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Foundation of Education

I. Introduction

Foundations of Education is broadly-conceived field of educational study that derives its

character and methods from a number of academic disciplines, combinations of disciplines, and

area studies, including: history, philosophy, sociology, anthropology, religion, political science,

economics, psychology, cultural studies, gender studies, comparative and international

education, educational studies, and educational policy studies. As distinct from Psychological

Foundations of Education, which rely on the behavioral sciences, these Standards address the

Social Foundations of Education, which rely heavily on the disciplines and methodologies of the

humanities, particularly history and philosophy, and the social scienes, such as sociology and

political science.

II. Definition

Education- My definition of education would be to learn or to gain knowledge of something

through the teaching of others or through ones self.

- Is the acquisition of knowledge, skills and attitudes that make man do better. It is

not only a preparation for life but it self. This is because throughout life man learn

many things in and out of school change his life for the better.

- Is informal if the things learned are acquired outside the schools systems. It is

formal if the things learned are acquired within a formally organized school system.
Foundation - Is base upon which any structure or sytems stands. A strong foundtion makes the

structure or system firmly established and strong enough to be able to serve its purpose and to

survive calamitious events. The structure or system is like a house with a strong foundation which

cannot be blown down by a typhoon nor wrecked by an earthquake no matter how strong these

natural disasters are.

Foundation of Educatrion- Are those system or sciences upon which education stands and has its

roots, origins, or bases.

-Are those of education from which education arose and came into

being. They are the factors that affected education so much, particularly, curriculum


III. Purpose of Founation of Education

The purpose of foundations study is to bring these disciplinary resources to bear in

developing interpretive, normative, and critical perspectives on education, both inside and

outside of schools. The interpretive perspectives use concepts and theories developed within the

humanities and the social sciences to assist students in examining, understanding, and explaining

education within different contexts. Foundational studies promote analysis of the intent,

meaning, and effects of educational institutions, including schools. Such studies attend

particularly to the diverse contexts within which educational phenomena occur, and how

interpretation can vary with different historical, philosophical, and cultural perspectives.
IV. Six Foundation of Education

1. Psychology

It is the stufdy of human behavior, of how person acts and reacts under different

situations, conciously or unconciously, mentally, physiologically, physically,

overtly or covertly. It is the study of man’s reactions to life stimultions.

2. Sociology

It is the study of human being living in groups, of how people act and interact

under different social situations, and how they relate themselves to one another.

Terms that indicate group action and used here such as cooperate, team work,

sociable, conflict etc.

3. Anthropology

It is the study of civillization and cultures of people: their origins, customs,

traditions, beliefs, more, folkways and practices. Also included are languages,

form of writing, tools and weaponms, buildings and other physical structures.

4. History

It is the stdudy of past events that makes us understand the present situation, and

to enable us to predict future events.

5. Philosophy

It is a systematized truth or principle tha serves us a guide for conduct or thinking.

It is a fixed idea or principle arrived at after a very rigid scrutiny or study of the

state of things, situation or events.

6. Legality

Refers to the conformity to the laws passed by the State to established and guide

the conduct of educational system. The constitution is the most important legal

document that establishes and guides the conduct of an educational system. It

contains the philosophy of education of the country.


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