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Living in the IT Era

Module 1: Uses of ICT in Our Daily Lives

Impact of ICT in the Society
Uses of ICT In Our Daily Lives
● Attaining services from businesses
● Hospitals
● Utilities
● Government
● Purchasing Products and Services
● Doing personal and Business transactions
● Expressing Social Advocacy and Awareness

Impact of ICT in The Society

Positive impacts of Information and Communication Technology
● Access to information:
Increase in access to information and services that has accompanied the growth of the Internet. Some of
the positive aspects of this increased access are better, and often cheaper, communications, such as VoIP
phone and Instant Messaging.
● Improved access to education
● New ways of learning

Positive impacts of Information and Communication Technology

● New tools, new opportunities: ICT gives access to new tools that
did not previously exist
● Communication: Cost savings
● Information management: Data mining of customer information to
produce lists for targeted advertising.

Positive impacts of Information and Communication Technology

● Security: ICT solves or reduces some security problems,
● ICT allows people to participate in a wider, even worldwide, society.
● Distance learning: students can access teaching materials from all over the world.
● ICT facilitates the ability to perform ‘impossible’ experiments’ by using simulations.
● Creation of new more interesting jobs.

Negative impacts of Information and Communication Technology

● Job loss: Manual operations being replaced by automation.
● Reduced personal interaction
● Reduced physical activity
● Cost
● Competition
Module 2: Living in the IT Era
Earliest Computers originally calculations were computed by humans, whose job title was computers.
• These human computers were typically engaged in the calculation of a mathematical expression.
• The calculations of this period were specialized and expensive, requiring years of training in
• The first use of the word "computer" was recorded in 1613, referring to a person who carried out
calculations, or computations, and the word continued to be used in that sense until the middle of the
20th century.

a) Abacus
An abacus is a mechanical device used to aid an individual in performing mathematical calculations.
• The abacus was invented in Babylonia in 2400 B.C.
• The abacus in the form we are most familiar with was first used in China in around 500 B.C.
• It used to perform basic arithmetic operations.
b) Napier’s Bones
Invented by John Napier in 1614.
• Allowed the operator to multiply, divide and calculate square and cube roots by moving the rods
around and placing them in specially constructed boards.
c) Pascaline
• Invented by Blaise Pascal in 1642.
• It was its limitation to addition and subtraction.
• It is too expensive.
d) Stepped Reckoner
• Invented by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz in 1672.
• The machine that can add, subtract, multiply and divide automatically.
e) Difference Engine and Analytical Engine
• It an automatic, mechanical calculator designed to tabulate polynomial functions.
• Invented by Charles Babbage in 1822 and 1834
• It is the first mechanical computer.
f.) Tabulating Machine
• Invented by Herman Hollerith in 1890.
• To assist in summarizing information and accounting.
g) Harvard Mark 1
• Also known as IBM Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator (ASCC).
• Invented by Howard H. Aiken in 1943
• The first electro-mechanical computer.
• ENIAC stands for Electronic Numerical Integrator & Computer.
• It was the first electronic general-purpose computer.
• Completed in 1946.
• Developed by John Presper Eckert and John Mauchly.
• The UNIVAC I (UNIVersal Automatic Computer 1) was the first commercial computer.
• Designed by John Presper Eckert and John Mauchly.
j) IBM (PC)
• On August 12, 1981, announced its personal computer.
• ready made machine.
Introduced in January 1984 it was immediately success.
Uses mouse, manually typing commands.

Definition of Computer
Computer is a programmable machine.
Computer is an electronic device that manipulates information, or data. It has the ability to store,
retrieve, and process data.
Computer is a machine that manipulates data according to a list of instructions (program).
Computer is any device which aids humans in performing various kinds of computations or calculations.

Three principal characteristics of computer:

● It responds to a specific set of instructions in a well-defined manner
● It can execute a pre-recorded list of instructions.
● It can quickly store and retrieve large amounts of data.

Applications of ICT (Computers) in Our Daily Lives

1. Business
2. Education
3. Healthcare
4. Retail and Trade
5. Government
6. Marketing
7. Science
8. Publishing
9. Arts and Intertainment
10. Communication
11. Bank and Finance
12. Transport
13. Navigation
14. Work from Home
15. Military
16. Social and Romance
17. Booking Vacations
18. Security and Surveillance
19. Weather Forecasting
20. Robotics

Generation of Computers
● Main Electronic Component - Vacuum Tube
● Consume a lot of electricity and generate a lot of heat.
Second Generation (1956-1963)
● Main Electronic Component - Transistor
● Smaller in size, low power consumption, and generated less heat
Third Generation (1964-1971)
● Main Electronic Component - Integrated Circuits
● They were called minicomputers
● Smaller, cheaper, and more efficient than second-generation computers.
Fourth Generation (1971- Present)
● Main Electronic Components - Microprocessor
● Contain all circuits to perform arithmetic, logic, and control functions.
Fifth Generation ( Present and Future)
● Main Electronic Component - Ultra Large-Scale Integration (ULSI) technology and parallel
processing method.
● The technology behind the fifth generation of computers is Al (list of permissions used in
physical and information technology.

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