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Fabiola Epigmenio Leandro

EDU 214

Why Do I Want To Be A Teacher

My passion for teaching developed last year, when my youngest brother Thiago, had begun Kindergarten.

Thiago’s teacher, Ms.Molina would consistently have a smile on her face and she tremendously showed

support towards her students.When I would pick up Thiago from school, I could hear the students singing

and embracing excitement. Ms. Molina has truly inspired me to want to become a teacher because of all

her hard work, she applied and did for her students. I arrived in the United States when I was just two years

old. When I began Kindergarten I did not have the support teachers give their students now, I had to learn

English on my own, it is something I do not desire any student to go through. I adore helping in any way I

possibly can and teaching is the best opportunity for me.

One of the many things I can offer being a teacher is showing support towards my students, students might

not get the same support from their parents like students do at school. Being a positive influence for

students will strive them to work harder and will encourage students to achieve their goals. Communicating

with students would be another important factor because this will majorly impact the students growth and

build their self esteem, when a teacher has good communication a student will most likely trust a teacher

and have good communication skills. Another matter I could offer is giving the students an opportunity to

identify what they are capable of doing, this will allow me to distinguish each student's potential.

I’m afraid of failing because it is important for a teacher to make sure each student is making progress and

growth but doing indoor classroom activities will help me gain each student’s knowledge and what I can do

to help each and every one of them. I would like to start off every morning full of excitement ready to teach
Fabiola Epigmenio Leandro
EDU 214

my students and every one of them going home with green cards.

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