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Hello, so first of all, the whole idea was, in my opinion, brilliant, i

mean, the whole idea of using the pronouns ‘I’ and ‘you’ and express it
with only the letters that has the same sound as these pronouns, all of this
to illustrate the notion of two persons from the perspective of one of em is
really cool. It’s an idea I'd never think of, since it is literally using simple
letters, so it’s a simple start that i think we generally wouldn’t think of.
And what’s brilliant is the fact that this simple path leads to a really dense
and poetic story. In the beginning, it looks like a little tale that isn’t that
special, but the whole setting, with the idea that « all was awry » since all
the ‘u’ were gone missing, made us understand how deep they searched for
the plot, the meaning, and the general, dare i call it ‘pun’ around the letter,
the pronouns and what they signify. Also, all the objects and places having
their name written on is really smart, since we’re in this universe of letters,
words, where the main character is an author who misses her U. It
highlights the whole idea that the creator wants to share. The only real con
I find in the whole concept is the animation, I’m not a big fan of the
animation style but it’s only my taste, and everyone has a different opinion
on that so I don’t think I would say it’s a bad thing if we think on the
critical side rather than on personal opinion. I really love the end, when the
narrator says “so that’s the story of how I find U and they became WE”
with the isle having the shape of the pronoun we. It’s really wholesome, it
made me smile, and, I think I can say that it was a general reaction, the
ending was quite heart-melting.

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