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饱尝辛酸 taste to the full the bitterness of life

备尝辛苦 suffer untold hardships

柴米油盐 chief daily necessities
柴米夫妻 a couple who live from hand to mouth
炒冷饭 rehash; dish up the same old stuff
炒鱿鱼 give someone the sack
吃白饭 live off others
吃不了兜着走 land oneself in serious trouble
吃醋 be jealous
吃太平饭 enjoy a peaceful life
吃闲饭 lead an idle life
吃现成饭 enjoy the fruits of others’ work
重起炉灶 make a fresh start
分一杯羹 take a share of the spoils or profits
灌迷魂汤 try to ensnare sb with honeyed words
火候 level of attainment
夹生饭 a job not thoroughly done
家常便饭 routine in the day’s work
捡了芝麻丢了西瓜 concentrate on minor matters to the neglect of major ones
敬酒不吃吃罚酒 be constrained to do what one at first refused to
旧瓶装新酒 new content in old from
啃书本 delve into books
捞油水 get a squeeze
露馅儿 spill the beans
生米煮成熟饭 what’s done has done
食而不化 read without understanding
酸甜苦辣 joys and sorrows of life
尝到甜头 become aware of the benefits of
铁饭碗 a secure job
味同嚼蜡 insipid
对胃口 to one’s liking
香饽饽 favorite
一锅粥 a complete mess
一锅煮 treat different persons or things alike
余味 pleasant impression
自食其果 reap what one has sown

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