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Rod of the Morning

magic item (rod), very rare (requires attunement)

Two diamonds, each worth 150 gp, adorn the ends of

the rod and glow from within with a yellowish
radiance. The gems cannot be removed by any means,
magical or non-magical.

The rod has 2 charges. While you hold it, you can use
an action to cast one of the following spells from it at
their base levels: healing word (expends 1 charge),
lesser restoration (expends 1 charge), or revivify
(expends 2 charges).

Any Evil-aligned creature who attempts to attune to

the rod will suffer 3d10 radiant damage upon initial
attunement and each time they cast a spell from the

The rod regains 1 expended charge daily at dawn. If

the rod is reduced to 0 charges, roll a d20. On a 1, the
diamonds at the ends of the rod explode in a burst of
radiance, dealing 3d10 radiant damage to all undead,
devils, demons, and Evil-aligned creatures within 60
item by B.J. Keeton @professorbeej
God-King's Radiance
3rd-level evocation | v, s, m (a pinch of desert sand)
casting time: 1 action | duration: instantaneous
range: self

You explode with magical energy in all

directions in a 60-foot radius sphere
centered on yourself. Each creature that
can see you must make a Dexterity
saving throw against your spell save DC
(8 + proficiency bonus + spellcasting

On a failed save, the creature takes 4d8

necrotic damage and is blinded until the
end of its next turn. On a successful save,
it takes half as much damage and is not
blinded. by B.J. Keeton @professorbeej

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