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1. The twins, Alice and Anthony, woke at 6:30 in the morning. 2.

They grinned at each

other and ran down the stairs, not bothering to wait for their parents. 3. They
remember when they were younger and they thought Santa had actually brought their
presents. They knew better now. 4. Every year their parents bought them top of the line
clothes or the newest toys. This year they were expecting cars as they would be turning
16 soon enough. 5. Alice and Anthony were ripping through presents from various
extended family members, searching for the ones from their parents. They had opened
half the presents before they found one from their parents with both of their names on
it. 6. They were livid they had to share a present. Their parents were hardly down the
steps before the twins were bombarding them with questions. Alice wanted to know
where the rest of the presents were from them. Anthony wanted to know how he could
possibly share a present with Alice. It was already bad enough they shared a room. 7.
Their parents merely explained how they thought this present was going to be the most
valuable one they’ve ever gotten. 8. They ripped the four giant red bows off and then
fought over tearing off the shimmering paper. 9. Alice and Anthony both reached inside
and found one set of keys. “You’ve got to be kidding me!” Alice said. “You expect us to
share a car too?” Anthony wailed. 10. Their dad told them they should go look at it in
the driveway. 11. The twins raced to the front door, pushing each other in the process.
When Alice opened the door she screamed and Anthony dropped the keys. Their
parents had given them their dad’s first car. A 1972 voltzwagon with rust practically
covering the entire hood of the car. The twins got a beater for Christmas.
4. to the Christmas tree. 2.

1. The twins, Alice and Anthony, woke at 6:30 in the morning. 2. They scowled for being up
this early, even though it was Christmas, and fell back asleep. 3. Alice was dreaming of
waking her parents up early as they used to do as children and rushing downstairs.
Anthony was pretending to be asleep to not look too excited in front of Alice. 4. Their
house wasn’t impressive by any means, but it was quaint and the twins honestly didn’t
want anything bigger. Though they would never admit it, they liked sharing a room. 5.
Three hours later Anthony fillany thought of what to say, “We should probably go get
mom and dad.” Trying to hide her excitement, Alice replied with, “Yeah, I think they’d
want us to be opening presents by now.” 6. The twins saw their parents had already left
their bedroom and were wainting for them by the Christmas Tree. The twins and
parents took turns opening one present at a time, so each could watch the other’s
reactions. 7. After Anthony and Alice thought all the presents were opened their parents
brought out one more box, no bigger than a dixie cup. 8.

1. The twins, Alice and Anthony, woke at 6:30 in the morning. 2. They got up, brushed
their teeth and tiptoed into their parents’ room. 3. The two have greeted their parents
on Christmas morning with hugs and good morning kisses for as long as they’ve been
able to walk. 4. They lived in a single level, two bedroom, home. Alice and Anthony
saved for two months and each and were thrilled to show their parents the gifts they
bought. 5. Alice and Anthony unwrapped their present together, taking extra care not to
rip the paper. They reused it every year. 6. Before they finished opening the box they
insisted their parents open the one’s from them. 7. Their parents shook their heads and
nudged them towards their present. 8. They finished opening the box and were startled
with what they say. It was a younger picture of their father and mother with their family
car and sitting on top of it were the keys. 9. Alice and Anthony shook their heads.
“Mom, Dad we can’t take your car,” Anthony said.
“You need it to get to work,” Alice said.
10. Their dad explained how he could ride his bike and their mom could take the bus.
Their mom told them they would be taking their driver’s tests soon and needed to be
able to practice. She did not want them to be without a car when they turned sixteen.
11. Tears welled in their eyes and Anthony and Alice each hugged their parents, not
wanting the moment to end.

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