by warm or hot application.
 Mental and physical restlessness. Continuously changes position in bed, goes one
bed to another, one room to another. Changes place to place. He cannot find rest in
any place. Child goes one person to another person.

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4. In addition to the above guiding symptoms the following important Characteristic
behaviour of the person also guides us to prescribe this remedy to cure any disease from
cold to cancer.
 Fastidious. Perfectionist. Everything should be systematic, neat & clean and in an
order. Cannot bear disorder and confusion, becomes irritable and angry. Performs
everything with meticulous planning. Quality conscious. Well organised and executes
meticulously. Self-disciplined. Finds fault with others.
 Avarice. Highly calculative and careful in spending money. Does not waste anything.
Planned spending and savings. Possessive, greedy, miserly and selfish. His
desires are more than his need. Want to become rich by any means. Uses others for
his own benefits. Very suspicious. Cannot believe anybody. Klepto mania (irresistible
desire to commit theft).
 Great anxiety, restlessness. Anxiety for everything. Anxiety about self, family
members, future, financial matters and day to day activities, health, environment,
nature etc. Feeling of insecurity and dependency on others.
Needs company. Anxiety felt in pit of stomach. Due to anxiety pulls hair, bites nails,
tears own body & suicidal tendency. Anxiety like a person who committed murder.
Anxiety driving him out of bed at night. Aversion to meet persons, thinks that he had
offended them.
 Anxiety about health. Fear of incurable diseases and of cancer. Visits all Specialist
Doctors and repeatedly undergoes diagnostic tests till his problem is properly
diagnosed and gets an assurance of cure from them. When he is sick, becomes
hopeless and thinks that it is useless to take Medicine, develops suicidal tendency.
But does not commit due fear of death. Goes to one Doctor to another, one system of
medicine to another. He is ready to spend any amount to recover from his illness.
Great fear of infections due to Bacteria and Virus, thereby takes lot of care to get
the surroundings disinfected (now we are calling it as Sanitisation).
 Intellect, Pride and Self Esteem. Mind is sharp, active, orderly, organised, grasps
fast. Acquires good knowledge and command in the subject of interest. He is good
at language of expression. Selects/opts the professions of intellectuality.
 Has great pride and arrogance. Feels superior over others. Finds fault with others and
shows his superiority. But, he cannot tolerate criticism. Argues well to prove that he
is right.

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 Oversensitive to disorder, indiscipline, criticism (gets offended easily), change of
weather/place/food/water/job/family setup/finance etc.
 Fear of financial loss / poverty / serious illness / cancer / future / thieves / starvation /
dependency / being cheated / loneliness / death etc.
 Anger: Gets anger easily when others do not follow discipline or when he is disturbed
or due to disorder, confusion and un-cleanliness. Becomes impulsive and screams
at others with anger.
 Hallucinations: Imagines houseful of thieves, jumps out of bed and hides under the
bed or wardrobe due to fear of thieves. Some times in the night runs through the
house in search of thieves. Sees ghosts day and night.
Doubts that he has not locked house properly or not closed the cooking gas cylinder
valve and imagines disaster, comes home to check or calls neighbours on phone to
Multiple Uses of this Remedy
1. Head: Headache is relieved by cold washing and by walking in cool air. Periodical
burning pains. Itching and burning on scalp with of scales & wounds, dandruff, hair fall,
circular bare (baldy) spots, and early grey hair.
2. Eyes: Burning in eyes with irritating watery discharge and aversion to light, better by
warm application. Conjunctivitis. Swelling around eyes.
3. Ears: Thin, offensive acrid discharge. Roaring in ears during pain.
4. Nose: Nose feels stopped although it flows freely. Severe cold, Sneezing with watery
discharge without relief, worse in open air, better indoors, warm drinks and steam
5. Face: Swelling of face with accumulation of water especially below eye lids. Pimples or
any skin eruptions with burning, stinging pains, better by warm application. Black spots
and dirty skin on face. Old look of face in children.
6. Mouth: Lips turn black. Mouth blisters/ulcers with stitching and burning pains, bad
smell. Nervous pain in teeth. Unhealthy and easily bleeding gums. Better by warm
7. Throat: Throat inflammations/infections. Chronic or malignant sore throat. Burning and
very painful to swallow, better by warm food, warm drinks and warm application.
Diphtheria or gangrene of throat.

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8. Stomach: Nausea, retching and vomiting after eating or drinking. Cannot bear the sight
or smell of food. Hungry but aversion to food. Loss of appetite.
Intense desire for ice water, cold soft drinks, ice cream which cause lot of problems.
Craves sour & pungent items, alcoholic drinks, coffee, milk, fruits & vegetables, warm
food & drinks. Aversion to sweets, butter, fats and meat.
Acidity and burning in food track and stomach, better by gulping hot water or sweet
A good remedy for bad effects of:
 Eating decayed or spoiled food/meat/fish/eggs/milk/fruits adulterated food etc.
 Food items which have been added chemicals like custard powder, preservatives,
tasting powder (monosodium glutamate or ajinomoto or Chinese salt), essence,
Colouring agents, pesticides sprayed food material etc.
 Drinking soft drinks, ice water, contaminated water, alcohol. Chewing
tobacco/gutka/chewing gum etc.
 Eating watery melons, over riped fruits, ice, ice cream, raw vegetables and drinking
juices. Eating the items kept in fridge. Drinking water at new places.
 Excellent remedy for all sorts of food poisoning.
9. Abdomen: A good drug for jaundice and most of the liver ailments.
Liver and Spleen enlargement.
Good remedy for the treatment of diabetes and diabetic gangrene.
Cholera or gastroenteritis, Vomiting and purging completely drains out the energy and
develops extreme weakness, which may lead to death.
Dysentery or loose motions worse at night. Passes all kinds of stool, watery to black
bloody and with horrible odour. It is a good drug to avoid dehydration. Passes stool
immediately after eating or drinking.
10. Rectum: Piles stitching, burning, painful, protruding and bleeding worse sitting or moving.
Anus red, sore and burning. Spasmodic protrusion of rectum with pain.
11. Urine: Urine scanty, burning and involuntary. Albumin, Pus and blood in the urine. A
good drug to reduce dropsical condition (accumulation of water in the body) by creating
excessive urination. Retention of urine as if bladder is paralysed. Loss of power to

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12. Male: Swelling with accumulation of water in scrotum. Skin eruptions, eczema, ulcers,
with itching and burning, better warm application.
13. Female: Menses too early and profuse. Burning and stitching in the area of ovaries.
Menses pains, better by warmth. Leucorrhoea thin watery with bad smell, burning and
irritating, better by warm application. Cancer of uterus with burning pains.
14. Respiratory System: A good remedy for lung troubles, Chest congestion, Cough,
Asthma, Bronchitis etc. Cannot lie down, air passages constricted. Fears suffocation.
Burning in chest. Cough and wheezing worse after midnight. Phlegm does not come
out easily. Has to sit strait or leaning backward. Worse winter & rainy weather, consuming
cold items, when exposed smoke and dust. Better by drinking warm Coffee or sweet
water, warm room. Cough alternate dry and loose. Breathlessness due to climbing of
steps or walking on gradient
During mountain climbing Prevents and also relieves breathlessness and fatigue due to
very low oxygen level at high altitudes.
15. Heart: Heart troubles due to smoking or chewing tobacco. Palpitation with anxiety,
worse climbing stairs, heart attack, difficult breathing.
16. Back: Stiffness of the back ascends from tail end of the spine to upper spine. Weakness
in waist. Burning pains in back, better by warm application.
17. Hands and legs: Trembling, twitching and lot of weakness in arms and legs. Cramps in
calf muscles. Tingling in fingers. Nails turn blue. Ulcers on finger tips with burning pain.
Burning in hands and feet, better warm application. Restless feet, sciatica, better
movement and hot application. Paralysis with contraction of limbs.
18. Skin: Excellent remedy for all sorts of skin diseases like psoriasis, eczema, gangrene,
ulcers/bed sores with offensive discharge, burning and horrible itching. Rash with itching
and burning. Skin itching, burning, dry, rough, scaly, worse from cold application and
scratching. Better by warm weather, warm application and warm water bath. Ulcers
extend in width (not in depth) and discharge profuse watery or bloody or bad smelling
pus. Dissecting and poisonous wounds, anthrax poison & gangrene etc.
19. Sleep disturbed, anxious, and restless. Suffocative fits during sleep. Head must be
raised with pillow. Dreams of cares, anxiety, fear, robbers, thefts, counting of money,
deaths due to serious diseases etc.
20. Fever: High temperature, worse after midnight. Thirst for little water in frequent
intervals. Marked periodicity. Septic, malarial, typhoid fevers, Swine Flu (H1N1 Fever),

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Corona virus flu and flu or viral fevers. Complete exhaustion with great restlessness.
Very good remedy for dengue fever and destruction of blood cells or platelets.
21. Cancer: A great remedy in the treatment of cancer. In last stages of cancer it helps to a
great extent to give comfort to the patient.
22. Polluted surroundings due to accumulation of Garbage, Cyclones & Floods: Arsenic
is an excellent medicine to prevent and cure the Epidemic Diseases erupting due to
pollution and consumption of spoiled air, water & food. Podophyllum is another good
medicine. So, it is recommended for COVID as it was said that COVID19 started after
consuming meat in China.
23. Modalities: All problems worse during winter and rainy seasons, after midnight 12 - 3
am, from cold in any form, cold water bath, cold drinks/food, seashore, right side, when
alone, ascending.
Better during warm weather, warm application, warm drinks/food, warm conditions, warm
water bath, covering warmly up to neck, head elevated, with company.
24. It covers predominantly Psoric & Syphillitic miasms and partially Sycotic miasm.

Arsenic personalities can be categorized into Four Types:

Type 1: Concerned about the suffering of others (friends, relatives, and neighbours)
and helps them. Worried about misuse of the help. So, shows some authority to
control the misuse. Anxiety about conservation of environment, nature, and
natural resources for the future and works for that to create an awareness
among people.
Type 2: Concerned about his/her family members only. Controls and commands
family members in every aspect, keeping their welfare in mind. Not at all
bothered about others. But ready to take other’s help for the benefit of his/her
Type 3: Concerned only about himself / herself. Selfish. Not bothered about the
inconvenience of family members and others, except his own comforts. Family
members and others should attend to him / her timely to provide all the
comforts to him / her.
Type 4: Highly selfish, greedy and resorts to any method to grab. Gets pleasure in
accumulating wealth at the suffering of others. He does not want to spend even

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for his own comforts. Even before his death he gets pleasure by seeing at his
wealth and worried about the safety of it.

Kindly read the following Books to gain more knowledge.

1. Essence of Materia Medica – Dr. George Vitoulkas.
2. Homoeopathic Psychology – Dr. Phillip M Bailey.
3. Homoeopathic Drug Pictures – Dr. M. L. Tyler.
4. Leaders in Homoeo Therapeutics - Dr. Nash.
5. Lectures on Homoeopathic Materia Medica – Dr. Kent.
6. Pocket Manuel of Materia Medica – Dr. Willam Boricke.
7. Scholar’s Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica – Dr. Azad Rai.

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