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plump fleshy or overweight lanky very thin, tall and ungraceful corpulent excessively fat spindly long, thin, suggesting weakness obese medically very overweight feeble weak, lacking in muscular power muscular strong with well-developed delicate easily injured or easily made ill muscles frail delicate, usually in poor health stout rather fat and heavy at the same time gaunt thin, extremely weak, as though from lack of food hefty big and strong sickly often ill husky strong and powerfully built bony —_very thin, as though the bones burly large in body, bulky and stout show through the skin virile exhibiting physical strength and skinny very thin sexual power decrepit _ weak and in bad condition sturdy possessing excellent health from old age and strength senile (connected with old age) robust strong, healthy with stamina showing the weakness of the body and especially of the mind Exercise A> >> Complete the table with the noun derived from the corresponding adjective. ADJECTIVES NOUNS ADJECTIVES NOUNS corpulent stout obese frail virile senile decrepit muscular Exercise B> >> Make three lists of adjectives that come under the headings of: STRONG FAT WEAK Vocabulary Development Task One>>> Tick the one word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the word(s) in heavy type 1 An ex-convict is a person 1 about to be punished 1B who has oiready Undergone punishment 2. sone individual is 1D heathy in mind 0 mad 3 A naked person 17 has his dlothes on 5 hasn't got his clathes on 4-An enemy thot capitulates 7 surrenders 1 fights tothe biter end 5 People who abide by the law 7) observe it Oi disregard it 6 An unserupulous man 1D Is guided by conscience is not guided by conscience 7 A graceful wornan (is attractive in movernent 10 is unatroctve in movement 8 A friend sticking to his promises ( keeps them 1 breaks them 9A blunt person is invariably polite 1H doesnt toke the trouble to be polte 10.4 convent is another word for ©) monastery for wornen 1 school Task Two> >> What are the nouns derived from the adjectives listed below? ADJECTIVES NOUNS ADJECTIVES — NOUNS chivalrous notorious treacherous loyal poor fit prosperous persistent royal noble sane cruel Task Three> >> Complete the sentences using the words defined below. mpulsive - very difficult to stop or control compulsory - something that must be done either by rules, laws, etc A vision test is when you are applying for a driver's license. plump - slightly fat plumber -sb who fixes or installs water pipes, radiators, showers, etc. Although Sharon is a bit ‘she still seems fit and healthy. stout - rather fat and heavy stately - impressive and dignified Who do you suppose fives in that mansion? igh spirits - cheerful and happy in low spirits - rather depressed Jason was __ for weeks after crashing his car. capitulate - surrender on stated conditions; come to terms with the enemy and surrender recapitulate - go through the main points Can you please _ that for me; fm not sure | understood. vow - swear solemnly that one will do something avow - admit or declare openly Will you to stop smoking if | stop eating chocolate? curtail - cut down/back on; reduce = make something necessar} Don't agree to take on the job until you are sure what it Task Four >>> cross out the words in lists A and B which are not synonymous with the words in CAPITAL letters. ‘A CHIVALROUS 8 TREACHEROUS 15 corpulent 0 false 7 gallant 1D disloyal 1 courteous O feithful 5 courageous 0 trustworthy 5 blunt 1B dependable 1 robust 1 deceitful 10 honorable 1D underhand 5 double-faced 1 reliable

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