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Artwork Title: The Old Guitarist

Artist/Culture: Pablo Picasso
Date Published: 1903 - 1904

1. Describe the physical characteristics and contents of the work of art. What objects
and shapes can you see? Is this art or imaginary?
Based on my own observation, the physical characteristics of the art of Pablo Picasso “The Old Guitarist”, are old, sadness and
sorrow. For me it has a deep meaning content about the work of Pablo Picasso. In my own opinion it is based on the experience on life
or the meaning of life or either the state of life. As you can observe in artwork, the object and shapes you can see there are the Old man,
the guitar and even the shape of the window at her back is like a rectangular or square type.
As mentioned on the book that I have here since I was a junior high school, “The Old Guitarist” is an art since it was painted using
an oil.

2. What inspires the artist to draw? What urges the artist to portrait such art?
As I read more on the book that I have on junior days, if I’m not mistaken, Pablo Picasso draw the art just to show what was his state
on during that period or his experience or his life that time. Picasso urges to portrait the art just to show what was the state of his life
during that period. To show that Pablo Picasso was experiencing poverty.
3. How does the artwork make you
think or feel? What do you think the
artist is trying to make you think
about? Imagine you are inside of the
painting. Wat does it feel like?
The artwork conveys a message about “The Old Guitarist” to make me feel that
being an artist puts some efforts and creates moral values. Also, the state of life as
being poor on that period and living in a full of circumstances that time. But music
makes the way out of the problem which represents the guitar. If I’m inside the
painting, I would also feel sadness because on my observation it is full of sadness
because of the state of life that time or period.

4. Form a judgment or opinion. What

is the best part of the painting? After
looking at itmore closely do you like
the painting more?

For me, the best part of the painting

is the old man holding a guitar. But the
behind stories about it, is sorrow and
grief. Then based on my own, through
looking more closely to the painting, you
would feel like so much pain. That’s why
I like the painting more, because of what
I’d read on the websites, that the
painting also representing the life of
Pablo Picasso during the Blue-Period
and his state of life that time.

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