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暗下决心 make up one’s mind secretly

暗地里 inwardly; on the sly

暗处 a covert place
暗号 countersign; watchword
暗疾 unmentionable disease
暗器 hidden weapon
暗无天日 total absence of justice
暗喜 code word
明处 in the open
明察暗访 conduct a thorough investigation
明来暗往 have overt and covert contacts with someone
明镜高悬 an impartial and perspicacious judge
明枪暗箭 open and covert attacks
明人不做暗事 an honest man does nothing underhand
明升暗降 a promotion in appearance but a demotion in fact
明修栈道 暗渡陈仓 do one thing under cover of another
明一套暗一套 act one way in the open and another way in secret
明争暗斗 both open strife and veiled struggle
明珠暗投 a good person fallen among bad company
弃暗投明 leave the reactionary side and cross over to the side of progress

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